The recent "coming out" on Larry King of former Christian recording artist Jenifer Knapp on the surface looks like it's yet another hit to God's PR. But is it?
Mr King poses the question "Are you going to hell?" 1 Cor 6:18-20 specifically addresses this issues to Christians..."Run from sexual sin. No other sin affects the body more than this one. Sexual immorality is against your own body. Don't you realize your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and given to you. You've been bought for price, so honor God with your bod." He's pretty direct; He gives a stern warning but doesn't condemn to hell. Religion does.
Yep, she has issues. So do you and I. None are perfect, no not one. We all stumble, we all fall. She is choosing to live in sin. Hers happens to be sexual sin, maybe yours is that your fat, or a porn addict, or a liar or cheat on your taxes. Maybe you consistently go 66 mph. Hmmm, I remember a story about splinters and logs.
The more I study the Bible, the more proof that it's only by His grace through faith that saves us. Not what you do, or don't do or you'd boast as being good or bad. Why else would the Bible be so full of stories where people sinned, even murdered yet are not going to hell! Jesus came from a line that included Rahab a prostitute, David and Moses, murderers. When the religious of the day brought a prostitute before Jesus to see what He would say, Jesus said "You who are without sin, throw the first stone!" Then I believe, he started writing all the guys sins in the sand. One by one they dropped their stones and walked away. Later Jesus forgave but told her "Go and sin no more." Easier said than done.
I'm a screw up, you're a screw up. We all screw up. Christianity went from about 100,000 Christians world wide in AD 100 to over 200,000,000 just 300 years later. Because it is based on Love, not condemnation as other religions are.
Religion took a hit, God? Not so much.
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