Saturday, February 27, 2010


Sometimes we get so busy with the performance part of our lives; going to work, running a household, being a husband or wife, parent, and friend, that we forget the most important role we are to play. The role of being God’s chosen child here on this earth. Throughout the day, think of any benefits you may have to being a chosen one? Like Ps 8:5 “crowned us w/ glory and honor.” Favor and honor can be interchanged; James 4 says we have not because we don’t ask and when we do it’s with wrong motives. Many of us today need to ask Him for favor, honor and glory!

I was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ at SDSU in 1980; I remember vividly hearing the story about a guy who has never been on a cruise before saves up for this trip. He brings along a backpack full of cheese, bread and snacks; things he thinks will last him through the cruise to his destination. A few days into it, the bread is getting moldy, the cheese is hard, he’s running low on water…

There are so many benefits to remembering that one simple fact. I am God’s own special child and he loves me unconditionally. He loves me whether I am lovable, grumpy, angry, worried, or depressed. He is always there waiting to have a relationship with me. What an amazing God that has adopted me into his family, if I will only choose to call him Father and live the life He chooses. Like the guy in the story above, while he got to go on the cruise, he failed to enjoy the benefits that come with; all the food (some pretty darn good), beverages, activities. A steward noticed him one day and asked him why he was eating crusty bread? “Didn’t you read the ‘guide’, your cruise come with all the choices of food and drink you want, it’s all part of the package!”

I am in awe of how God loves each one of us distinctly regardless of our circumstances. While our circumstances change from time to time, His love, grace and mercy always abound. Matthew 5:1-12 is a reflection of how deeply God loves each and every one of us, forever and always.
Have you thought about how special you are to God? Remember your uniqueness in God’s eyes and share the love of God with those that maybe aren’t so lovable, but are loved by God.

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