Thursday, May 20, 2010

God's PR Firm

St Augustine's take on the Great Commission of Matt 28 was "Go into the world and preach the Gospel, but only use words when absolutely necessary." CS Lewis once said "If you think I'm a lousy Christian, you should see how I used to be!" Even though God probably isn't in need of a PR firm to represent Him, still, it is important how we live our lives, especially in the public eye.

The first words out of my mouth used to be "I don't do that, I'm a Christian." I just set myself up for intense criticism and failure. Whatever I do, in someone's eyes, I will have blown it. When I go to a party or evening out, I know that anything over two drinks is too much for me. When someone asks me why I don't have more, I don't need to say "no, I'm a Christian" rather, I can let them know that two is my personal limit without getting out of control. Even though our works don't save us or condemn us, they do define who we are, like it or not. It's a fine line to be in but not of this world. Granted, there will always be people like my mom, who recently went on a "church trip" to Branson. She commented to me "I can't believe they call themselves Christians- some were playing cards and drinking!" Oh well, she grew up in a church that escorted women out of the service if they wore pants...Or if guys had hair that touched the ears or collar. I guess Jesus would have been escorted out too!

WWJD-What Would Jesus Do, more than just a catch phrase, really should be how I try to live my life. Jesus did spend time eating and drinking with the world. He even turned water into wine as His first miracle. Sorry mom, it wasn't grape juice. I'm fairly sure He never drank so much as to lose any control, but rather, used that opportunity connected to the Vine to produce much fruit in His 33 years on earth. If I truly am connected, I should be producing an enticing fruit through my life with respect to both God and the people who cross my path. If I'm not both salt and light-How am I allowing others to see life is more "tasty" while shinning the light of the Lord to a dark and getting darker world?

Beyond being a witness to others, essentially, I have an even greater responsibility to help the people in my life find and follow Jesus. Ultimately, it is the way I live my life that will be one of the greatest influences on a decision to follow Christ and know that the claims of Christianity are true.

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