Saturday, February 27, 2010


Sometimes we get so busy with the performance part of our lives; going to work, running a household, being a husband or wife, parent, and friend, that we forget the most important role we are to play. The role of being God’s chosen child here on this earth. Throughout the day, think of any benefits you may have to being a chosen one? Like Ps 8:5 “crowned us w/ glory and honor.” Favor and honor can be interchanged; James 4 says we have not because we don’t ask and when we do it’s with wrong motives. Many of us today need to ask Him for favor, honor and glory!

I was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ at SDSU in 1980; I remember vividly hearing the story about a guy who has never been on a cruise before saves up for this trip. He brings along a backpack full of cheese, bread and snacks; things he thinks will last him through the cruise to his destination. A few days into it, the bread is getting moldy, the cheese is hard, he’s running low on water…

There are so many benefits to remembering that one simple fact. I am God’s own special child and he loves me unconditionally. He loves me whether I am lovable, grumpy, angry, worried, or depressed. He is always there waiting to have a relationship with me. What an amazing God that has adopted me into his family, if I will only choose to call him Father and live the life He chooses. Like the guy in the story above, while he got to go on the cruise, he failed to enjoy the benefits that come with; all the food (some pretty darn good), beverages, activities. A steward noticed him one day and asked him why he was eating crusty bread? “Didn’t you read the ‘guide’, your cruise come with all the choices of food and drink you want, it’s all part of the package!”

I am in awe of how God loves each one of us distinctly regardless of our circumstances. While our circumstances change from time to time, His love, grace and mercy always abound. Matthew 5:1-12 is a reflection of how deeply God loves each and every one of us, forever and always.
Have you thought about how special you are to God? Remember your uniqueness in God’s eyes and share the love of God with those that maybe aren’t so lovable, but are loved by God.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Think on these things

"Every man dies, but few men truly live" "Life is an adventure, or it's nothing at all." God sets in motion the butterfly, all we see is the ugly process held in the world's cocoon." "Your attitude determines your altitude." "Take the best and leave the rest." "Wake up with an attitude of gratitude."The first ten minutes of your day are the rudder of your day." "First we make our habits, then our habits make us." "The greatest power a person has is the power to choose."

Can anyone tell me which quote is from whom? I'll give you a hint one is mine!

The best quote of the day is from Philippians 4:8-Whatever is true, noble, pure, and lovely, of good report, virtue in being praise worthy...think on these things."

In a time when we can be so quick to judge, quick tempered, and speak before we hear, we can choose to think on those things instead...Like my mama always says, life is-oops wrong quote-if you don't have something nice to say...

We can choose not to tear down our spouse with our words. We can choose to treat our kids with compassion. We can choose to set healthy boundaries. We can choose to show grace to our friends and family. Which adventure will you choose?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

He knows

Third Day has a great song about how we can be confident about everything because God knows.

He knows me better than I know myself. In Psalm 139:2-3 it says “You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar…you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word comes out of my mouth, you know it completely.” He's a mindreader who doesn't need a crystal ball.

A few verses later... “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” God knows.

How about the story of Joseph in Genesis 37-47. He was a proud teen when his brothers sold him into slavery because they were P O'd with him. In Egypt, one bad thing after another happened to him, but he continued to trust God because he understood that God was in control of his life. Eventually, he became the second most powerful man in Egypt. He easily could have had a pity party.

What does this mean to me and you? In Psalm 139:13 it says that He knit you together in your mother’s womb and his eyes saw your unformed body. Doesn’t it make sense to let the Person who made you and intricately knows you, have control of your destiny?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pressed but not Crushed

Sara Groves, a Dove award winner, had this song a few years ago. In this song, she voices that all the promises she needs are right in front of her. "We are persecuted but not abandoned, pressed but not crushed..nothing will keep us from the love of God."

Yesterday, I had a spirited discussion with a friend about why or why not God chooses to heal or not. I was reminded of when I was single, finding myself in a provocative situation that could have kept me from giving my future wife the gift reserved for marriage. All of a sudden I had a bad asthma attack that kept me from doing something stupid. I've always prayed for healing of asthma, but that day I was not healed for a reason. He always provides a way of escape.

I remember in 1980 at San Diego State when Josh McDowell with Campus Crusade, spoke about having sex outside of marriage. The story he told was on their wedding night, this couple are consumating the marriage, and afterword she says "Oh honey, you're definitely in the top 25." That sory always stuck with me and still does today.

