Monday, December 17, 2012
Dirty Windows
My Cousin Vinny is one of my favorite movies; I actually prefer the TV version as the language can get a bit crude at times. One of my favorite scenes is when Vinny is asking questions to Mr Crane one of the witnesses...
Vinny Gambini: Mr. Crane, what are these pictures of?
Ernie Crane: My house and stuff.
Vinny Gambini: House and stuff. And what is this brown stuff on your window.
Ernie Crane: Dirt.
Vinny Gambini: Dirt. And what is this rusty, dusty, dirty looking thing that's covering your window?
Ernie Crane: That's a screen.
Vinny Gambini: A screen! It's a screen. And what are these really big things that are right in the middle of your view of the Sac-o-Suds and your kitchen window, what do we call these big things?
Ernie Crane: Trees?
Vinny Gambini: Trees, that's right, don't be afraid just shout 'em right out when you know 'em. And what are these thousands of little things that are on trees?
Ernie Crane: Leaves.
Vinny Gambini: And these big bushy things between the trees.
Ernie Crane: Bushes.
Ernie Crane: Bushes. So, Mr. Crane, you can positively identify the defendants, for a moment of 2 seconds, looking through this dirty window, this crud covered screen, all of these trees, with all of these leaves on them, and I don't know how many bushes.
Ernie Crane: Looks like five.
Vinny Gambini: Uh, uh, uh, don't forget, this one and this one.
Ernie Crane: Seven bushes!
Vinny Gambini: Seven bushes. So, what do you think? Isn't possible you just saw two guys in a green convertable and not necessarily these two particular guys?
Ernie Crane: I suppose.
Vinny Gambini: I'm finished with this guy.
Life really depends on the aperture we use doesn't it? The world's filter is quite different than God's filter. Jesus was born to proclaim good news and tells us to Love God and Love others. If we filter all or actions and attitudes through that lens what a wonderful world it would be.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Memorable Zig Ziglar Quotes
Some of my favorite one liners are
"Your attitude determines your altitude."
"People don't buy for logical reasons; they buy for emotional reasons."
"Failure is an event, not a person."
"Want a friend? Be a friend."
"Expect the best but prepare for the worst."
"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." Or that might be one of Covey's?
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thanksgiving 2012
1621- The few remaining Pilgrims gathered together to give thanks and praise to God.
1770- The Doxology written by Ken Thomas after 70% of London burned down yet his church survived "Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."
1863 President Lincoln establishes Thanksgiving a National Holiday-
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consiousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.
1943- Corrie Ten Boom gives thanks for the fleas-The Nazi's would not enter her barracks to abuse them because of the fleas.
2012- It's all about Black Friday.
Monday, September 10, 2012
What is a toxin, is it a benefit or a detriment? Don't be shy, when you have the answer you can say it. They say Elvis died with 15lbs of a backed up colon! If anyone needed a colon detox you see on those infomercials, it was him.
Our home is over 120 years old, and sometimes more than liquid plumber is needed to clear the pipes. In our lives there are some things we can't do by ourselves, and need a professional. I'm reminded of some of the latest "" commercials where questions are asked of the wrong people...Silly. Yet many times that is exactly what we do; we fail to go to the Professional who made us in His image.
When our lives get disrupted, we can no longer depend on the things we did before, and we don't have control over our circumstances or timetable. Maybe God is doing some detox in our lives?
However, even in the midst of the re-construction, the glory of the Lord is revealed in that place. For some, it is the first time they've ever seen the hand of the Lord in their life to the degree that this process allows them to experience Him. It is a process they would never choose to go through voluntarily, but it is an experience they value for the rest of their lives because the glory of the Lord was revealed in the process. Once the process is complete, things begin to flow better, and for that to happen, we may have to wait patiently on The Lord.
Like St Augstine said- "You have made us for yourself O Lord, and our soul is restless until it finds rest in You."
Monday, September 3, 2012
Years ago in the 80's, Miles Mcpherson of San Diego's The Rock Church, used to meet one on one with me for a weekly mentoring and discipleship. Get this; we would meet at 5am on Tuesday mornings. One series, we went through the book of Philemon in the New Testament. I called him up one morning to say I couldn't make it in, I wasn't feeling well. "Just read verse 8 and 9 of Philemon" he said... "Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love."
We live up on a knoll and sounds always travel up. The other night In heard a very ugly fight going on somewhere in the valley. Lots of unwholesome words coming from both parties and escalating louder and louder- heads butting like two mountain goats from a Dodge Ram commercial from the 90's.
So I turn on the TV to drown out the craziness below and surf the channels when I come across Richard Attenborough narrating a Nature sequence with two mountain goats on a steep impasse. As the goats approached each other, each feinted a power move at the other in what looked like the beginning of a battle. In a surprise twist, however, one goat suddenly collapsed onto the narrow ledge so the other goat could walk over its back. Then each moved on.
I was impressed and wanted to share with the couple below in the valley. Here was strength defined by submission. It allowed two opponents to survive a crisis so both could get on with more important things. Guess what, sometimes (mostly) putting others first is best. My dad put it best-True JOY is Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Loan Modification Rant
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Run the Race
You know the Olympics were talked about in the Bible....Really. Hebrews 12:1 says ...
12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
Well, maybe not, but seriously how many of you start something without seeing it through to the final outcome? I almost always start the day in prayer in the Jacuzzi while watching the sunrise, but all it takes is a singing bird, ice crystals up in the stratosphere, or a cat jumping up curiously to see what I'm doing to get off tack...You get the idea, I am easily sidetracked and distracted. Would an Olympian running running a Marathon stop to smell the roses, sign autographs etc?
You and I run the race for the prize that lies ahead, even when we get off track and lose our way we are not lost; just need to refocus and fix our eyes on the prize. Even when we stumble and fall don't stay there, get up the race can still be won. His grip is sure, there's no letting go today, no way.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Target and a Retired Husband
A friend sent me this, I thought I would pass it along...FYI-PG
"After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target.
Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out.
Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse.
Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from the local Target: Dear Mrs. Harris,
Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store.
We cannot tolerate this behavior and have been forced to ban both of you from the store. Our complaints against your husband, Mr. Harris, are listed below and are documented by our video surveillance cameras:
1. June 15: He took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in other people's carts when they weren't looking.
2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.
3. July 7: He made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the women's restroom.
4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official voice,'Code 3 in Housewares. Get on it right away'. This caused the employee to leave her assigned station and receive a reprimand from her Supervisor that in turn resulted with a union grievance, causing management to lose time and costing the company money. We don't have a Code 3.
5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and tried to put a bag of M&Ms on layaway.
6. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. August 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and told the children shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring pillows and blankets from the bedding department to which twenty children obliged. 8. August 23: When a clerk asked if they could help him he began crying and screamed, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?' EMTs were called.
9. September 4: Looked right into the security camera and used it as a mirror while he picked his nose.
10. September 10: While handling guns in the hunting department, he asked the clerk where the antidepressants were.
11. October 3: Darted around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the ' Mission Impossible' theme. 12. October 6 In the auto department, he practiced his 'Madonna look' using different sizes of funnels.
13. October 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed through, yelled 'PICK ME! PICK ME!'
14. October 22: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed a fetal position and screamed 'OH NO! IT'S THOSE VOICES AGAIN!' 15. October 26: Took a box of condoms to the checkout clerk and asked where is the fitting room?
And last, but not least:
16. October 30: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited awhile, and then yelled very loudly, 'Hey! There's no toilet paper in here.' One of the clerks passed out. "
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Logan's Run
The first time I saw boobs on the big screen was when I went to see Logan's Run with my dad. That was Farah Fawcett's first gig after the 70's hit show Charlies Angels. I was a typical teen very interested in viewing her jigglies! Just being real here.
If you haven't seen it, don't fret, you didn't miss much. The premise is that the current government of the time legislated that when you turned the ripe age of 30 you were terminated. The main character believes he still has plenty of life left, so he runs.
This country is sitting on the pinnacle of stepping over on the slippery slope of legislation. When governments step in and legislate that Chick-Fil-A can't be built in their town because of a belief in traditional marriage and being closed on Sunday's whose to say Logan's Run isn't too far behind? When this movie came out, gay only had one meaning-Like the Flintstones theme song "we'll have a gay old time, Wilma". Times are changing. It's a catch 22- You either believe in the Bible and in what Kirk Cameron stated he thought that to be" unnatural" or, Darwin's Natural Selection theory, in which case humanity would cease to exist in around 100 years. So the default selection would be considered a lifestyle choice. A lot of religious groups get there panties in a wad over this, yet true religion is loving others as yourselves and helping widows and those less fortunate. When you know the right thing to do and don't do it to you it is sin... James also says "When you withhold good from those whom it is due- to you it's a sin. I'd like to see more honey, less vinegar.
Sin is an olde English term for missing the mark or bulls eye. The Biblical term would be settling for less than God's best-missing the mark set by Jesus in word, thought, or deed. The Bible tells us that we all sin-multiple times a day; it's important to keep in mind that in God's eyes sin is sin is sin, and there is only one way out. The 10 Commandments have/are being removed from public places. This country was based on the belief in God. Says right on out legal tender-In God We Trust. When a country is based on a few absolutes, then laws are set based on those. When you get rid of absolutes, then the end can justify the means. Ethics becomes a variable, and sin becomes a discount. Tamper with adultery-defined as any sexual relationship outside of marriage, then hey, let's redefine marriage Tamper with killing and eventually it cost the taxpayer too much to keep you alive so 30? C-ya.
First Class Tcket
Monday, August 6, 2012
Numbers and Budgets
What's in a number and what do those have to do with budgeting? I read that a typical household can cut over $1000 a month just by recording on a spreadsheet every penny spent per day for a month and cutting out the non-essentials.
Long ago, I realized that much of my business is done at the local coffee house, I personally frequent our local Starbucks just down the street. They have a rewards card that gives free drinks after a certain number of swipes, and I get one every couple weeks; I never seem to get them as my kids get the mail first. Now before I hear the "Wow, that's a lot of money you spend there." The reward I signed up for is free refills. I get a "Tall in a Vente" cup on Monday and pay $1.55. Free refills are good for 24 hrs, so as long as I swipe the card a couple minutes earlier than the previous day, I get it filled (to the Vente level, room for cream) for, you guessed, additionally each swipe is considered a purchase, so when my kid goes to cash in a free drink card, he gets a $7 foofoo drink. They LOSE money on me!
$3.82 is the average patron's cost per drink; 3.67 is the average times per week at a given Starbucks. costing on average, $729 annually. Starbucks views each customer as a $750 value asset! Fast food stats are similar, with the average customer visiting 112 times and spending on average $5.49 or $614 a year. The Auto Club AAA reports the average driver if combining trips could save around 2500 miles a year and at 20mpg would save $1000 ($4 gallon) when you add in actual cost of a car of .30-.52 cents per mile, it can easily cost well over. Those couple things add up to over $2350.
A vice of sorts? Anyone drink bottled water, typically cost more than gas? Can of Coke, can of beer, glass of wine..guilty as charged. there's a $100 While a pack of cigarettes is only around $5 here in CA, I was stunned to find out a pack is almost $12 in NY. 20 years of that, is a paid off house in rural America Cable/Internet/magazine or paper subscriptions, easily another $100. Fixed income? Do you really need to live in one of the most expensive cities if housing is half the cost just 50 miles away?
