Sunday, July 25, 2010

Free Motorhome?

Did I ever tell the story how I got this Motorhome for free? Ever since I saw the first one on the road in the 70's I thought these were pretty cool. I still collect Hot Wheels-you know the little metal cars by Mattel that "kids" play with. Over 50 different models based on this Motorhome have been produced over the years. The most famous was the Urban Assault Vehicle from the movie "Stripes"

Anyway, my wife and I wanted to get either a trailer or Motorhome as the boys were growing up. We looked for a couple years, but couldn't find the right one-too junky, and one might break down in the middle of nowhere. Too nice, and one might get upset about beach sand, dirt (and spilt milk.) So that Summer came and went, and again no Motorhome, so we donated the monies saved to the church we attended at the time. The very next day, I get a call from a guy who handles all the donations for Childrens Hospital. He says he has the perfect one for me for 3500! We would have bough it for much more.

A couple years later we sold it-for a profit, and bought a CalTrans Orange one like the picture. I had it a mere 6 hours when someone offered me three times what I paid for it... Six hours! That profit was used to buy the one pictured for free! See how God works things out!

So again, when I start to worry about sales or lack of, I'm reminded that our God is good and He's good all the time!

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27).

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