Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Rudder

Perception is often each person's reality whether that reality is true or not. Your perception of a situation is going to dictate your response more than the actual reality of it. Our life experiences, our past treatment of circumstances, and our personalities all contribute to how we view situations in daily life. We all see things through our own set of glasses at times. Men view things differently than women. I view things differently from my wife...

For instance, Janet just accepted a job offer back in San Diego that will cover our basic bills. The crazy thing is it was one interview vs my hundreds. How does one perceive that?

My perception is that God has always come through based on personal past circumstances combined with His nature of Love, Compassion, Grace, Favor, Mercy, and our Faith. In our 23 years of marriage, we have had several "seasons" where financially things got pretty bleak. That is the nature of 100% commission self employment, yet, our basic needs have always been met. I treat our current condition in the same light. He will bless us not because of what we can bring to the table, but because of who He is. By living fearless in a fearful world.

My wife's perception employs structure and security; she likes to know that what comes in will cover what's going out. Must be a chick thing...When God knit her and designed her, one of her attributes was that of administration and of rhyme and reason, and method. She completes me and balances the family...And we need her balance!

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom" (James 3:13-14).

Through wisdom, discernment, prayer and seeking His face, we will see how this plays out and what the future holds both here in Atlanta or there in San Diego.

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