Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adjustments in Life

I'm sitting on the couch very gingerly right now, I threw out my back getting boxes out of the attic. In a couple days if it's not better, I know it would be best to go get adjusted at a Chiro.

Os Hillman tells a story of how a grocery store had to adjust how it did business.
There's a story in the Bible where Jesus comes up to some fishermen who had been fishing all night, catching nothing, they has to adjust to catch the critters. When they did, the nets overflowed.
You and I are thrown curves balls in life, and we too, have to adjust.

So this Mid West grocery store noticed it's profit margin sunk during the winter months, couldn't figure out why. It seemed that whenever it was really cold outside, the manager raised the temperature in the store. When customers came into the store it was too warm for them, so they removed their coats and placed them in their shopping carts. This meant less room for food and resulted in reduced sales overall. They lowered the temperature of the store, and as a result, the sales climbed back to the levels they were accustomed to. Their adjustment resulted in restoring sales levels.

So, if you ever wonder why they keep stores cold...Another thing about stores; if you are trying to adjust your diet, just shop the four walls- Dairy, Breads, Produce, and Meats. Forget the middle and watch what that little adjustment does to your bottom (line.)

Ever sat in a chair where one or two of the legs are not adjusted right? Some instances, one whole leg may be missing or broken, causing a dangerous unbalanced situation. Mental, Physical, Social, Spiritual-Four of the chair legs of life.

Any of those legs need adjusting?

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