If you meet certain criteria; heart beat, over 100lbs etc, you can donate blood/plasma at the local blood bank and make $200 a month or $2400 a year. Need a quick $100? Have a yard sale, someone will pay for that 70's shag wig,, stuffed animal or crock pot rarely used. If you didn't use it last month, most likely you don't need it..unless seasonal. What you don't use you don't miss. Anyway you get the idea; many ways to save/create extra income.
Q- How many Psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?
A-One-but it has to want to change
"That guy- you either know him or you are him" new series at the church I attend, this week we covered a couple points that you give people what they need not what they want and yes, they may use anger or guilt to manipulate so you keep enabling them, and sometimes unknowingly disabling God by coming to their rescue. Don't work harder on someone else's problems than they are willing to do themselves; So stay out of God's way and stop rescuing people from their consequences and bad choices or you'll help prolong the enabling codependent symptoms...Galatians 6:7 "People reap what they sew. Don't mock God cause you continue to mess up."
Remember the story of a butterfly we all learned in Kindergarten-We may want to intervene and help a butterfly out of the cocoon, and while helping it gives it an initial ease to life, it dies quickly since it was not able to endure the struggle to escape the hardship of the cocoon; the wings never get to develop, it can't escape it birthplace and it eventually succumbs.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Think of the most fun party you have ever been to or been a part of.......OK that's enough time. Pretty fun right? We are told that heaven is going to be like that; times infinity! A never ending party; the best food and wine, friends, family, and famous folks you only read or heard about. As James Grogan says "Baptists will be at there own table with juice boxes and mac-n-cheese." wearing there big boy pants no doubt. An eternity to party on dude. Jesus the host, throwing it for us, because we fought for the right to party! Everyone is invited, several RSVP, even then, some who accepted the invite ultimately allow excuses to get in the way and don't show. Most, however, decline the invite altogether.
Our fight is not of flesh and blood but spiritual. Working at Trader Joe's, I constantly have eye candy dangling before eyes. It's a fight to put on the blinders, nine out of ten times I Thank God it's by grace through faith, not of doing good deeds or keeping a clean slate, or one would be able to boast and think they made it to the party of their own doing. Nope, it's all about accepting the invite, and fighting to follow through and showing up at the party.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
All Things to All Men
There are four in our family; well, seven if you count Rocky, Mittens, and Coba. But here's the thing, each of us have a different take on the same event. If we all went to the same party, I would be hanging with the wine and foodies, the kids with their peers at the pool and Playstation. Janet would be making a mental note of everything and everyone.
With Jesus as our example how did he meet and greet?
When he encountered the woman at the well, he began his conversation with the topic of water. When he encountered the fisherman Peter, his starting point was fishing. When the tax collector invited Jesus to his house, the issue of money opened the dialogue. Jesus clearly developed his presentation of God’s saving message in light of the context and background of his listeners. The apostle Paul shared Christ’s commitment to this approach, writing that he became “all things to all men so that by all possible means some may be saved” (1 Cor. 9:22) Coincidence? I think not. I think God wants us to contextualize our message for the sake of spiritual impact.
Andy Stanley once said that when we talk to people eventually the Holy Spirit working on the outside with them and the inside with us, that the path and topic may eventually cross to talk about the spiritual stuff.
Missing Person
...Guarded and cynical now, can't help but wondering how, my heart evolved into the rock beating inside of me? So I reel such a stoic ordeal; where's that feeling that I don't feel? There was a boy who had the faith to move a mountain, and like a child he would believe without a reason...Without a trace he disappeared into the void and, I've been searching for that missing person.
Who dimmed that glowing light that once burned so bright in me? Is this a radical stage, a problematical age that keeps me running from all that I used to be? Is there a way to return, is there a way to unlearn that carnal knowledge that's chipping away at my soul? Have I been gone too long, will I ever find my way home?
He used to want to walk the straight and narrow, he had a fire and he could feel it in his marrow. It's been a long time and I haven't seen him lately though I've been searching for that missing person...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
James 1:19-27
James 1:19-27 Dudes and dudettes; you have two ears and one mouth so listen well before you open your pie hole. Chill, before you open your mouth or act on impulse. Like toothpaste, you can't put back in the tube things said or done in anger. Put aside the things that trip you up and give you a bad name which reflects poorly on your Savior. Yeah, you're going to stumble and fall, but don't stay there; get back up and follow the Master.
John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God...and was God. So yes, by all means be a listener of the word, but also, WWJD-What Would Jesus Do? Be a doer as well. If all you do is listen and never put into practice what you learn, is like having a car without any gas in the tank, or having a business action plan but no plan of action.
So, break the chains of legalistic law and learn to live in the perfect law of love in both word and deed. You may think your religious cause you go to church or try to live a good life. Just cause you go to McDonald's doesn't make you a hamburger! True religion is doing things for people who could never repay you or doing things that you never expect repayment in this life. Continue to shower in Gods perfect water supply, washing the world's dirt off the moment you get dirty. And really, do I need to get the soap for your mouth?
Monday, July 9, 2012
2-not peeing your pants
12-having friends
16-drivers license
18-going "all the way"
35-having $
50-having $
60-going "all the way"
70-drivers license
75-having friends
80-not peeing your pants
Four stages of life...
You believe in Santa
You don't believe in Santa
You are Santa
You look like Santa
Anyway; it's never too late to be what you might have been. I mention this because I recently interviewed for a management position, and one of the questions was to define my idea of success. I got brownie points for my answers above! Kidding.
I told them that the first half of our lives we strive to get ahead; doing what we can to move up the corporate ladder, sometimes at the expense of our family and coworkers. Now that I'm in my second half, I try to share my experiences in helping others and to leave a legacy.
Some cause happiness wherever they go; some whenever they go. I strive to be the former!
Matthew 5:13-16
Salt and Light
13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Mermaids and Zombies
Lines of fact and fiction are becoming more blurred as each day passes. When millions of people disappear in the blink of an eye, the public can be rest assured that it was due to alien abduction. Mulder are you out there.
