Friday, September 17, 2010

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Had a little scare this week when I started coughing up blood.

I've been learning some new vocabulary; systemic, membranes, drug interaction, side effects, chemical therapy (chemo). Melanoma Carcinoma. Just the sound of that one sounds scary doesn't it? What I thought was just going to be a routine mole check turned out to be a little something more, as an area not associated with moles was discovered; about the size of a Quarter on the surface, and a lopsided Silver Dollar beneath.

I was scared for a moment, but that passed when I again realized that God is in control, has our days numbered, and knew us while in the womb, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

The jury is still out as to whether it is sun related or just one more story to tell. I'm leaning toward the latter since my hands, arms, ears, etc are and always have been in the sun yet statistically, skin cancer starts in areas that either are generally covered or have had sunscreen applied. Historically, prior to the 60's, skin cancer was an aberration, but in the 60's, PABA as a sunscreen touted to protect skin from premature aging was introduced. Today chances of getting skin cancer are much higher, now whether there is a correlation between the two remains to be seen. One thing is clear however, that demographic areas that have extended periods where there is lack of sun exposure incur higher rates of skin cancer, diabetes, lack of energy, and depression. More and more research is being conducted on the interaction between the suns rays, calcium, vitamins A and D, and the importance of those for better overall health.

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