Between asthma, that story, reading the Word, and my dad, all affected me in being able to present myself to my wife holy, and set apart for her.

How to have an Affair

I guess my pastor received death threats over the series called "Lovers". The past week was on "How to have an Affair."

The latest statistics show that nearly 73% of men and 64% of women have physically had an affair on their spouse. Mentally and emotionally close to 100% have. By following these four steps you can almost assure yourself of one. The first look is free...

Affairs happen when we:

Stop pursuing intimacy in marriage- Pursuit is an activity that cannot be allowed to become passive.

"Emerson Eggerichs wrote a book entitled “Love and Respect – The Love She Most
Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs.” In a recent interview, Emerson said that
he took a poll of 1,000 men and the majority said that they would rather have an affair
than to sleep with a wife who was acting out of her duty (or obligation) to him. His
comment points to the fact that we desire intimacy as human beings and not just sex.
How are you meeting the intimacy needs of your partner? Intimacy and affair proofing
a marriage is not ONLY about the physical act of sex; it is about feeling close to, cherished
by, and intimate with another person. Clearly, that is what’s taking place in Song of
Songs 5 -A husband and wife are using their words and physical touch to express
their love and respect for each other; thus, cultivating intimacy in the marriage."

Establish our standards of beauty elsewhere- Bravo, Cougar town, and the fashion bible-Cosmo, can totally lead to a desensitised state of mind. Beth and Blake go on to say "The images and messages that can lead to sexual sin are everywhere. While standing in line at Kroger, simply look at the magazines! They seem to offer you better sex, more friends, more money, happier vacations, great food, and hot romances. If I stand there long enough, I start to think about how much my life is missing (honestly). Recent shows like, Sex in the City, Desperate Housewives, The Bachelor, and Cougar Town (to name a few) are based on the theme of people looking for intimacy and finding it in unhealthy and unscriptural ways."

Build close relationships with the opposite sex- Usually starts innocent enough, but gradually evolves from casual lunches to cocktails to...

Keep God out of our marriages- The classic triangle with God at the pinnicle, and as each grow closer to God, each grows closer together as well. Without the Lord as the concrete those two lines of the triangle go there own way...My wedding band has Eccl 5:12-The three branded cord cannot be easily broken- plug in these other verses as well- Song of Songs 5:10–16, 1 Corinthians 7:5, 1 Corinthians 6:18–20.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Napoleon and Josephine, Romeo and Juliet, David and Jonathan, FDR and Churchill.

The 20th Century gave us a glimpse into a friendship was as sincere as it was tragic. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill were two men who came together to fight the most evil leader and government of their time: Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

I really enjoy watching the History Channel Saturday mornings; history shows that while they shared a partnership and a friendship, they often did not see things eye to eye. They had conflicts. They each had their own unique circumstances and concerns, and each one wanted things his way. But they always found a way to work through their problems to achieve goals that were mutually beneficial. The mission before them was too important to do otherwise.

The deepest friendships and the strongest marriages are the ones that are kept strong through continuous commitment. For better or worse, rich or poor. Conflict will stretch and challenge even the best relationships, but commitment remains. In fact, it is made stronger through adversity. When President Roosevelt died, Prime Minister Churchill sent a note to the First Lady. In it he wrote, "I have lost a dear and cherished friendship which was forged in the fire of war."

A war rages against our marriages, friendships, and families. "Commit your ways to the Lord and He will see you through." As Proverbs says.

Warren Buffett Blunders

The most successful investor in world, Warren Buffett, admitted to making some horrible investments.

Last weekend, he said he never should have bought Conoco Oil when crude oil was over $100 a barrel. Dexter shoes? Never heard of them. Even a multi-billion dollar loss when he bought US Air, and had to unload at a steep discount. All three of those had huge potential gain at one did Toyota.

While making mistakes with money is always painful, paying a few "school fees" now and then doesn't have to be a total loss. If you analyze your mistakes and learn from them, you might very well make the money back next time. All investors, even Warren Buffett, must acknowledge that mistakes will be made along the way. We have a very big God who can restore everything and more.

I think this is a reason why Proverbs 16 talks about all our plans, our business deals, may have had a great degree of planning, but God is the one who ultimately determines the result. Read the whole chapter.

vs 33- We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall.

Little bit of faith in a great big God

James 4 reminds us that things can happen when we employ the principles in God's word...

When my son has a Biology test, unless he asks questions and I help him to study and he reads the book, he is most likely not going to get a good grade. If he thinks God will give him all the answers without doing any of the things mentioned above, it's doubtful he'll do well. Same with us; without reading His word and asking Him for direction and blessings, expectations can be out of reach.