Craziness I tell you.
Seek God Early and Often
I've always liked that verse! How many times do we get up in the morning, stumble into the kitchen to get coffee, turn on Crissy Russo at Fox 5 News, oops, I mean turn on the news or check Yahoo lead page to see what we might have missed while we slept. For instance, today, I awakened to news that Andy Griffith passed away.
First thing in the morning we get bombarded with negative news, and overwhelmed with the emails accumulating all night ready to be read. In reality, the rudder for the day should be set; spending time quietly with the one who already knows our day. He knows how and when we are going to blow it. So let's give Him praise, be thankful for all He's done and going to do today. Don't stress about our salvation while learning to trust and rest in the fact that the joy of the Lord is indeed our strength!
Yeah, today is going to have it's share of negative news, so plug into the Power of God, set sail, rest in Him, so the rest of your day can be the best of your day.
25 Year Anniversary
The replacement ring I got is pretty cool; it has a two part center that spins, and has waves on it. The significance is also pretty cool. The last few years have brought some rough seas, yet the two part ring is still intact and the two distinctly different parts make one ring.
Feed me or Feed Others
In his book "Crazy Love" Francis Chan says "Christians are like manure; spread it out and it causes growth all around, keep it in a pile and it stinks." It's killing the church, blinding our vision, and paralyzing the mission. "I didn't get anything out of it." I want to go where I'm fed." I need to be ministered to." I always thought that "worship" was about what we can give, not what we can get?
So what's the mission? Is it to seek and to save the lost (how could we have a mission other than the one Christ had and then entrusted to us). Yes, the Great Commission involves discipleship via evangelism as if doing one prevents concentrating on the other. It’s a both/and, not an either/or. Evangelism must be priority.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Junior Seau Number 55
The news here in San Diego about the tragedy reached both near and far, affecting those close to him, as well as those who barely knew him. I still remember being in Europe at the time of the Chargers Super Bowl season and having to stop and get a USA Today each week, just so I could read up on how the Charger season was going. I'm only a casual observer, so compared to one who played the game and played it extremely well, maybe the best at his position, it must have been a hard thing transitioning out of football the past two years. Football was everything to him.
Yes, Junior has his Foundation, and philanthropic venues that outlive him and his legacy, but he will always be remembered for his Thor-like, lighting fist pounding, after a great play.
May we all pray for his family, friends and everyone he has, and has yet to touch through his life...and death.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Closed on Sunday
That is the mission statement for Chick-fil-A . Always closed on Sunday's; Truett Cathy the owner has always honored God by having all his employees off to enjoy Faith, Family and Friends. He wouldn't ask his employees to do anything he wouldn't do himself, and since he teaches Sunday School on Sundays for the past 50 years, he is determined to never be open Sundays.
He believes one of the reasons his chain is so successful is that since 1946 he has put God first willingly knowing that he is missing out on about a 20% business loss. Truett says "I believe God gives life recommendations not to make life harder but to make it better...This is the formula God has given us to succeed rather than to work seven days a week and miss the blessing."
"We have to ask ourselves what's really important, I've seen people very successful in business be a total flop in relationships with their families and marriages and other important things in life."
We work hard, we sacrifice as we expend energy trying to become financially successful; along the way we are anxious to give our kids material things we never had, while failing to give them what's really important, right? At some point we refocus our efforts on significance; giving our experience, time, talent, and energy toward making a difference, and finally, in leaving a legacy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
7 minutes of Glory and A Sloppy Wet Kiss
Here it is; enjoy the next 7 minutes...
And then if you have just a couple more minutes; check out this one
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Pocketful of Acorns
Out of a pocketful, only one ever grew; now, 10 years later, it is just now looking like a tree that birds can hang out in. They all got water, soil, and sunshine. Maybe some did start to grow, but got choked with weeds, or eaten by critters, don't really know.
Bing Crosby used to visit the hotel I worked at decades ago. Every time I saw him, I was constantly reminded of his song in "Rudolph" where the abominable snowman would start to "Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walking out the door."
Isn't our Christian life like that? We're not really expected to run a marathon at age 2, The giant oaks don't grow to be massive over night. Each takes time. The strongest oaks are the ones that have seen fire, and flood, intense wind, times of drought, while for a moment, the times are tough, those roots grow strong.
We all grow at different paces, all experience drought, all have to fight off the storms of life, the weeds that can entangle and choke us of what God intends. I like what Dr Flores says "There aren't good Christians and bad ones, only growing at different paces still with poopy pants...compared to my wife, she's like Mother Teresa...only Hotter!"
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Peace Please
Without forethought to what happens around us, unexpected events tend to throw us off course right? I bet He loves nothing more than to hear from us through anything and everything that competes for our attention. This allows Him to share in new found joys, and sad sorrows allowing Him to work through us while sharing the peace only He can give.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Life as a Fantasy
David Robinson, former NBA star said this "NBA Championship teams have this in common: They play on the same team with one goal in mind. Each player contributes his own gifts and efforts so that the greater goal- winning- can be reached. But players who seek there own glory tend to drive the team away from success. The goal is not for our own glory. In fact, trying to make life all about us pushes happiness out of reach"
It's the me first, or me-centric thinking that can take a toll on our families, businesses and marriages. For some, life's troubles, trials and tribulations, can be magnified when the belief becomes rampant that life is all about them.
In Marriage we're on the same team. Expectations can run high, so can emotions when expectations aren't met. A house divided against itself cannot stand; so together, work towards the goal with the end in mind.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Whenever you get in a rut, or you feel like things aren't going your way, or you just feel like complaining, sometimes all we need is a little perspective...
She also said "Life has got to be lived-that's all there is to it!"
Check out this vid'
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Promises, Promises
That's the progression when we wait for something we fervently want or expect, only to wind up with something else--It's that something else that is the curve ball. It's times like these when worry, doubt, anxiety, and the ilk can overtake us emotionally and create a sense of self doubt and worth.
