Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Rudder

As this year closes and the New Year approaches, where you put your hope and how you have peace in the midst of these times will truly test your faith.

Isaiah 53:4-5 (King James Version)

4Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

As you watch this video, frame it with how we can have peace in the midst of adversity, oh and have tissue close by...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Rudder

"He went to Jared's"...You've heard the commercials. Well, the closest one around here is at The Mall of Georgia.

The boy's and I wanted to get mom something special from the three of us, so we made the journey over. Thing is, about three miles from the mall, traffic is at a dead stop. The next three miles took about 40 minutes to traverse. But it was worth it. We got mom something we hope she'll like. I am guilty for being one of the huge number that treat Christmas as a commercial holiday. However...

Jesus did not come to Earth so we would have a bunch of presents under the tree, a day off work, or a fantastic feast. He came so that we could have a relationship with the God of the Universe, and to give us a place in eternity. When he arrived on that chaotic night in the manger, he brought with him hope for you and for me. Hope that there is a God who cares. Hope that we will live with him forever. Hope that this world is not the end.

I am clinging to that hope like never before, and appreciating God's presence in the world, and in my life, like never before. We can all rejoice in the birth of Jesus, because it signals the incarnation of hope for all of us.

I hope mom likes her gift.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Rudder

If praying is hard for you, just pray like this:: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:9-10

Do you think we were instructed to pray that things on earth would be like they are in Heaven if it wasn't possible? Now at Christmastime, Jesus came here bringing gifts 2000 years ago. He came in order to penetrate this dark hopeless realm the with the light of hope. He came to bring healing to marriages, replace sadness with joy, and fill meaninglessness with purpose. He came to change things for the better for a world that had no hope outside of God.

Ever since the '05 Mustang came out, my son has expressed his desire to have one...I've always said if we are able, we'll get him one when he graduates... College. What if he just drove the gift without taking the time to learn about it? What if he didn't know he could take it out of 1st gear and go faster? Or drive it at night because it has lights?

Christ didn't come to merely give us a ticket to Heaven (a car that you drive only in the daytime at 20 miles per hour). He came to bring us much more-the Kingdom of God on earth. We, as The Church, do not exist just for Heaven, but for earth as well. The cross has a vertical line (Love God) and a horizontal one (Love your neighbor.) If it existed only for Heaven, then each of us would immediately be taken to Heaven. There would be no reason for us to remain on earth. So why has God allowed us to receive this new birth and remain on earth? It is so that we might bring the Hope of Christmas into our world-our families, our workplace, and our communities, and yes, even our enemies. Life begins at the Cross. Especially at this time of year.

The Rudder

Peace on earth good will toward men.

The real reason for the season. I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly. Peace I give you not as the world knows.

Because He came, we can be confident and have peace in a peaceless world. When everything around us seems like it's falling apart...Peace He gives us.

Ps 46- 1 God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
2 So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the sea.
3 Let the oceans roar and foam.
Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Rudder

Brittney Murphy dead at the age of 32.

That was a shocker. You just never know when your time is up do you? That begs the question-Are you ready to meet your maker? Are you doing all you can do today.

There are only two days and they both start with a "T" This day and...That day. This day; today is the only one that matters.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Rudder

Regrets from the past. Worries for the future what ifs. These are what feed anxious days and sleepless nights.

1 Peter 5:6-8 (New Living Translation)

6 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

Today is your only concern. Why squander the moment about what's done and gone, or may never even happen. I read somewhere that 93% of future what ifs never happen. When you can't enjoy the now because of yesterday and tomorrow it sucks and there is no joy.

By choosing to enjoy the present and live fully by casting those cares, concerns and controlling anxiety on Him, you are free!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Rudder

The 1% proposal.

As I go peruse through my journals for cool quotes, I realize many times I was so busy taking notes that I failed to notate who said what...

"The 1% marriage insurance plan-- As a couple, you need to come together on this and commit for at least 30 days, until it becomes a habbit and a lifestyle change. Everyday commit just 1% of your day to your spouse. That's just 16-24 minutes depending on if you consider a day to be 24 total hours or 16 awake hours. Take five minutes to pray, five minutes to make out, and the remainder for whatever happens next. Kids? That's what locks are for! They need to see that your spouse the most important earthly relationship"

1% may still seem like too much time to spend with your spouse working on your relationship, but then that serves to reveal just how far you have drifted apart and what you need to work on. Maybe it's the daily prayer part, maybe it's the intimacy part or maybe both? Remember three of your vows are to Love, Honor, and Cherish; I can't think of a more practical way to engage those vows...Nothing of true value comes easy, but depending on where you currently are, to move out of the rut--that journey takes effort and maybe even 2% of your time.

Jack LaLane (who must be like 100 now) recently said while being interviewed about his juice machine "I still make love to my wife three times a week." His wife then speaks up and jokingly says "Well, you try anyway."

The Rudder

Piggyback from an earlier blog as written by Os Hillman:

"How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?" (Ps 13:1-2).
Have you ever heard someone jokingly say, "It's not easy being me?" This expression is poking fun at their unique personality or challenges they face in life. Well, it wasn't easy being King David.

His life was a life of extreme highs and extreme lows. He was a shepherd, a political leader, a builder, a prophet, a businessman, a warrior, a lover, a giver, a murderer and a worshiper. He must have been criticized by others as being hypocritical in his early career. In each of these roles he achieved things for God but he also failed God on many occasions. He had a creative-type personality, which is often very passionate with many mood swings. We see this side of him when he unabashedly danced before the Lord in front of his subjects almost naked (2 Sam 6:14).

When David wrote his psalms he was honest about what he was feeling. When he feared his enemies he expressed it. When he could not understand why God was silent, he expressed it as in the psalm above.

However, David never stayed in the place of despair. He often ended his psalms like this one. "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me" (Ps 13:5-6).

David chooses to focus on what God has done for him, not what He has not done. If you are waiting for a breakthrough with God, be honest with Him about your hopes and dreams. However, also affirm your faith and trust in Him to accomplish His purposes through your life. Be an overcomer.

The Rudder

"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness."

Ah yes, a line from one of those classic songs from the 1800's. Today especially I know first hand how tempting it can be to wallow in our circumstances. They say that 30% of the US is Under-employed or unemployed, in between jobs and struggling to make ends meet.

That one line points out my error. Many times, I try to build my hope on what I can do, what I can bring to the table. I tend to look at my circumstances, and think there is no way out. On my own, that is true. The song goes on to say, "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."

