Hard to imagine it was 30 years ago that I got involved with Campus Crusade for Christ at San Diego State University. This past weekend we had a 30 year reunion; great seeing old faces-literally. Many old stories revisited. I'm reminded of one of the summers we did a skit and I remember lighting a BIC lighter and saying the line "Turn or Burn" and the guy blows out the BIC and walks away. The point being don't bother me...I'm busy.
When the Titanic was on its maiden (and only) voyage, warnings were coming over the airwaves "careful, icebergs sighted in the area." The premise for the Titanic was that it was unsinkable, and the staff bought into that idea. The response from the bridge of the Titanic came back "shut up don't bother us."
Many years ago, that was my attitude "shut up, don't bother me, leave me alone I'm having too much fun right now." But there it was, I was invited to attend an event called Decide 80. One of the sponsors of the event was Campus Crusade...and so I turned.