So, what did I do with my hopes and expectations? I began to take them to God in prayer. James says, "You do not have, because you do not ask God." We have a license to come to the Lord with our complaints, with our praise, with our hurts, and with our hopes. We know that he hears us, that he loves us, and that he has our best interests at heart. So, even when the storms of life are raging around us, we can find shelter in God's love.

Faith in God can do great things for our relationships. It can shield us from allowing relational difficulties to wound us too deeply. It can protect our hearts from despair. It can renew our hope in the hard times.

And all it takes is a little bit of faith in a great big God.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

God in a Box

1 Samuel 4 tells the story of how the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant in a battle against Israel. The Ark represented God's presence and power. The Jews had carried it into the battle for that very reason. After losing the battle the day before, they decided they could only win against this stronger and better-equipped army if God fought for them. When the Philistine army found out that the Ark had arrived in the Jews’ camp, they were terrified. They realized that they would have to battle the God of Israel. This was the same God who had delivered the Jews from Egypt using terrible plagues. They knew they were in deep, deep trouble.

These days the army that has the most “Star Wars weapons” wins. Men armed with weapons they can carry are no match for those whose missiles are guided to their targets by satellites. This Bible story provides the same contrast. Both Israel and the Philistines knew they same thing about God. They knew about his awesome power. The Philistines understood that they faced an army whose most important weapon was their God. And, Israel knew she could win the battle only if God would use his power to fight for their side. Unfortunately later in the chapter it is revealed that "God in the box" got captured, because they put their trust in it, rather than faith in God.

We often battle powerful enemies like fear, depression, sorrow, and peer pressure. These are powerful enemies. How can we possibly win? In the same way the armies of Israel defeated superior powers and weapons. We win by tapping into the power of God who promises to be our defender. As we admit that we are weak and ask for his help, we release the power that God used to create everything in the universe by just speaking it into existence.

Friday, February 19, 2010


As I drive cross country to deliver my soon to be ex-Mustang to the new buyer in Baton Rouge, I realize this is the last piece of excess accumulated over the years. Even though I'll miss the car, the parades, and topless summer nights, I am content in knowing it will go to a good owner, that having it this past decade was a blessing, but not a real need.

How do we have contentment in a world of discontentment? In the movie Talladega Nights, Ricky Bobby made a great observation about our culture when he said, “second place is the first loser.” This philosophy of life goes beyond sports. We always want to be ahead, or at least equal, with everyone else. It is so easy to want new and nicer stuff. We live a tough life with the constant pressure to keep up with everyone else. We don't want to have the oldest car (unless it's a '66 ragtop), smallest house, cheapest clothes, etc. We want to show off our stuff and show that we are in with everyone else.

Eventually, the race for stuff becomes unsatisfying or even problematic. We make some of the worst financial decisions when we are trying to keep up with the Joneses. Read Philippians 4:11-13. Would we be more fulfilled if we could be content with less?

Waylon Jennings put it this way-

"So baby let's sell your diamond ring
Buy some boots and faded jeans and go away
This coat and tie is choking me
In your high society you cry all day
We've been so busy keepin' up with the Jones
Four car garage and we're still building on
Maybe it's time we got back to the basics of love."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Don't you hate it when you have a surprise all planned out and it's a flame out. Fizzle. Kaput.

I have an old Mustang ragtop for sale in San Diego, and sold to the an Atlantain on Superbowl Sunday, for a discounted price plus a flight costs to San Diego to drive back.

I thought it would be a nice surprise for Valentine's weekend that, since my wife was flying out to San Diego on Tuesday to book the same flight and show up next to her on the plane with a rose, and ask if the seat was taken.

So all week nothing was mentioned about the flight or that I had sold the car or that I was heading back to San Diego to retrieve it...We dropped her off on MARTA and I quickly got on the train behind her. texting back and forth as she thought I was heading home. Once we arrived at the airport, I waited an extra five minutes to be sure she had cleared after seeing her head in to get her boarding pass.

I was in the process of trying to change my seat assignment to be next to her when I hear "Dave?" Darn! How discouraging, my plans had been changed. She made a wrong turn and therefore hadn't gottten checked in ahead of me.

Life is like that isn't it? We have an idea how things are supposed to be but when things don't go exactly as planned we can get irritated at someone, sometimes God is the recipient of our irritation. Why is this happening God? Where's the justice in that God? When will this trial be over God? But we know don't we, that He works out all those details to His glory. Again, how much is "all?" All things work for good to those who are IN Christ! Romans 8:28!