1 Peter 1:3-7 (The Message)

3-5What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you'll have it all—life healed and whole.
6-7I know how great this makes you feel, even though you have to put up with every kind of aggravation in the meantime. Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it's your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of his victory.

Due to recent income challenges, I find myself on shifting ground, and my emotions are suffering from that strain. "Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven." That's a promise, and He's never gone back on His promises has He?

When I put my hope in Christ, and remember the promises he's made, the obstacles in my life don't seem as menacing. I know God stands with me through everything and my future is secure.

Are you in the middle of circumstances that make you feel weary, frustrated, and maybe even hopeless? Take time every day, maybe even every hour, to focus on your relationship with Christ and the hope he promises.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Pontiac Silverdome

Built in 1975 for $55 million ($220 million in 2009 dollars) Site of Superbowl XVI, Wrestlemania, Detroit Pistons and Detroit Lions. The world economy spares no one; it just sold at auction for $580,000!

Detroit is one of many places now where you can own a home for a third to a twentieth of the cost to rent the same home. Neighborhoods that used to be hundreds of thousands of dollars back when the auto industry was alive, now can't even bring the $1000 minimum bid prices at auction. To put that in perspective, a new mortgage on that house would be less than $7 a month...If you wanted to live in Detroit with the crime, industry stacks spewing out whatever, the weather etc. Just by collecting cans and bottles, I'm sure it would be paid off in a year. Wouldn't it be great to know you could spend all your time effort and even money on a much more worthwhile place? Especially if it was a priceless gift to you?

Matt 6 Teaching about Money and Possessions

19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Our home is not here on this earth...

I'm not trying to pick on Detroit, it's just that I wouldn't want to live there. Compared to Heaven, life here is the pits-Detroitesque, don't you think?

The Rudder

My wife has been on an extended business trip since Thanksgiving. I miss her very much.

Knowing another person intimately is surely one of life's great joys. But eventually, you may think you come to the point where you believe there is all there is to know about them. As ruts lay their trail, we settle into stagnation don't we? Think about a stagnant pond, how does it get that way? No new water enters as the old ceases movement. Pond scum chokes out life due to lack activity and oxygen, and then stinks up the area. Only when things get flowing again, does the stagnancy break up and dissipate.

Understand, this is fairly common in most, if not all relationships. How we respond is the key.

Time apart can serve us well as we put things in perspective. If, when we see them again, we allow ourselves to really observe them as we did when we first met. By doing that, those moment's of spark can reignite into a flame, as we travel down memory lane.

As you listen to this vid let the rain of God's floodgates flow.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Rudder

It's Sunday morning and I'm channel surfing while waiting for the house to stir. I see this guy talking about relationships in a rut and renewing the spark. He's trying his best to put a humor spin on a tough subject to broach.

A rut is by definition is a well worn path that makes change very difficult to get out of. Ruts are problematic enough that many times effort is lost by not even trying. Unfortunately, that train of thought, habit of response (or lack of), or pattern of behavior, by not examining right responses, shortchanges the most important relationships.

I'm sure you've heard different versions of the joke of the three levels of sex in a marriage; The three levels are; house sex, bedroom sex, and hall sex. House sex is the first few months of marriage where you have sex all over the house, the kitchen, the living room, on the couch etc. Bedroom sex is the next few years just in the bedroom and only certain times during the week, as you settle into a routine. Hall sex when you pass in the hall -"F-you."

Sorry for the F-bomb, but you get the just of the joke. When I worked for the Navy, one of the weekly courses I broadcast Navy-wide was Divorce Care. I don't think it's "Classified" so I can share. In more than 90% of the cases on exit interviews of divorcee's, once their sex life dropped off, for any number of reasons, divorce was the next step. As you know, more than 63% of everyone you sit next to in church this morning will divorce or already has. Pretty sad comentary on the church!

Sunday mornings, Satan's minions are alive and active stirring up arguments so getting to church can be a big deal, and thoughts can be so preoccupying that you don't hear what the Spirit is saying. So this guy closes his by saying "Get out of a rut, don't just have sex, lock the door, make some passionate love before church, and Sunday night!

The Bible says God made everything and called it "good. When he told man and woman to become one, he called sex "Very good."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Rudder


That's the monthly amount required by the lenders to pay back debt on a plan as proposed by Consumer Credit Counselors (CCCS) yesterday. That is the institution many lenders and crdit card companies require you to use for a five year payback plan.

When I heard that number I started laughing. She said "What a great attitude you have." I told her I can't worry about it because it is out of my control. "Well, obviously you are going through this to be an influence on others going through the same thing. So many people I council are in such despair."

In an earlier blog I commented how we go through stuff many times so we can relate and help others.

At this point I just need to live in God's economy. As I learn to seek Him as the object of my life's energy, my purpose, goals, ambition, and yes, significance, all need to line up with His will. This world will always be dynamic, changing and unstable. But God is the one constant, as many have witnessed in the past couple years, the world shifting like sand beneath our feet. People all over are experiencing a new level of insecurity because their hope was misplaced in things rather than in God. Fear of the future, despair, anxiety and restlesnes all linger just beneath the surface, when all that is seen is the tip of the iceberg.

"Be content with what God sent." When I am content with what I have today, I can rest in His promise that "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." God is basically saying that in man's economy I am vulnerable; everything can be swept away and forsaken...except Him.

As I am refined to place everything under His Lordship, my role as a steward becomes clear by being generous with all entrusted to me. Not so in man's economy where sucess is measured not in lives but in toys and accumulation of stuff.
"Despair causes us to contract, pull in, give up."

Chris Canalas is a High School football player confined to a wheelchair as a result from breaking his neck on a tackle.

Chris fell into a deep depression and days at a time would lock himself in his room, refusing to eat and refusing to go to therapy. The reality had sunk in for Chris. He would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He would never run down a football field again.

In an effort to help cheer Chris up, his father decided to take him to a football game. While watching the game, one of the players made a tackle, went limp and was carted off the field. At that moment, Chris turned to his father and said, "We need to go to him and help him. I know what he is going to go through and you know what the family is going to go through." From that moment, Chris and his father started an organization to help football players with spinal cord injuries.

Chris found the strength and courage to move forward when presented with an opportunity to help others by sharing his experience. However, he did not do this alone. He had the support of his father who stood by him through this process.

At times we may wonder why we go through tough times, maybe not as tough as Chris's, but different; some financial, some relational.

John 14:33 says "In this life you will have troubles, but do not lose heart, I have overcome this world."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Rudder

Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a seseme seed bun. What a mouthful, literally.

