Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Don't you hate it when you have a surprise all planned out and it's a flame out. Fizzle. Kaput.

I have an old Mustang ragtop for sale in San Diego, and sold to the an Atlantain on Superbowl Sunday, for a discounted price plus a flight costs to San Diego to drive back.

I thought it would be a nice surprise for Valentine's weekend that, since my wife was flying out to San Diego on Tuesday to book the same flight and show up next to her on the plane with a rose, and ask if the seat was taken.

So all week nothing was mentioned about the flight or that I had sold the car or that I was heading back to San Diego to retrieve it...We dropped her off on MARTA and I quickly got on the train behind her. texting back and forth as she thought I was heading home. Once we arrived at the airport, I waited an extra five minutes to be sure she had cleared after seeing her head in to get her boarding pass.

I was in the process of trying to change my seat assignment to be next to her when I hear "Dave?" Darn! How discouraging, my plans had been changed. She made a wrong turn and therefore hadn't gottten checked in ahead of me.

Life is like that isn't it? We have an idea how things are supposed to be but when things don't go exactly as planned we can get irritated at someone, sometimes God is the recipient of our irritation. Why is this happening God? Where's the justice in that God? When will this trial be over God? But we know don't we, that He works out all those details to His glory. Again, how much is "all?" All things work for good to those who are IN Christ! Romans 8:28!

She was still very suprised and happy, and we were able to sit together after all. And we all lived happily ever after!


  1. Too funny Dave!! You tried and I am sure she was thrilled.

  2. It was still Fun! I kept saying along the way in MARTA-You must be by such and such by now...She thought I had ESPN.

  3. Awww! I love the idea..even though it didn't go how you thought..I was so glad you got extra time together that was unexpected!
