Monday, August 24, 2009

The Rudder

I'm watching some hornet's build a huge hornet's nest about 100 feet up in a tree. It's amazing to me how they know how high up they need to be, where the opening needs to be for the correct amount of air to come in and keep to nest cool, and to avoid the wind and rain from entering. As I think about this process; this nest being framed by mountains behind, jazz music playing in the background, soft morning breezes. This moment in time, confirms in me that God uses His Word, the church, prayer, people and events and even experiences like this to speak to me. I might add as I experience God personally, it includes music, family, friends, my quiet time when I spend quality time in the word and in prayer. Every way is unique in how God speaks to each of us individually. He's that big yet that personal. Obviously if you try to get to know someone, you have to spend quality time with them, and our God desires us to choose relationship over rules.

I'm not trying to get all "new age" on you but, God doesn't just use one thing to speak to us. Last week I included a video by NOOMA/Rob Bell, and several well meaning people voiced their opinions on how they don't believe that guy is a Christian and how could I even think about putting his stuff in my blog? Last time I checked, those hornet's weren't Christians, nor the Jazz musicians, I mean, I have no idea if they are or aren't...even so I was ministered through that as God confirms what an awesome God he is as proclaimed through nature and noise...and Yep, even people who may or may not be Christians.

Remember when the religious leaders in Jesus day brought a prostitute to him. Jesus basically told them that if they themselves were without any sin to go ahead and condemn her. In another passage, several preacher's were teaching about Jesus, although some had ulterior motives, the Bible says, "As long as the name of Jesus is taught, God can still use it." I think if we get caught up in following man vs following God, there will always be issues with how they teach or what they believe. My San Diego church has a beer drinking, poker playing Pastor that some would say should not be teaching the Word of God. He only teaches on Sunday what you can use on Monday. He's real and I respect him for that. Then, I've heard other church pastors preach the rules of right and wrong on Sunday, only to see him exiting the adult video store on Monday. I'll let God make that judgement call.

I like an occasional glass of red wine, actually, I only like good red wine. This can be a divisive topic amongst religious people today. I find it interesting that Jesus first miracle was turning water to wine. Yet, when he did, it was equivalent to 100 point collector, cellar quality. He could have made Two Buck Chuck, but what he made was good, and Jesus doesn't make junk, or mistakes, or sin. How I use what God created and if anything becomes unmoderated, an idol, or causes harm, is when it can cross over to the sin side.

Prominent 20th Century Christians Moody and Spurgeon, were always causing trouble in church circles; one was a cigar smoker and the other a drinker, yet God used them mightily, some the great Hymns were bar brawl tunes set to Christian music. Sometimes in the evening, I'll have friends over, we'll have a glass of wine or port, maybe smoke a good cigar, enjoy the stars in the sky, the music of crickets, frogs, ciccada etc, as we sit around the fire pit. Guess what, God shows up and is in the midst of us, and we some some good times of fellowship.

As a new Christian I witnessed a guy handing out little Christian tracts at a parade. People were just throwing them on the ground for the most part. I was upset that he was doing that, didn't he see all the trash he was creating? People have come for the parade, not to get a tract. I tapped him on the shoulder and let him have a piece of my mind....Only to realize he was deaf and couldn't speak. I flushed up! He was spreading the Word to the best of his ability. Never again would I judge how someone preahes. I know God used him to talk to me through that experience. I once heard Bono of U2, preach at one of his concerts while dropping F bombs. Powerful. In spite of that, a lot of people got saved that day.

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