I am getting an education here at Coffee College. Sizes, quality grade, percentage of craked or chipped beans, smell, feel in the mouth, taste, (I guess taste would be important). After roasting, are there any cracks, did all the moisture get expunged? Is the bag doing it's job of letting the gas escape while not letting in air that would spoil the batch?

I can tell you all about the Big Mac I can tell you all about the coffee. Until you experience both all the knowledge in the world is worthless until an action is taken. What is that action? That's right, I have to taste, smell, chew, swallow, burp and fart sometimes, to get the understanding and reality of a Big Mac and a daily grind. Experience is the key.

Josh McDowell once said "Going to church does not make you a Christian anymore than going to McDonald's makes you a Big Mac"

Revelation 3:15-17 (New Living Translation)

15 "I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, 'I am rich. I have everything I want. I do not need a thing! "And you do not realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.

Ouch! 1 Corinthians 13:1-4 (New Living Translation)

1 Corinthians 13
Love Is the Greatest
1 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but did not love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God's secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but did not love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even Sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; [a] but if I did not love others, I would have gained nothing.
4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud

Carnal Christian is a term created in the 60's or 70's. Can not find it in my bible. The story of the sheep and the goats, I do find. Denying self taking up the cross and following Christ I get.

He's either Lord of all, or not Lord at all.

The longer I'm down here in a third world nation, the clearer the picture of just how spoiled and comfortable we are with our Country Club churches and the thorns of life choking and paralizing us to really follow the new commandment. To love God with all our hearts minds and souls and to love our neighbor.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Rudder

Proverbs 11:1 (New Living Translation)

Proverbs 11
1 The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales,
but he delights in accurate weights.

I'm here in Nicaragua learning all there is to learn about coffee. For instance, it is the second largest commodity sold on the New York Stock Exchage. Second only to oil.

From one pound of coffee, certain coffee companies can sell 30 cups of Vente coffee at $1.85, or 30 foo foo drinks at $4/per drink. So as you can see, what a coffee company acqires wholesale coffee at per pound at compared to the final product resold, the profits can be astounding. If the scales are dishonest, companies can take advantage of the farmers and increase profits by a huge measurable amount.

So the problem is that some companies in spite of public perception, use scales that are dishonest by about 10%. One reason the company I'm with down here can survive and flourish is that they are honest in all their dealings from the scales, to the quality rating, to the repayment in 10 days or less compaired to 60-90 days for others. So many other things.

Esperanza Coffee Company besides supplying beans to Dunkin Donuts and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf uses their profits wisely. I have been to where they build orphanages and rehab centers and drill wells, support the farmers and their families. There is a great kid here at the B&B they took off the streets and now lives here. He hadn't had a real meal as long as he could remember, hadn't had a bath or had his hair cut for years, had no shoes and clothes were barely there. Even though he is only 11 and we pray and fellowship with him, and is getting straight A's in school.

I brought a football with me. He'd never seen one before, so his first few throws were just like when mom throws a ball. We cured that that fairly quickly.

Many lives hang in the balance.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Rudder

I like my coffee hot, although when it's 90 degrees out, I like it iced or frapped.

Lukewarm, umm, not so much. I think most Christians assume they are in the fertile soil spoken of in the parable of the sower in Matt 13. You know what they say about assume?

I'm down here in Nicaragua staying with a family that knows what it means to lose everything, take stock of life, and relocate here to make a difference in people's lives for the gospel. Here in the rain forest, life is so different from both SoCal and ATL. Just getting from point A to point B is an adventure. You can take a shower if there is water in the well. Hungry? Go catch the loudest chicken or at least gather a few eggs. Need an alarm? Cock-a-doodle-doo! Living simply after losing everything financially. But this family rocks! They say they wouldn't "do over" for one second. They realize firsthand God allows trials and tribulations to affect us to grow closer to Him. But more importantly, to join God in whatever He already is doing, and making a difference in other's lives.

This is the fertile soil spoken of.

Thorny soil is where most pitch their camp. Maybe not purposely, but nevertheless it is what it is. Unfortunately, many people and churches, have huge mortgages, car payments, overhead, etc that requires much resources. True religion is supporting those who could never repay like orphans and widows, and the starving. Yet, if you ask the typical Christian or church if they would be able to help support a ministry down here or over there, the response is generally a resounding "no." Not because they don't want to but rather because they can't. The thorns of life have their grip firmly planted in the hearts, wallets and budgets. Besides, that might take them out of the comfort zone of lukewarmness.

$80 a month is an average salary for a family here. Back in the states, what's that, Starbucks for a week for a typical family?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bravo network has some interesting shows don't you think?

Not one of the channels I normally would surf, but an interesting tidbit of info came my way yesterday. Seems the "Housewives of Orange County" is going to have a "Christian" on the show. The show will follow her to Free Chapel OC. This is interesting because Free Chapel is here but has an OC location as well. Another episode will feature having the Pastor, Jenzen Franklin over for dinner. This could be fun!

This morning as I turned on TV (not Bravo), a very polished Televangelist caught my eye, rather my ear, with a very pertinent message. I have to admit, all I caught was a tidbit there as well. He told a story how a proper church lady questioned him about God and money. "If God wanted me to have any extra money, He'd give it to me." The woman said. He responded with "And if God wanted you to comb your hair He's do it."

I had already passed on to another channel to see election results when it sunk in. Their could be some truth to the retort. Both require an action on our part. I quickly went back to the channel just in time to here him say "When was the last time you actually spelled it out to God and asked him, really just asked Him for extra?"

Extra would come in handy right now on so many levels.

I sometimes just assume He knows my thoughts and wishes (He does) But like James 4 says You have not because you don't ask, or you ask with wrong motives.

As a salesperson, I can go visit clients and be pleasant, but unless I ask for the sale blatantly, I may not get it.

My dad just about wanted a business plan presentation when I would ask him for something. If Powerpoint were around back then, it would have been required. I had to provide all the positives and negatives of why I should need this purchase (even if he knew it was a need) I'd make my presentation and he would grant... or not, based on my motives, the usage, effects on others etc.

In the same way, God our Father, really does want us to ask Him and be ready in our hearts with an expectancy of an answer that He knows best and sees around the corners and behind the walls of each request.

So Father God, I ask for favor and blessings today so I can bless others and be used mightily by you today. The results of the request have now been effectively transferred to The Decision Maker.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Rudder

Perception is often each person's reality whether that reality is true or not. Your perception of a situation is going to dictate your response more than the actual reality of it. Our life experiences, our past treatment of circumstances, and our personalities all contribute to how we view situations in daily life. We all see things through our own set of glasses at times. Men view things differently than women. I view things differently from my wife...

