Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Doing the same thing day in and day out and expecting something to change.

That is a classic definition of insanity.

I pondered that thought as I was perusing one of my journals this morning. I came across a question by Brian Tracy. “What two areas in your life if mastered, would produce the greatest reward or result?” For me personally, they would be consistency with my Heavenly Father, and consistency of being the spiritual leader of my family. I can settle for the status-quo, or seek to make some change for the betterment in these areas.

I know that I know that I know I'm supposed to do those things, and sometimes I do them very well. Other times, I don't. Inconsistency. However, if I was to master those two things, my vertical relationship with God, would be more "Abba" like in nature. Rather than a rote religious checklist; went to church..check. Did a "quiet time." Check. Thanked Him for food and bedtime prayer. Check. He created us with free will, not a checklist to turn into Him at the end of our lives. Additionally, my horizontal relationships with wife, family, friends, and associates, would also improve.

Therein is my struggle; do I do them because I'm supposed to, or because I want to? Where the vertical and horizontal intersect, "the Cross" is present. I'm convinced that more of Jesus in my life is the one thing needed to displace insanity.

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