She was still very suprised and happy, and we were able to sit together after all. And we all lived happily ever after!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fully Vested

Just about everyone I know has been affected by the world economy. whether it's the vested amount in your IRA, savings, or value of all your assets combined.

Spiritually, I go through times and seasons wherein I know the world has affected my Christlike Savings Account; CSA

Relationally, I may let my RSA get dangerously close to having to employ overdraft protection; come on make a guess. Yes, the brunettes guessed it first; The Romantic Savings Account.

Psalm 119:9-14 How can a young person live a clean life?
By carefully reading the map of your Word.
I'm single-minded in pursuit of you;
don't let me miss the road signs you've posted.
I've banked your promises in the vault of my heart
so I won't sin myself bankrupt.
Be blessed, God;
train me in your ways of wise living.

Psalm 119 contains nearly 200 valuable verses on the benefits package of following God's Word. It is our greatest asset, but guess what? It is often overlooked, disregarded, ignored or willfully disobeyed. Being fully vested in knowing and following God's Word requires quality time to be able to enjoy the full benefit package. That's not to say it's a magic pill and it will make all our problems disappear, but it will guide us in the right direction and lead us to a secure future in Christ. It will show us how to build great relationships and guard us from the temptations that rob our souls.

I believe the best investment I can make each day is time spent in GPS- God's Plan of Salvation. As I allow him to guide my thoughts, my decisions, and my daily choices, I begin to see a return on my investment in every area of my life. This is one investment no one can steal from me.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I've had mentor's for years, and by that I mean that with few exceptions, we would meet weekly over coffee or dollar menu lunch. In this day and age, where every other person walking through the door here at Starbucks has, is, or will be a divorce statistic. I think everyone should have one or three. Currently I have one, and am one, to another young man. Sometimes though, I wonder who's mentoring who. Iron sharpens iron.

Titus 2:2-5 talks about the importance of this. One of the reasons this is important is that many times we want our spouses to be our everything. I get that, but frankly, Shirley, we do some things well, but all things; not so much.

2 Teach the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience.
3 Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good. 4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good.

As the leader of my house and watchman on the wall, I know I need that encouragement to live wisely, have sound faith, and exude tons of love and patience!

Similarly, having an older woman who has been through many trials and despairs of life can help her glean wisdom and maturity. By nudging younger gals on how to raise a happy, healthy family, love and support her husband, and develop a deep relationship with God, they may be able to dodge being another divorce stat.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sex and a good cup of coffee

I think this is the first time I have ever heard a Pastor ever speak about sex in church. As we go through Song of Solomon, we can see how God has placed sex as a vital important part of life in the context of marriage. To some it's gross, to other's it's a god, but from God it's a gift...the only gift that truly separates marriage from any other relationship we have. To be cherished and nurtured.

I learned so much about coffee when I spent time at a coffee mill in the rain forest of Nicaragua, and the parallels with sex with a good cup of coffee is striking.

First you have to pick the cherries and be gentle not to bruise or injure them.
Next, they spend time marinating and fermenting with each other.
Then at some point the exterior comes off revealing the bean inside.
They need exposure to the Son.
The roasting process takes ten to fifteen minutes to get those beans hot and ready.
Then, some bumping and grinding of the beans takes place.
And finally, it's time to enjoy and savor the cup.
Every once in a while you may not have the time for the whole process, there's always instant coffee.

Having an agenda or settling for instant coffee tends to cheapen the gift. That's where Song of Solomon expounds on the romance and flame as an example to follow; to help keep marriages alive and passionate. Starting from chapter one you have pheromones flying, passion in a park, and woopy in the wilderness...That's some passion from Song of Songs 1.

12 The king is lying on his couch,
enchanted by the fragrance of my perfume.
13 My lover is like a sachet of myrrh
lying between my breasts.
14 He is like a bouquet of sweet henna blossoms
from the vineyards of En-gedi.
15 How beautiful you are, my darling,
how beautiful!
Your eyes are like doves.
16 You are so handsome, my love,
pleasing beyond words!
The soft grass is our bed;
17 fragrant cedar branches are the beams of our house,
and pleasant smelling firs are the rafters.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Desires of the world

Who Dat!

This year's Superbowl was one the the best games I've seen in a long time. The only thing that would have made it better was if it was Chargers and Saints. There's always next year. Of course, it's always fun when you can enjoy the festivities among family and friends, fantastic food and adult beverages.