For instance, Janet just accepted a job offer back in San Diego that will cover our basic bills. The crazy thing is it was one interview vs my hundreds. How does one perceive that?

My perception is that God has always come through based on personal past circumstances combined with His nature of Love, Compassion, Grace, Favor, Mercy, and our Faith. In our 23 years of marriage, we have had several "seasons" where financially things got pretty bleak. That is the nature of 100% commission self employment, yet, our basic needs have always been met. I treat our current condition in the same light. He will bless us not because of what we can bring to the table, but because of who He is. By living fearless in a fearful world.

My wife's perception employs structure and security; she likes to know that what comes in will cover what's going out. Must be a chick thing...When God knit her and designed her, one of her attributes was that of administration and of rhyme and reason, and method. She completes me and balances the family...And we need her balance!

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom" (James 3:13-14).

Through wisdom, discernment, prayer and seeking His face, we will see how this plays out and what the future holds both here in Atlanta or there in San Diego.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Rudder

Past blogs talk about this and Prov 16

I've been looking for consistent work for quite some time and nothing has really come through. I applied at positions in San Diego as well, still nothing. Janet applies for one job there, and gets it. How does one frame this based on this scripture? We "rolled the dice" for her to go apply...

"Planning from God's view is a process. It isn't merely an exercise in reason and analysis. It requires entering into the mind of Christ together with our minds to determine which course to take. In the Old Testament, the priests wore breastplates with the Urim and Thummim in a pouch on their breasts. It was like a roll of dice that the priests were required to perform to know which direction they were to take on a matter. It was the ultimate release of all decisions into God's hand. God did not want the priests to rely on their own intellects for final decisions.

We have an uncanny ability to make decisions based on our own needs and wants. However, God desires that we seek Him to know His plans for us. David was a skilled warrior who never lost a battle. He consulted God on every decision. He knew the results of the battle rested in God's hand. So, if he was to gain victory, he had to know God's mind on the matter. Sometimes this requires more time given to the process in order to hear His voice. Sometimes it may even require fasting and prayer. Sometimes it may require input from other godly friends." OH

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Rudder

As I gunned the gas through the freeway intersection, half way through, it sputtered and shut down...
For three days in a row, I could not get a full breath and would have to stop and rest after a few steps. Five, maybe ten football throws to the boys and I was completely winded...Warning signs.

Finally, I went to the Dr. Couldn't breathe, couldn't sleep. So I've been fighting off Pneumonia and between a fuzzy head and heavy breathing, I kinda remember Janet saying something about the gas tank on "E." Now, I know first hand what she was trying to tell me.

On my way to drop my son off at school, I made a left turn out of the sub-division and the first sign of trouble was revealed with a sputter. I looked at the gas gauge and then looked at Austin and said "I don't think we are going to make it." The gas level read 1/4 inch below E and the closest gas station was a mile away. He prayed right then and there that we would have a safe and successful trip to the station, and that there would not be any cars coming either way at the freeway intersection.

Impressive, I always wonder just how much of a sponge our kids are when it comes to Spiritual things.

There are at least three take-aways to this story; first, that our kids do observe how we as parents respond to life's difficulties, they do notice us reading the Word and putting into practice the promises and warnings written. Second, how warnings have meaning.

I know my BMW can go 157 mph, I also know it's not safe to drive it that fast. I know when a gas warning light comes on, that I should fill up fairly soon. Similarly, the Bible gives us plenty of warnings, guidelines, and guardrails on how to live life. The riskier the life, the closer the warning signs, the higher the possibility of difficult times ahead.

The biggest take away though, is that once the car sputtered a mile away from the refill, I knew humanly, we were not going to make it to the gas station. I told my son the only way we will make it is God delivering us, is with a modern day miracle, and that's when he prayed... Sure enough, as we approached the intersection, for maybe the second time in three years, there were no cars coming either way. We coasted into the gas station after passing halfway through the freeway intersection with a dead car, we made it safely to that destination and then on to school..on time.

Once again, God does come through on time. On His time. What a relief to know that as we are stretched and stressed in other areas of our life. His hand is never to short to reach down and grant us favor when we ask. That my friends, is a great promise.

Isaiah 59:1 (New Living Translation)

1 Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you,
nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I've become a facebook junkie.

It's pretty cool to be able to connect with people from your past. One of my friends from High School and I recently added each other as friends, and were able to call and talk. As we talked about things, I eventually started to talk about the church in GA that I had connected with. I talked about the relaxed, casual atmosphere, the amazing music, and clear, relevant teaching. I let him know that I was really enjoying going to church and getting involved doing the "coffee ministry" and leading a small group.

His next comment made me feel concerned about his perspective on church. He said, "I could never attend a church like that. My view of church is that there needs to be some sort of punishment associated with it. It doesn't make sense that church would be fun."Although my friend and I had attended the same denomination as kids, and we both believed in Jesus, his church experience was very rule-based... Show up in your best clothes. Sit, stand, at the prescribed times while listening to the organ play. Recite the prayers, word-for-word. Respond with the proper words after scriptures are read. Yada, yada, yada.

Matthew 11:28-30 tels us about our relationship with him...

But Jesus didn't come to heap punitive rules on us as a heavy yoke. We're reminded of that in Matthew 11:30. He invites us to enjoy a personal relationship with him and with each other. We're reminded of those invitations in Luke 10:27. And Paul says in Romans 10 that Jesus came to establish his church where "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Rudder

Every sunrise sings your grace. The universe cries out your praise. I'm singing freedom all my days...Now that I'm alive. -Steve Fee

The first time we met Steve and the band, we were visiting N Ga, eating at Zazby's a local eatery. We ended up sitting right next to where the whole band and fam we sitting, the local band now touring as "Fee." Back then the lead singer was one of many who led worship at a local church we had visited, and my oldest wanted to meet him and tell him he liked the songs they sung. So we chatted for a moment, told him we were visiting from SoCal, and thinking about moving here.

Now with a string of hits like: Glorious One, Glory to God, Happy Day, We Shine, and All Because of Jesus I'm Alive, to name a few. I think it's cool that the kids got to meet a rock band totally committed to "The Rock."

Enjoy a vid

The Rudder

Proverbs 16:1,3,9 or read all of Proverbs 16

A good friend is planning a trip to Nicaragua, and asked me to join him there for a couple weeks as we endeavor to bring an existing coffee company to the states. So this morning as I opened my email, there is the itinerary leaving Nov 8 back Nov 22. Back in time for Thamksgiving.

