Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So I'm replacing DVD's in their plastic cases and I come across Finding Nemo. I can watch it over and over and not get tired of viewing. I love the part where the sea gulls are all saying "Mine, Mine, Mine..."

On our trip across country to San Diego last week, I overheard the boys on several occasions say "Stop, don't touch, that's Mine."

Mine. Mine. Mine..God's?

Psalms 24:1 says-The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to him.

It's all His! I'm not the owner-I'm just managing everything He happens to allow me to have or be involved with. Time, efforts, even money and physical things, I need to be a good steward with. The hard part is the trusting.

Trusting that He is good all the time, and that it's okay when we loosen the grasp on, well, everything. The thing is, if we get stripped of some things, it shouldn't stress us since they were His anyway.

My cat's had it going on in N GA. Their backyard was a golf course and lake. Food and fun was prevalent everywhere. So when it came to taking them from that lifestyle, and driving 2000 miles; they freaked! They didn't realize I can be trusted; that I have a good plan for them. They would be fine and safe in my arms. There was no need for the guttural meow of anxiety! Now they are here, and they are settling in nicely. However, as a good "Dad" I have to take away their freedom somewhat in order to protect them from unknown dangers unfamiliar to them-cars, coyotes, cats, and carnivores to name a few. I know what's best for them, and playing outside at night or in the street isn't best.

It's addition by subtraction; I'm adding to their life as I'm taking away potential life changing situations...

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