I went to a friend's home- well, more of a mansion compound, for a pre-game party he was having. He is more than well off. I believe God has blessed him because he is one of the most generous people I know. Some my favorite foods were there, and since I'm one of his only friend's that can truly enjoy a good bottle of wine, he opened a $400+ bottle for us to enjoy. I must say, I do enjoy the fine things in life, but it's easy to get caught up in all of this. I'm not saying it's bad to own these things, or to shine bright, but I don't want to become obsessed with it all, since it's so easy to do.

At times, I do get caught up in desiring these things. I find myself strategizing over how to achieve this kind of wealth and success. But I have to stop and remember that true success and wealth in God's eyes isn't necessarily limited to this kind.

Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Put a different way: Put God first in every aspect of your life and you are blessed! It's a verse I've gone to over and over again when temptations like these arise. I know that material things can never deliver the satisfaction that God's blessings provide.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Today God Is First.

God has always set a principle whereby we are to seek Him in all our decisions, that He might truly make our decisions. In the Old Testament, the casting of lots was another means of allowing a decision to be left with God. Proverbs says, "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord" (Prov. 16:33). Another means of making a decision was through the agreement of two or three. No one could be guilty of any crime without the witness of two or three. This was a biblical way of confirming a matter. Still another means of making a decision is through a multitude of counselors.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't trust yourself based on your own abilities. In all your ways seek Him and He will direct your ways" - Proverbs 3:5-6
This is one of the most quoted verses in the Bible related to gaining wisdom and direction from God. Yet I have never heard one teaching on this passage that teaches what I believe the psalmist is really saying. The first part is pretty easy; we are to trust with all our heart. But the next part is not so clear. We are not to trust our own ability. If we are not to depend on us, on whose understanding are we to lean? God's!

Given all these scenarios, what are we to gain from these examples? We are told in Jeremiah 17:9a, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure." So what really protects each of us from the deceit of our own heart? I believe it is the combination of all the above. When we get to a place with God that our decisions are accountable to others, whether that be a wife, a board, or a few close friends who are committed to the same godly ideals, this is when we are protected from the deceit of our own heart. This is one of the hardest things to yield to God-the right to make our own decisions. Yet, it is the most elementary principle God requires of us to receive His blessing in our lives.

This principle took a long time for me to appreciate. However, today I can tell you I would never make a major decision without the counsel of others who are close to me. Relational accountability has become lost in our culture due to our hunger for independence. I have experienced too often the hardship that results from making decisions that God isn't behind. Walking in obedience is the only real freedom in Christ.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

God only knows

So, I'm digging through the CD's in the LandCrusher, luckily one of the Toyota's not on the recall list. I put in one without any writing on it that I must have burned long ago because a Joy Williams song was on it. She's one of the Christian artists that used to host an MTV series years ago. Anyway check it out.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

In Shaq we trust?

"Shaq's got your back."

How many peeps are switching to Comcast because they trust him for what he says in that commercial? Tons. Statistically, they are having a stellar quarter due in part to that ad. Yet Psalms 84:11 says that God is both a sun to light our way, and a shield to protect our backside. How many are truly trusting in those words?

11 For the Lord God is our sun and our shield.
He gives us grace and glory.
The Lord will withhold no good thing
from those who do what is right.

What is that saying to you and me? Well, assuming His words are true. Check. That He knows what's going on in our lives. Check. That as followers, we are doing the right thing by loving Him and loving others. Check. Then we know that He's got our back, is leading us step by step, and working all things together for good, while giving us undeserved grace and glory, which is a really good thing.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey, you remember him right? He's the guy who wished he'd never been born. He consistently sacrificed his dreams in order to be a servant to others. He thinks he hits rock bottom. Finally, he's granted his wish, and his guardian angel shows him what his world would be without his influence...Not there to save his brother from drowning, and later that brother then, unable to save hundreds himself in WWII. George's wife is a bitter old maid instead of the vivacious Donna Reed (who I met in person, and she was really sweet.) No one was there to help the first time home buyers, some of his friends end up in prison, and the angel wouldn't have gotten his wings...It's a Wonderful Life is full of analogies.