For some of you, planning is something you enjoy and you're pretty good at it. Like my wife, you're the first one to let everyone know about an event in July--and it's only October. You've already set up an excel spreadsheet to monitor all the aspects of the event. Your Outlook calendar is studded with appointments, meetings, and reminders. On your wall, or in our case the fridge, is a three-month calendar showing last month, this month, and next month. Your desk is covered by another calendar, showing just the current month. Oh, and nothing is out of place on your desk either. Your iPhone or Blackberry never leaves your side, except when it's in your hand.

For others of you, and yes, I fall in this category, planning is despised. You play it by ear and prefer to be spontaneous. You'd rather just see how things play out, than plan too far in advance. You don't understand why someone would email you about an event in July--even if it's now June.

We can find ourselves so wrapped up in planning that we think we're actually in control-or, we can feel out of control because we didn't plan well enough.

Proverbs 16:4 says, "The Lord works out everything for His own ends." So, whether you're a planner or not, remember who's really in control.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Rudder

Anyone get up early to see the Orionid meteor shower this morning? I made espresso, hot cocoa and waffles, got the boys up a half hour earlier than normal while the sky was still dark, and headed out to watch. We saw maybe a half dozen, still all in all, it was an experience I hope they will treasure and remember when they have their own kids. Incredible how God's hand spans the universe while at the same time cares so deeply for us.

Psalms 8- When I consider the heavens a work of your fingers even the moon a stars you set in place...What is man that you are mindful of him? Yet you made him only a little lower than the angels..How majestic is your name, oh Lord. "The Message" version sums it up a little differently-I look up at the Macro-sky and compare to the Micro-self and ask why do you even bother with us?

I can hear God saying "Dudes, you are so special that I made all this for you, all I ask is that you recognize just how much I love you, and that with your own free will, love me back."

The bottom line is yes, it is amazing He would take a second look, yet He loves us so much and set us up as managers of His creation down here, gives us a sky show each year, a rainbow for promises made, and the ultimate sacrifice-gave His life for us.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Stay Strong

Stay strong you are not lost, did you forget whose trip your on? Stay strong, there's a new dawn to light your way... Phil 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

I keep hearing of people who are losing heart. Like I mentioned in another blog, it's easy to take our eyes off the prize and look at our surroundings and situations and start down the slippery slope; "Where is God in all of this?" I'm here to tell you He's still there, He's still refining us, testing us, seeing what mettle we are made of. Some of us are having wood, hay, and stubble, burned away to expose us as the real deal, or as poser's.

Here's another one of those songs you'll end up humming all day; only listen if you want to stay strong!

Stay strong, His grip is sure!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Rudder

Shoulda, coulda, woulda...What might have been. What could have been. What should have been. Setting up camp around these thoughts can anchor us in the mire and muck of mediocrity, moping around as if we are there to stay. God has never called us to settle for burying our talents, or having a bad attitude when everything doesn't go our way. Failure is imminent or we'd never know success. Edison said "In order to succeed, you must first double your failure rate."

Last time I checked, my kids are a reflection of me. I can let them run around with scuff marks on their faces, and holes in their shoes and socks and have a sucky attitude.But frankly, I'd rather see them looking and feeling good and loved. Similarly, our Heavenly Father is Master of the Universe and owns the cattle on a thousand hills. As a reflection of Him, I'm told so many times in Scripture that as an Ambassador for Him, as Royalty, certain rights like being able to ask Him to bless our relationships, businesses, family and friends. These come with the territory of God being our Father.

Proverbs 24:16 (New Living Translation)
16 The Godly may trip and fall seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the ungodly.

Everybody fails. I think back on those who tried and risked and lost...but got up and tried, tried again--Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Colonel Sanders, just to name a few. Had they given up after the first set back, there's a chance we would still be under segregation, eating by candlelight, and chicken might not be be so finger lickin' good.

I got to thinking about the temporary setback of my dream to eventually have my own Bed and Breakfast. Out of the blue, an opportunity to interview for a Hotel Manager position happened this past week. The dream has been re-ignited...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Rudder

Maymer, my gramma, lived 2000 miles away. My visits with her are still fresh in my mind; racing her to the park when she was in her 80's and in high heels...I'd always win! We'd come back and sip on her "special juice", I later found out was Loganberry wine. One of the things I really enjoyed was when she'd hide silver coins-- coins were real silver back in the day. She always hid silver dollars in and around her house for me to find. Sometimes, especially later on when I was a little older, she would just put them in a piggy bank. Even though I really enjoyed the hunt and discovery, I still see her toothless grin from ear to ear as she relished seeing me caught up in the moment of the happiness her hidden treasures brought to me.

As we would drive across country to visit, I can't recall a moment of worry whether she was hiding coins or not. I was confident the times spent with her were going to be special. Later those times morphed from coins to going to a burger place that to this day just had the best Bacon Cheeseburgers on grilled Pumpernickel. To watch her toothlessly gum that burger was a treat in itself!

Isn't this is a small reflection of how we experience the grace of God? He loves us for who we are. He longs to spend time with us. He lavishes us with grace--gifts we don't deserve. And He delights in our response. When we take the time to thank Him, to enjoy His gifts and to share them with others, it brings Him joy- that's really what it's all about!


Do not be anxious about anything but in everything give thanks...Philippians 4:6

If anyone had reason to be anxious it was Paul. It would be easy to succumb to life's difficulties while rotting in a Roman prison wondering if release or wrongful death sentence was next. So there he was, writing to you and to me via the church at Philippi, urging us to stop worrying, but to use this time especially, to be thankful through prayer and petition to God our Father.

Worry and its' buddy anxiety, do their best to immobilize us, especially when it comes to things out of our control, like tomorrow. Living fearful about future events that may happen or could happen, I'm convinced is what shortened the life of my dad. My mom and I were talking about this yesterday and how he never could seem to enjoy life because he was always worried about tomorrow. He's not alone.

Living a distressed life leads one to settle for an existing life rather than one of expectation and excitement. Maybe that's one of the reasons I love roller coasters; the excitement of the drops and turns and not being able to do a thing about it. Yet I know it will stay on track and get me back to where I need to be with my feet back on the ground. How much more can we rest and rely on the One who is in control?

Later in the chapter of Philippians 4, Paul pairs the idea of anxiousness to be replaced by "The peace that passes all understanding." I don't even try to understand all the things going on, but I can enjoy the peace that God gives me today, just for today. Tomorrow, He'll give me the peace I need for..tomorrow. So you know what? I'm going to let him guard my heart and mind.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Rudder

Faith, Family, Friends, Finances.