Francis Chan once said "Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives." Later he goes on to say "Stress suggests that the things we are involved with are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace toward others, and out tight grip of control. Basically communicating that it's OK to sin by not trusting God because the stuff I'm going through is somehow exceptional."
Another one of those Aha moments right. I am guilty as charged. The reality is we serve a God who is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere all at the same time. (Psalms 139) He's a sun and a shield-our light in this dark world and protector. (Ps 84:11) And that at any time He can do exceedingly abundantly more that we can ask or think! (Eph 3:20.) We can rest in the promise of his peace in lieu of anxiety (Phil 4:6-8)
Oswald Chambers, another favorite read of mine says "Take no thought of your life...what you eat or drink...Don't take the forethought on yourself. It is not only wrong to worry, but it is infidelity. Worrying means we don't think God can look after the practical details of our lives." (Matt 6:25-30)
We know that we can be confident and put our faith and trust in God, because He can change any situation no matter how dark or difficult!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Wait til Your Father gets Home
I had just learned how to ride a bike, I was only allowed to ride within eyesight of the house; if I couldn't see the house, I was out of compliance. So I decided to ride three blocks away to my elementary school. On my way back I was met with my mom driving in her car looking for me. "Wait til your father gets home."
Dad gets home; mom and dad have a little pow-wow, then my dad tells me to go to my room. He gets the "wooden spoon" that's when we as kids knew to add an extra pair of undies or two, because the board of education was about to be employed. Then he says the classic line-"This is going to hurt me more than it's going to hurt you."
He hands me the spoon, and tells me he is going to take the punishment for me. I started crying, I knew I was supposed to get the whipping, not him. He insists, I tear more with each swat.
Last weekend was Easter, my dads decision to take my punishment was just a glimpse of what Jesus did for us, for me, for you.
Friday, April 6, 2012
3 Nails 3 Days 1 Way 2 God
It's not about the box, but about the God the box reveals. The Ark of the Covenant
It's not about the denomination, but about the God the denomination reveals. Legalism
It's not about the religion, but about the God the religion reveals. Love vs Law.
Look, the biggest difference between a religion and a relationship is that religion is all about what you can do or can't do to reach God. Accepting the fact that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and accepting the grace through faith that the "work" was done, effectively takes us out of the equation of earning our way to heaven.
As we think about Easter and this song...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Paul writes to the Phillipians in chapter 4:8 "Dudes, whatever is pure, right, admirable and perfect. Anything excellent and above reproach; think on these things, lock it down and be legit."
Wow! Not bad instruction for a letter 2000 years old. I think it's a great habit to emulate.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Let's Cruise
I was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ at SDSU in 1980; I remember vividly hearing the story about a guy who has never been on a cruise before saves up for this trip. He brings along a backpack full of cheese, bread and snacks; things he thinks will last him through the cruise to his destination. A few days into it, the bread is getting moldy, the cheese is hard, he’s running low on water…
There are so many benefits to remembering that one simple fact. I am God’s own special child and he loves me unconditionally. He loves me whether I am lovable, grumpy, angry, worried, or depressed. He is always there waiting to have a relationship with me. What an amazing God that has adopted me into his family, if I will only choose to call him Father and live the life He chooses. Like the guy in the story above, while he got to go on the cruise, he failed to enjoy the benefits that come with; all the food (some pretty darn good), beverages, activities. A steward noticed him one day and asked him why he was eating crusty bread? “Didn’t you read the ‘guide’, your cruise come with all the choices of food and drink you want, it’s all part of the package!”
I am in awe of how God loves each one of us distinctly regardless of our circumstances. While our circumstances change from time to time, His love, grace and mercy always abound. Matthew 5:1-12 is a reflection of how deeply God loves each and every one of us, forever and always.
Have you thought about how special you are to God? Remember your uniqueness in God’s eyes and share the love of God with those that maybe aren’t so lovable, but are loved by God.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Family Mission Statement
- We will seek to balance school/work with family life;
- Our home will be a place where we, our extended family, our friends and guests find the love of the Lord...Joy, comfort, peace and happiness
- We will seek wisdom in what we choose to eat and drink, see and do, and spend our time
- We desire to love the Lord with all our heart, mind soul and strength.
- We will love and laugh often, while developing our God-given gifts and unique talents
- We will be self-starters who exercise initiative in accomplishing goals, with the ultimate goal in mind before setting in motion
- Our money will be our servant, not our master; from making money to making a difference
- We will keep from consumer debt, spend less than we make and invest the rest in something that will outlive us
- Moreover, we will use what talents entrusted to us to make life more enjoyable to others through service and support of other as God provides.
- Ultimately, we will live life of Faith, hope, and love
Friday, March 23, 2012
Somewhere deep down, we might feel that God isn't the provider we really want to place our trust...Yet He promises in Hebrews 13 "Never will I leave you, or forget about you." Maybe it's not even that, maybe it's the whole concept of FOMO. The Fear Of Missing Out.
I have to admit, our cars are approaching 300k miles, and 200k miles. Not sure how much longer each will hold out, and would like replacements. College education for the boys? Had it; lost it. Those 17 rentals around five colleges were there for the boys to collect rent to pay for their education. 30 years ago I never dreamed I'd be back where I started working grocery, but it is what it is, and I'm blessed to have work. Housing? Back in a 900 sf home-big difference from the 5500 sf home we moved down from. We used to live on about 10% of our income, now we live on 90%.
Oh, the suffering we must endure..Really? Do you realize how blessed we are? Materially, probably in the 99th % of the world! Add in 2 healthy boys, 25 years of marriage, never a missed meal, unless by choice. Crazy, to even think about the need for more. But there it is, still I bought a ticket!
