Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Rudder

Shoulda, coulda, woulda...What might have been. What could have been. What should have been. Setting up camp around these thoughts can anchor us in the mire and muck of mediocrity, moping around as if we are there to stay. God has never called us to settle for burying our talents, or having a bad attitude when everything doesn't go our way. Failure is imminent or we'd never know success. Edison said "In order to succeed, you must first double your failure rate."

Last time I checked, my kids are a reflection of me. I can let them run around with scuff marks on their faces, and holes in their shoes and socks and have a sucky attitude.But frankly, I'd rather see them looking and feeling good and loved. Similarly, our Heavenly Father is Master of the Universe and owns the cattle on a thousand hills. As a reflection of Him, I'm told so many times in Scripture that as an Ambassador for Him, as Royalty, certain rights like being able to ask Him to bless our relationships, businesses, family and friends. These come with the territory of God being our Father.

Proverbs 24:16 (New Living Translation)
16 The Godly may trip and fall seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the ungodly.

Everybody fails. I think back on those who tried and risked and lost...but got up and tried, tried again--Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Colonel Sanders, just to name a few. Had they given up after the first set back, there's a chance we would still be under segregation, eating by candlelight, and chicken might not be be so finger lickin' good.

I got to thinking about the temporary setback of my dream to eventually have my own Bed and Breakfast. Out of the blue, an opportunity to interview for a Hotel Manager position happened this past week. The dream has been re-ignited...

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