My wife and I were talking about this just the other day...The 4 F's. 3 out of 4 aint bad. Excuse me; having three out of four isn't that bad. Unfortunatelly, many times we equate our blessings to the last F. The reality is that we indeed, are blessed!

"For you, O God, tested us; You refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but You brought us to a place of abundance" (Psalm 66:10-12).

God's economy of abundance often has little to do with material blessing. In God's economy, abundance is often measured in wisdom and knowledge of Himself. It is then that we are truly blessed. Wisdom cannot be gained through intellectual pursuits. Wisdom comes only through experience. Real wisdom comes from the kinds of experiences that come only through the deepest tests. Lessons of refinement, including prison accompanied by burdens, lead us through the fire and water. This is the territory that must be traveled to reach that place of abundance. It would seem strange that a loving God would use such means with His children. What we often fail to realize is that God's measuring stick is the character and likeness of Jesus Christ Himself in each of us. This cannot be gained through a life of ease and pleasure. Ease and pleasure fail to refine.
Is God using your workplace to refine you today? Has He placed you in a prison or laid burdens on your back? Take heart if this is the place you find yourself, and realize that if you are faithful through the tests, you will enter a place of abundance that few will ever attain. The darkest hour is just before daybreak--Os Hillman

If you didn't see the vid from the prior blog, click here;

The Rudder

"How could I know the morning if I knew not midnight?" Watch and read the lyrics in this vid

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Rudder

I have journals with tons of quotes and I believe this was from Max Lucado; "Over-sized and rude, fear is unwilling to share the heart of happiness. When fear shapes our lives, safety becomes our god. When safety becomes our god, we worship the risk-free life." Sometimes our own fears become the barrier that keeps us from breaking the unwanted cycle of always playing the safe card.. That's when we need to choose to live fearlessly, by faith. We do so by putting our trust in the Lord and surrendering our fears and future uncertainties to him.

Like David in his relentless pursuit of Goliath, he could have played it safer by utilizing the protection offered by Saul. How would that story have worked out? Not the same impact right? I've heard over the years, the reason David picked five stones, is because he knew with God; all it took was one stone- and the other four were for Goliath's four other brothers. Whether that's true or not, it gives us a perspective on how God can use us against all odds.

As you read through 1 Samuel this week, keep in mind how God used a sheep-herding, ruddy, snot-nosed kid, to become the leader of a nation. Even though David committed some atrocities in his life time, by making some unwise choices, God still called him a man after his own heart.

The Rudder

Real Estate has been my strength for two decades; I could sniff out the deal, turn a profit, list and sell everything I put my hand to. Now it is my thorn...

Sometimes our strength becomes a strong deterrent to trusting God. Many times when we rely on our own strength, resources and knowledge, we assume we can handle just about any situation without help from our heavenly father. Because of this, we tend to divide situations that arise into two categories; problems we think we can handle ourselves, and those that "require" Gods assistance. All the while Gods sits back and waits for us to seek him first in all things. I can almost hear him say "Your great at giving me all your problems, when are you going to start giving me your plans?"

Paul is a great example; he was a strong personality. He was a who's who of pharasies, highly educated and eloquent of words. After he got run out of Dodge a few times before he realized if he was to boast it should be about Christ and him crucified. Only in his weakness via the thorn in his side, whatever that was did he truly implicitly trust in the Lord. He asked many times for God to remove it, but God knew better. Why you ask? An illustration of that is when Hezekiah was dying and he begged God not to take him yet, so God did grant him another 15 years of life only to have the worst king in Israel's history, Manasseh, born during that time and rule thereafter as a result of that decision. Those next 55 years were the pits.

2 Corinthians 12:9- But he said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

If you feel strong in one area of life, be careful. Often times it's one's strength that becomes the hinderence to trusting God. Sometimes God may bring a thorn to bring you to a point of weakness to where full trust and assurance can take root, and seeking him first is the first response.

Now, when it comes to real estate stuff I have to know that it's "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Rudder


That's the progression when we wait for something we fervently want or expect, only to wind up with something else--It's that something else that is the curve ball. It's times like these when worry, doubt, anxiety, and the ilk can overtake us emotionally and create a sense of self doubt and worth.

I'm reading a book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley..."Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives." Later he goes on to say "Stress suggests that the things we are involved with are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace toward others, and out tight grip of control. Basically communicating that it's OK to sin by not trusting God because the stuff I'm going through is somehow exceptional."

Another one of those Aha moments right. I am guilty as charged. The reality is we serve a God who is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere all at the same time. (Psalms 139) He's a sun and a shield-our light in this dark world and protector. (Ps 84:11) And that at any time He can do exceedingly abundantly more that we can ask or think! (Eph 3:20.) We can rest in the promise of his peace in lieu of anxiety (Phil 4:6-8)

Oswald Chambers once said "Take no thought of your life...what you eat or drink...Don't take the forethought on yourself. It is not only wrong to worry, but it is infidelity. Worrying means we don't think God can look after the practical details of our lives." (Matt 6:25-30)

We know that we can be confident and put our faith and trust in God, because He can change any situation no matter how dark or difficult!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Rudder

Mittens and Squishy. Yep, Squishy. Our two cats as different as night and day. Mittens is the wild cat; catches everything; crickets, frogs, squirrels, rabbits, turtles and of course, birds. Her daughter, Squishy, is just the opposite; we have raised from a kitten, is domesticated, couldn't survive a day on her own, unless "treats" grew on trees. What's the point of putting yourself into hostile environments just to prove you can survive? Just in case right?

For this very reason, I tend to watch shows like Man vs Wild, Survivorman, Discovery and Animal Planet. Picture a wild goat. He is aware of his surroundings, able to leap and bound over rocky terrain, find food and water sources, and defend himself against hostile animals. By contrast, his domesticated counterpart sleeps in a barn, chews the grass at his feet, drinks water provided for him, and lacks the vigorous survival skills of his wild cousin.

Sometimes, God allows circumstances to shape us by stretching us physically, Spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. While we may not enjoy the trial, we can be assured God is in control, and that perseverance, trust, faith and hope, and patience are all being perfected. Unless we have gone through trials personally, many times we otherwise may not be qualified to help others in similar circumstances. Even Squishy, catches the occasional crunchy cricket if stuck outside for a few hours.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Rudder

It had been a good hour since we got separated and the cellphones were not getting a signal. Luckily the boys were able to get to a high spot where the signal worked. We patiently sat waiting at the end. "Hey dad... were lost, can you please come get us?"