Each of us have the ability to make a difference in other's lives. Unfortunately, we really can't see what that is or what it entails until much later. God has placed in our hearts the desire to serve and be Christ-like in our actions and attitudes, to live lives of significance. With that comes responsibility of doing our best and leaving the rest up to Him. You'd be surprised how He will use us in other's lives. Afterall, We are His workmanship created for good works in Christ. (Eph 2:10)

Lake Powell

Romans 5:7-8. “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

One of the yearly trips we did in my church youth group, was to go to Lake Powell. Some of the cliffs we would jump off ranged from 5 to 50 feet up depending on the water level. On a couple occasions, I witnessed kids falling off the cliffs from even higher places. Father's would risk there lives to jump in and save them. Sometimes they succeeded, many times they did not.

On another trip, a girl I had a crush on lost her brother. We had no idea where he went and all of us were searching through the night. Finally, forensic dive teams arrived and found him five feet from shore. The verses we were memorizing at the time were from Ps 46 and how God is a very present help in times of trouble. Even though one died, many came to know Him that day, and many more since.

The overwhelming fact that God loves us so much that he gave his only son to save us, we have all the confidence in the world he will absolutely care for us in every possible way. He will make sure we have what we need to grow and mature, both physically and spiritually. He will keep us safe. He will never let anything come into our lives that would hurt us in our relationship with him

God’s love for us goes way beyond the natural love a good father has for his children. The fact is, He loves us even when we are rebelling against every one of his commands. Every person who has been born since Adam sinned has inherited a sin nature that makes sin an attractive option.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Pastor's Wives

One of the things I enjoy about living down in Georgia in the "Bible belt" is that no matter where you go, people talk about God and how to apply His principles in a practical way.

So this morning, I'm sitting at Starbucks waiting for an associate to show. Two Pastor's wives ask if they can sit next to me on the couch. You ask, how do I know they were Pastor's wives? I know because the younger one with her "skinny Mocha," starts asking questions about being a newlywed, and responsibilities as a Youth Pastor's wife. The older mentor looks at me, then refocuses back on her, and says that her main responsibility is to have a lot of "intimate occasions" with her husband, since temptation from working with the youth will be there. "Having sex is his only need that couldn't and shouldn't be met by anyone else but her."

Picture this; I almost coughed my coffee through my nose after hearing that. Clearly, she is a woman of wisdom and maturity;) Obviously, my ears perked up and wondered if that Trojan Magic Touch commercial was going to be the next topic...

So what does God teach about intimacy in the context of marriage? The church I attend, will be broaching this subject over the next few weeks just in time for Valentine's Day, and as a disclaimer; No young people for this series. In case you miss it, here's the link so you can check it out it next week. //

playing with clay

Everything I learned was in Kindergarten..almost. But that is where I learned about clay and kilns and pottery. I think I may still have some of my masterpieces hanging around the house. When I'm gone and departed, I'm sure they'll fetch priceless amounts of money at auction ;o) But seriously, the guy across the street from me growing up was a master potter. It's cool to watch a master potter work, especially if you can track the whole process of making a single bowl. First, he prepares the clay, which involves wetting it, beating it, cutting it, and kneading it over and over again. It often takes a total of several hours over two or three days to make the clay just right.

Philippians 1:6
He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Guess what? God Finishes the job.

God chose me, called me, declared me not guilty, and is in a constant flux of glorifying me. Sometimes I think that He can’t possibly mold me to be like Jesus. But, He can because he is God. He can and he will and does—It’s a promise.

When the clay is ready the potter places it on a wheel that spins it while he presses on it to make the shape emerge. He pushes and pulls and cuts and carves until the shape he has in mind emerges. Then, he sets it on a shelf for a few days to dry before firing it.

The firing process is usually done in two stages. The first stage hardens the clay so it isn’t so fragile while the artist applies the glaze. After the first firing, the potter applies glaze to the bowl. The glaze is very thin clay with chemicals that will change into beautiful colors as they melt. At this point, the piece still looks like some carefully shaped and hardened dirt. The final firing heats the bowl to over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes the bowl very hard and durable. It also reveals the colors and designs the potter applied to the surface. Only after the clay has been beaten, shaped, stretched, and fired can we see the beauty that was in the mind of the potter from the very beginning.

Remember that God is the master potter of your life. He planned, prepared, and organized every part of who you are and what you will experience so that he can reveal the beauty he has in mind. He will keep on working, forgiving, and training you throughout your whole life. He will keep the heat on when it’s needed. But, he’ll also give you times of rest and peace.

The most important facts in all of life are these: God loves us and there is nothing that can keep Him from making you and I perfect and complete. When we stand before him in heaven one day, all the beauty he built into our character will be clearly seen.

Take me
Break me
Mold me
Make me