Friday, June 3, 2011

The Best Wine

Ever wonder why some wines taste so much better than others from the same area, and sometimes from the same vineyard? Terroir- where the vines are located.

The best fruit, when it comes to the noble grape, is when it is stressed and starved and generally located in the poorest soil on the hill. You would think if you put Miracle Grow and fertilizer on, and pampered the heck out of them, that the wine created from those grapes would be fantastic right? Nope- ruined; good for $2 Chuck or worse yet, relegated to become vinegar.

I sometimes wonder why I can't catch a break so to speak, why life has to be so hard. Could it be that God is allowing the stress and strain of this life to create one with character and seasoning that is used for a blessing to others? They will know us by our fruit.

I hope these blogs can be used to help others when crap happens.