By the time we found them, they were pretty shaken. They had never been to a corn maze in San Diego, much less one with more than three miles of trails, dead ends and misdirection. They were confident they could beat us to the finish, so we gave them a cellphone-just in case and let them go. Because this corn maze is so confusing, everyone is given a map with clues along the way so you know you're on the right path. Even when you follow it, many times it still can be confusing, but if you never open it up, you can find yourself in over your head and in need of help.

It's that time again both literally and figuratively. Fall is here in full colors. The corn has been harvested and the maze is back in biz starting this weekend. I hear it's even more "fun" at night using just flashlights.

Many of us seem to be in a maze wondering where is the end game here. Financially, so many struggling. Yet we can be content knowing He knows and resting in His promise from Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

It's great we have a heavenly father that not only has given us the map to life if we take the time to study it, but also a direct line to his throne. "That's why I like it at the end of the day, I got no money but I can still pray. Because it's toll free since I got your number; don't need no money just to see the light. Toll free and you'll never stumble, we can talk all day we can talk all night...He won't forget your number and he's there all the time, you can go to the Lord when you ain't got a dime." Yep, hokey words from a Marty McCall song in the 80's when phone booths were prevalent and cost a dime to use.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Rudder

This economy is really taking it's toll on so many; including us. Nearly everyone I talk with and do life with is struggling to make ends meet. So many are either out of work or underemployed. Because of this people are losing heart by focusing on the wrong thing.

Matt 6:33 Has a promise for us-"Seek first God's kingdom and all the rest taken care of."

Psalm 37:5-6 (New International Version)
5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

God is in the business of changing our paradigm from no personal experiences to God-experiences. However, if you operate on a level of rigid logic, you may never have the privilege of having the God-experiences. Keep your heart free to experience new paradigms with God today.

As I go through life and gain the means to accumulate more material possessions, I can become confused about the source of our happiness, especially in today's economy. When I sift through all the "stuff" in my life today, I realize that what bring me the most excitement and joy are my two sons, my wife, and the friends by my side who support me in my struggles and share my triumphs. My favorite possessions have nothing to do with things I have purchased for myself; my favorite possessions are the gifts that God has brought into my life.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Rudder

God doesn't hold grudges.

This is so incredible because we have almost no frame of reference in our lives to understand this. We live in a world dominated by grudges and resentment. The concept of retribution or payback is almost a national treasure. The injured party sneers at the offender saying, "Remember, what goes around comes around."But God speaks into this world a message of forgiveness. It is stunning in both its simplicity and impact. Imagine a world where grudges aren't carried and resentments aren't treated like precious cargo.

Forgiveness is not something to be taken lightly. A friend's wife passed away after twenty years of marriage. On her deathbed, she tearfully let him know she met someone online and had several affairs earlier in their marriage. The double whammy of pain was overwhelming for him. He spent months in the darkness of his room, feeling he had no reason to live. Into this shadowy existence, two truths emerged. First, he realized that his sins toward God were greater than her sins toward him. If he was to accept God's forgiveness, then he in turn had to forgive her. Second, he discovered that extending forgiveness didn't in any way mean that he was validating or justifying her actions. He forgave, because he had been forgiven.

Matt 5:7 "Blessed is he who is merciful; he will receive mercy."

God doesn't forgive in order to fix messy situations; he forgives because of who he is. It is his merciful nature. It is my desire to be like him--extending forgiveness and mercy rather than holding grudges whenever someone does something hurtful.

The Rudder

What is most valuable to God? You and I are. First, he created us, and then he redeemed (or purchased) us, though it cost him the life of his Son, Jesus. A sinless life in exchange for our sins. This profound act is what determines our value now--and for all eternity.

When the Titanic began to sink, many wealthy passengers began to scoop up their jewels and cash. One individual, faced with the dilemma of what to bring with her, looked at her jewelry box--then passed it over for a bowl of fruit. Her values were instantly reversed because of her circumstances.

In 2003, San Diego experienced multiple fires that raced from the mountains to the sea in a spectacularly devastating day. We lived on a knoll taking embers, even though the fires were still miles away. The time came for voluntary evacuation so we grabbed the family photos, and some important documents. Luckily, the fires missed us.

The Bible describes an upside-down kingdom. A place where values are reversed: the poor are rich, the weak are strong, the last are first, and the valueless become valuable.

The Rudder

When I was in junior high, my three closest friends decided to play a trick on me. Throughout an entire day of school (and we were all together every minute of the day) they avoided me, disregarded my comments, wouldn't acknowledge me when I spoke, and generally pretended I didn't exist. I went from being one of the inner circle to feeling overwhelmingly rejected. Walking home from school all alone (instead of with them) I felt as if I had no worth. I reached my house in tears, only to find my friends jumping out of the bushes screaming "Surprise! This was 'Invisible Day.' We made you invisible today!"

What I felt that day was total and devastating rejection--a feeling that follows many today. But God's Word tells me I am accepted by the Creator of the universe and washed clean in his grace. And I'm here to tell you that acceptance is more powerful than rejection. God invites us his inner circle--which feels much, much better than the one created and collapsed by three teenage boys.

Knowing that so many "feel invisible"The next few blogs will focus on the beatitudes from Matt 5 and 6. How our relationships can be helped or harmed just in how we apply right responses and right routines as we set out to rehab relationships as we study some biblical principles.

Let us not grow weary doing good especially to those in God's family. For in due time we will reap blessings if we don't give up hope or lose faith! Galatians 6:9,10.

The Rudder

My first year in College, I read a quote from Brooke Shields about morality. Her philosophy at that time was that if something felt right to her, then it must be right for her to do. I liked that idea! I could do whatever I wanted as long as it felt right to me. Deep inside, I knew this was faulty thinking from growing up in a churchy environ, but I turned to it again and again, making some really bad decisions because of it.

I can't live by my own compass and standards because they will continually change. God's standards never change and we find those standards in the Bible. By the time I read Brooke Shield's quote I had read through the Bible on my own. I had also heard scripture every week in church. I had even though I had uttered some prayers as a kid many years earlier.

The Bible tells me that I have to do what God's Word says, not just listen to it. And that was exactly where my disconnect was. I was listening to God's Word, wanting to know what it had to say, but I didn't want it to direct how I lived my life. I thought happiness would come from following my own desires. Instead, true happiness comes from studying God's Word and letting the Holy Spirit lead me in the right direction.

The Rudder

I have a couple pilot friends that have said they learn about the dangers of spatial disorientation early in their training. This can occur when flying in conditions with limited or no visibility, such as in fog. Without the horizon for a visual reference, you can lose your sense of up and down. Your body sends your brain false messages that misinterpret reality. Pilots have flown their planes into the ground or into mountains while thinking everything was just fine. To counter this, pilots learn that in bad weather they must not focus on the conditions outside, but instead focus on their flight instruments to get them to their destination safely.

