Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Grass Monster

"It's my job to hurt 'em and your job to heal 'em." 

Now before you call CPS, let me explain...

That's what I used to tell my wife when my boys and I--well, actually all the neighborhood kids--would gather to play Grass Monster. We live on a hill and had planted super thick St. Augustine grass. That's the stuff you can bounce a kid off. Well, not really, but it is extremely thick and forgiving. As grass monster, I would be on all fours. When the kids attacked me all at once, I would fling them every which way. And every once in a while someone would get hurt, the kind of hurt only a mom's kiss would heal.
Good times. 
As a father, when real danger is lurking, I am here to protect and serve my family. How much more do you think our Heavenly Father cares for us?