So here's my commitment to you; if I win, I pay off all debt and any current readers of this blog. (There are a little over 1000 followers as I write this, as well as 300 twitter followers) 97% will be given away to those in need-mostly in 3rd world nations who really have needs like water! I'll keep around 3% for my family.
...The next day...Oh darn, didn't win. Big surprise there.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
I always plan for things I know are going to happen, but how often is that things out of my control happen? Without margin, and I don't use credit, I wouldn't have been able to fix the car. Over the past three years I've had to re-learn how to create margin in my finances. Many people near and dear to me are currently learning the hard way, how important margin is when it comes to budgeting.
I wanted to share what I feel is the best budget yet, for determining well, your budget. With times becoming more and more uncertain, with our own government printing up money like it grows on trees based on nothing. Like Proverbs says- Sew to the wind and you'll reap a whirlwind. So craziness will happen soon, when this all catches up, those with margin will be in a far better position then those who didn't plan.
They say if oil becomes scarce, a typical store has about three days of food and supplies in it. after that, the shelves are empty. If gas goes up another buck a gallon, because of the cost to truck to market goes up, expect to see basics double again like they did over the past 18 months.
So here's the budget: 50% of your NET income-(minus taxes, deductions, charity) to NEEDS. 30% to your WANTS, and 20% to DESIRES.
That's it.
A need is defined as survival mode. Housing, food, and basic transportation. A hundred years ago, a typical person had three changes of clothes and one pair of shoes, anything more and you were considered as being rich! Are clothes considered a need? Not really. A whole outfit with shoes, can be had at Goodwill for the cost of one or two foo foo drink at Starbucks, so they are not in the need column. Cell phone, cable, car payment, heat or air? Nope.
A WANT is anything that you typically think you need. I'm always telling my kids to put on a sweatshirt and/or blanket rather than turn on the heat.
A Desire as anything you want in the future, or to retire. Both short term and long term saving, paying off all debt, etc.
Triple A auto club used to have a cool schedule for the true cost of driving. Once gas hit $3 a gallon, based on a certain budget and 15,000 miles a year, your first dollar for a car payment or lease was after someone made $4000 a month. In other words you had no business having any kind of car payment at all unless you made over $4000/mo. because of gas, maintenance, registration and insurance costs.
One last thing on credit. Did you know that if you merely pay the minimum on your credit cards, that every purchase is really 300%! If you see a pair of shoes you just gotta have on sale for $29- they are really a $90 pair, so re-think if that is a good purchase. That $5 Starbucks drink swiped is really $15
...I'm just sayin.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Stay Strong
"Stay strong you are not lost, did you forget whose trip your on?
Stay strong, there's a new dawn to light your way..."
Phil 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!I keep
hearing of people who are losing heart.
Like I mentioned in another blog, it's easy to take our eyes off the prize and look at our surroundings and situations and start down the slippery slope; "Where is God in all of this?" I'm here to tell you He's still there, He's still refining us, testing us, seeing what mettle we are made of. Some of us are having wood, hay, and stubble, burned away to expose us as the real deal, or as poser's. Here's
another one of those songs you'll end up humming all day; only listen if you
want to stay strong!
Watch the video and turn up the volume
Stay strong, His grip is sure!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Mike Seaver
Cameron responded, “I’d tell my children what I believe myself…I believe that marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage, and I don’t think anyone else should, either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.”
Cameron’s former “Growing Pains” co-star Alan Thicke, who played Cameron’s former TV dad, tweeted Monday, “I’m getting him some new books. The Old Testament simply can’t be expected to explain everything…I love Kirk but I may have to spank him…’tho not in a gay way!”
I love how Mr Cameron responds “The only way to properly answer these kind of questions is to begin the discussion with another question: Is life and sexuality sacred or are they not? If they are, then God has something to say about these things. If not, then everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the matter. I believe that freedom of speech and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand in America. I should be able to express moral views on social issues – especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years – without being slandered, accused of hate speech and told from those who preach ‘tolerance’ that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square. In any society that is governed by the rule of law, some form of morality is always imposed. It’s inescapable. But it is also a complicated subject, and that is why I believe we need to learn how to debate these things with greater love and respect.”
Well said, Mike Seaver.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
That has to be one of the worst words ever. Add a "t" and it becomes one of my favorite words! TMI.
One of the cool things being a Christ follower, is realizing we can take God at his Word when He says "Never will I leave you or forsake you." So when I get the call about my current real estate assignment being terminated at the end of the week, need I worry? Of course not. Or when the Dr. says the cancer is still present? Again, wasted emotion worry is. Okay, I've got to stop sounding like Yoda.
...But. Another position opened up at a much higher pay scale...But. The cancer cells are being killed off.
Love those but's!
The most famous Vulcan once said-"When you eliminate the possible, no matter how unfeasible, only the immpossible remains."
Luke 1:37 Nothing is impossible with God!
But what?
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Lot 8
That was a note left for me from the agent at a model home that is serving as a location for 3 communities closing out. The fourth community is 10 miles away and the note was referring to the key for that last home.
Ephesians 5:29-"Let no unwholesome word escape your mouth; only words that edify or give grace to those around you." That was one of the verses I read yesterday that applied to a situation.
"Oh hi David, this is Vee, I know Ann said...But, my clients will be here in a few minutes, can you drive over and let us in?"
What I wanted to say was "No...earn your frikkin commission and pick up the key like Ann told you to do." or "No stupid, I can't leave the three communities here, to bring the key you were supposed to pick up!" But then I remembered what I read earlier, so instead I answered with "I'm sorry Vee, I'd love to help you out, however, I'm here by myself and expecting a customer any moment."
...Every day something you read will apply.
Valentines Day Passion!
Song of Solomon tells a story of a husband and wife on Valentines day... Starting from chapter one you have pheromones flying, passion in a park, and woopy in the wilderness...
1.12 The king is lying on his couch, enchanted by the fragrance of my perfume.
13 My lover is like a sachet of myrrh lying between my breasts.
14 He is like a bouquet of sweet henna blossoms from the vineyards of En-gedi.
15 How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful! Your eyes are like doves.
16 You are so handsome, my love, pleasing beyond words! The soft grass is our bed;
17 fragrant cedar branches are the beams of our house, and pleasant smelling firs are the rafters.
You get the idea. Singles-Don't get any ideas.
New York Times Number One Selling Book...Ever
What if...The highest ranking officer had a map detailing exactly where the mines had been placed and gave clear warning of the areas to avoid. Wouldn't you want that map? One would be foolish not to.
The fool has said in his heart "There is no God." Psalm 53:1 Life is a maze and full of land mines. God has given us a map to help avoid stepping in it, yet, how often do we say "no thanks" I'll do life my way. He gives us free will to choose our own path in spite of telling us His way is best.
Think about it...If we followed just two ideas, Love God and love your neighbor, there would be no such thing as a land mine would there? One of the reasons Jesus was killed; that radical statement!
Might be time to open the book and read the map; doesn't do much sitting on the shelf.
A Proverb a Day
Today is Valentine's Day- Keep in mind that the best relationships are the ones with the best forgivers. Believe it or not a rope with three strands is stronger than one with only two! Be sure to keep God thoroughly intertwined.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Oswald was a Chaplain for the British during WW1. He had been assigned to be close to the raging battle. The father and husband in him, did not want to have the fam join him there because he thought it was too dangerous, yet he sought God about it anyway. He felt the Lord telling him to bring them to the danger zone with him, and his wife felt the same way. He was killed in battle just a short time later.
At first glance and my first thoughts after hearing this was; what an idiot, he endangered the lives of his whole family. What if they had been killed as well?
God says "My thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways are not your ways." The reason we have those books today is because his wife was there during that time, writing down things he spoke.
Sometimes having the faith to trust God ends up being our utmost for His highest.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Key to Success #7
While on that theme from, here's a story from The Today Show; I'd add this as an addition to keys for success #7 Do Random acts of kindness; try not to get caught talked about on a prior blog.
In a time when everyone seems to be hard-pressed for cash, more and more are starting to give it away. "It made my day, it really did. It made my day,” customer Michael Aldea said.
"When I went to go pay, they said 'Oh, it's paid for. Somebody paid it forward,' " customer Sheri Buda said.
Story: In Joplin, a diner serves up shelter from the storm
"People will come in and say, ‘What do you mean? I don't understand. Are you trying to buy me a coffee today?' " And I say, "No, somebody came in 30 minutes ago and left money to pay for drinks until it runs out,” Josh Cooke, owner of the Corner Perk, explained.
Paying it forward
The pay-it-forward phenomenon kicked off two years ago when an average-joe customer left the first $100 bill.
"It's someone that just has a kind heart and wants that to generate in this area," Cooke said of the anonymous female donor.
That donor got what she wanted — not just customers, but strangers who heard what was happening started paying for people who follow. The owner says the lady who started the pay-it-forward tradition kept it going for a few months now and then — but in the past few weeks, the phenomenon has really taken off, with other anonymous contributors following suit.
"He said, 'I want to do that, too,' Corner Perk’s Sara Clemmons said of one donor. "He just gave me the hundred dollars and left. He didn't even get anything."
None of the anonymous donors leaves their name: only their money, and a feeling of inspiration that is jolting this community.
"For someone to come out of the blue and think about someone other than themselves, it's refreshing,” Aldea said.
"It's very inspiring to just see someone living out what so many of us talk about, and doing things for other people,” customer Jenny Dolin agreed.
While they all walk in for a pick-me-up, lately that comes from the compassion that comes with the coffee, not the caffeine.
6 Keys to Success
Six of the keys to success are:
Hey, he could double as a motivational speaker! I have years of journals that I jot down tidbits of information that may help me in all areas of my life. I have man's knowledge on one side and a biblical take on the other. That being said, let's look at those 6 keys through a spiritual lens.
Believe in yourself...So God fashioned me while in my mother's womb Psalms 139. Since He calls me the apple of His eye, and doesn't make mistakes...True statement.
Stick to your vision...Since He leads, guides, and directs our ways when we let him...True statement.
Tune out naysayers...Many peeps will try to dissuade you from the Truth. Naysayers are not the same as good council...True statement.
Loyalty breeds success...Lassie episodes taught me that...True statement.
Follow your passion, not money...Over 600 scriptures talk about money being your servant, not your master...True statement.
Live below your means...Again, tons of biblical themes about giving and serving others. Hard to do if you live paycheck to paycheck or spend more than you make. Too bad the governments of the world don't listen to this one!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Talking with God
To quote the Blackaby brothers in the study Experiencing God-"When God speaks, he doesn't give a new revelation about himself that contradicts what he has already revealed in scripture. Rather, God speaks to give application of his Word to specific circumstances in your life."
Avoiding Life on the Rocks
Last night, I started attending a Ironmen group. Ironmen, in the Biblical sense that iron sharpens iron. One man sharpens another. One of the qualifiers is "No Bible, no breakfast." Obviously, starting your day correctly positioned with the Son.
Andy Stanley once said "Your direction determines your destination." All you have to do to see if this is a truth, would be to ask the Italian Captain of the cruise ship Costa Concordia. Is your rudder setting your direction in life to a rocky ending? Are there steps you can take today that can alter the direction you're heading? Absolutely...Seek first God's kingdom and all the other stuff will line up.
Talking about line ups, today, surf is double overhead and offshore!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Giggle It
Spacebook, Myface, Titter, Giggle.
"I believe in God, like the Bible stories, and think Jesus was a cool teacher."
"We pay $2100 for rent and make almost $4000 a month, and we've saved almost $5000 for our down payment!" I think they were waiting for me to congratulate them or something. If you know anything about SoCal home prices and qualifying, you would know that those numbers relegate you to a home nowhere near here.
When I schooled them about the basics for qualifying, they were bummed they couldn't get the home. A $200k home maybe, and FHA. When I did the numbers for them, the reality that they would have to bring in a down payment of over $500k just to qualify, they were a little perplexed. They thought they could buy the house. They heard others with their income had bought beautiful homes like this in the past...
Imagine what would happen if they were given a loan for that home, after all, this ain't 2006. Oh, wait, that's a whole other subject.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing...
Like them, you may think you can get a cool house, or get to heaven by being good, or knowing about God. In reality, there are qualifiers.. Can't earn it; it's a grace thing you need to learn about, and have the faith to believe it, and live it.
Jesus says-"I am the way the truth and the light; no one comes to God except through me...It's by grace you are saved through faith, not by working for it, so you can't boast about how good you think you are."
Friday, February 3, 2012
Wrong is Right?
I can remember just a few short years ago when things were black and white, I knew the difference between right and wrong. What has happened?
The Bible is very clear on this; shortly before He returns, right will be wrong, wrong will be right. Earthquakes, famines, and wars, will increase in intensity as in birth pangs.
Just know the time is near.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Youtube Fight
Sacrilege! Remove themes like these from schools immediately! What, you would rather have kids respect each other, and consider others first? Heaven forbid any scripture based theme is allowed to marinate with our youth.
My oldest son posted a school fight on Youtube and has thousands of hits. I guess it's fairly normal these days. Not when I went to school! The 10 Commandments were posted outside in the hall for all to see. Lets see; don't lie, kill or steal, desire or be jealous of others stuff. Don't be adulterous, and love God.
Good thing those crazy ideas have been removed from our kids eyes! Those ideas are evil aren't they?
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
A Mighty Fortress
Psalms 46 says this. "God is our refuge and strength a very present help..."
The psalmist tells us that through all of the turbulence, God is with us. God is our refuge and strength when problems shake our world. He has such awesome power that the world actually melts at the sound of his voice. God is in control and will be exalted. How can you know morning without midnight?
let this passage remind you that God is ever-present, the morning will come, and the battle has already been won!
Monday, January 30, 2012
In the Blink of an Eye
Top down, music blaring, enjoying the morning, and then, in a blink of an eye...Screech, clunk, squeal, thunk! Two cars in front of me crash as they run over and swerve to miss a car jack in the road. While I didn't crash, I did run it over and destroyed my wheels and tires.
"I'll embrace every moment I'm given. There's a reason I'm alive in a blink of an eye."
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Real and Spectactular
She was Lois opposite of Dean Cain's character Clark. She was real and spectacular on a Seinfeld episode. She's worked with Sly Stallone, Kurt Russsell, had a GMC motorhome. A Bond girl, wife, and mother. I would always joke with my wife, if I weren't married, there's always...Teri Hatcher.
Just because I know about her does not equate to having a relationship with her does it? And no, I'm not a stalker. Here's the thing; for so many years, churches have been all about sitting in lines, learning about God, reading about Him, studying accounts of Him in the Bible...The primary focus has been teaching and discipleship, many times at a cost of the development of a personal and intimate relationship with God. This has resulted in a form of religion, but one without much power. I have known people who can quote a Bible verse as fluently as I can spout about Ms Hatcher.
In the early church, the rabbi was there primarily for quality control, not as the primary teacher and speaker. He did not even address the people from an elevated platform. The whole congregation was in a more circular format, each sharing what they believed God was saying. The focus was on the power of God working through each individual, to have a real and spectacular relationship with the God of the universe. Circles better than lines...I get that.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Matthew 9:11-13
11 But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such scum?”
12 When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” 13 Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”
Sometimes when I invite people to visit the church I attend, the excuse comes back like-"why would I go there? They're all hypocrites!"Unfortunately, the impression that is portrayed all around us is that "Church folk" all sit around singing Cum-by-ya and condemning everyone else.
Well, consider the following from the Eastlake blog- "...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" and " is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."
I told my friend that lots of people show up at church every week in a broken spiritual condition, quite often of their own doing. Just as it's easy to be cynical about self-inflicted issues at the hospital--especially when the cure is already known, it's easy to be cynical about the spiritually broken--especially if we've already worked past a particular sin issue in our own lives.
Jesus purposely put himself in the midst of people for the purpose of saving them. As soon as I get the idea that broken people aren't worth my time because they're in deep messes of their own doing, I find myself way off base. There will never be a shortage of people making mistakes, and it's up to those of us who have been saved from sin by God's grace to point others toward a path of spiritual health and wholeness in Christ.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Interesting that the company that was famous for one picture being worth a thousand words is no more. What can we gleen from it's demise? Well, for one, they didn't embrace fully the true business they were in. Huh? They still were into the yellow box film business when in reality, they were in the picture business. They didn't adjust to the speed of change around them. Know what business you’re in, so that you are free to innovate and explore, cast aside and add, embrace and enlarge. A great read is "Who Moved My Cheese."
IBM almost met the same demise a few years ago when it failed to realise that people were truly interested in a PC, notebook, netbook or tablet. In my business, real estate, it was just a few short years ago that everyone couldn't wait for the printed MLS books to come out. Many "oldtimers" dropped out of the business because they failed to recognise the importance of shelling out $5 grand for a laptop. It is far too easy to resist innovation and change because you don’t understand what business you are really in. As a result, you cling to old methods and programs by resisting change.
God will work out His calling upon our lives in many different and varied ways. Like Paul and the rest of the New Testament Christians, we are all called with the same glorious calling, yet, each of us has a different and unique outcome and application.
So today, take a snapshot, and ask yourself if you place the idea of calling too much on the thing we do, versus the One we are called to serve?