I've found that the world around me can obscure my vision and make me believe that I've got to have the right house, or the right car, or the right clothes in order to have status and value. I can be lured into putting my trust in the stock or housing market, retirement portfolio, or a career that I've had for many years. When I focus on the wrong things, I can enter the danger zone.

Jesus tells us to seek first his kingdom and righteousness. We accomplish this by talking to God in prayer, reading and obeying the Bible, and through fellowship with other followers of Christ. These are our flight instruments and they will keep us on the right course--even on foggy days.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Rudder

I've read this verse dozens of times; Ephesians 2:10 "We are his workmanship created for good works in Christ."

I've always read it, said yeah uh huh, and gone to the next verse. This morning I started thinking about what it really means. Workmanship is a work in progress...1 Peter 1 talks about all our trials test our faith and that they are a refining process for us. Sometimes even people and events are the sand paper God uses to rub off my rough edges.

God is the potter, I am the clay. I still remember Kindergarten, and working with clay; I made a whale, an owl and a pin holder for my mom's sewing machine. The clay when moist and pliable was much easier to work with than the dried out, crusty, set in it's ways clay. The crusty stuff had to be broken and mixed with water for it to be moldable again.

In life, many times it takes getting broken before the masterpiece can be molded. Yes, it can be stressful, and sometimes may have questions as to the "why" when the Master is done, only then can others see the masterpiece he is creating with us. Our responsibility is to remain malleable so the vessel can be used for good works.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

One of the things I love so much up here in N. GA is the beauty of nature. When I wake before the sun comes up, get my coffee and head outside, many times it's just mind boggling how all this was created for us. Who are we that God would do such a thing?

Yet when I get to that place where I am caught up in the glory, wonder and mystery of his awesome love for me, I can't help but be amazed and know he is with me every step of my life. It's just crazy!

As you view the vid below realize his desire for an intimate relationship with you.

The Rudder

I once heard Zig Zigler say "Your attitude determines your altitude." While that's a great motivational soundbite, it isn't neccesarily true at all times is it? I guess it depends on perspective though. If viewed through the filter of earthly belongings, then it can be a false statement. If however, it is viewed through the magnifying glass of our relationship in Christ then it's 100%true.

What attitude should we as Christians have toward life and the things in this world? What kind of attitude should we have when prayers aren't answered quickly enough by our standards?

In tough times, our character is developed and God causes us to grow on the inside. If he delivered us instantaneously every time we encounter a problem, we'd never need faith?

Ps 37:23 says "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in our path." If God is directing our steps, surely we can be confident he is aware of all our circumstances! Therefore our attitude can be one of thankfulness and confidence, knowing that behind the scenes he's working all things out for his glory to those of us who are called to his purpose.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Rudder

Anyone who has seen the opening scene of "Saving Private Ryan" will agree with me that the first ten minutes are the most intense, if not realistic battle scene ever put to film. The first time I saw it, I was ducking for cover, I was sweating-I almost thought I was there. Evidently, some of the men who were actually there at the invasion, saw the movie and they had tears of remembrance, streaming down their faces it was so realistic.

I have heard stories about D-Day, and read about it in history books, I have a good understanding of what the Allies were trying to accomplish with the mission. It was about good trouncing evil. The price was high in lives, but it was something that had to be done. It wasn't until I semi experienced it through the movie that the head knowledge hit home to have an inkling of heart knowledge.

They say, the longest distance is from your head to your heart. For so many years I had head knowledge; between going to church and attending a Christian High School, I was full of the knowledge of God and of why Jesus came, and agreed that was all neat and cool, but it had nothing to do with my heart. But once that God sized void in my heart was filled, only then did I really know the difference.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Rudder

I was almost struck by lighting, not once, but twice last week. The first time it knocked me on my buttocks, and made my hair go crazy, the other time while driving in my car. Thing is my car is a soft top convertible. But I got to thinking "what if ?"

I remember at my dad's funeral reception, how their was standing room only. There was a line half way around the block to get into the church. He had made a difference in so many people's lives. Sometimes we all go through the motions, we tell people we are Christ followers in yet our actions may not prove out. Tony Compolo once said "The number one reason for atheism, is because of people who proclaim Christ with their lips while they deny Him with their actions."

I don't want to go through the motions I don't want to go one more day without your all consuming passion inside of me... check out the vid-

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Rudder

I dropped my son off at his high school this morning; all I can say is that girls didn't look like that back when I went to high school 30 years ago!

Kids these days have some fairly tough realities to work through, sometimes trying to be someone they're not just to fit in. It's not only kids though; the media has programmed us all into thinking that if we don't look a certain way, we're misfits. Fact is we were each of us are unique. Psalm 139 says we were woven together in the womb, and wonderfully made. You are special, and there could never be a more beautiful you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Rudder

I'm watching some hornet's build a huge hornet's nest about 100 feet up in a tree. It's amazing to me how they know how high up they need to be, where the opening needs to be for the correct amount of air to come in and keep to nest cool, and to avoid the wind and rain from entering. As I think about this process; this nest being framed by mountains behind, jazz music playing in the background, soft morning breezes. This moment in time, confirms in me that God uses His Word, the church, prayer, people and events and even experiences like this to speak to me. I might add as I experience God personally, it includes music, family, friends, my quiet time when I spend quality time in the word and in prayer. Every way is unique in how God speaks to each of us individually. He's that big yet that personal. Obviously if you try to get to know someone, you have to spend quality time with them, and our God desires us to choose relationship over rules.

I'm not trying to get all "new age" on you but, God doesn't just use one thing to speak to us. Last week I included a video by NOOMA/Rob Bell, and several well meaning people voiced their opinions on how they don't believe that guy is a Christian and how could I even think about putting his stuff in my blog? Last time I checked, those hornet's weren't Christians, nor the Jazz musicians, I mean, I have no idea if they are or aren't...even so I was ministered through that as God confirms what an awesome God he is as proclaimed through nature and noise...and Yep, even people who may or may not be Christians.

Remember when the religious leaders in Jesus day brought a prostitute to him. Jesus basically told them that if they themselves were without any sin to go ahead and condemn her. In another passage, several preacher's were teaching about Jesus, although some had ulterior motives, the Bible says, "As long as the name of Jesus is taught, God can still use it." I think if we get caught up in following man vs following God, there will always be issues with how they teach or what they believe. My San Diego church has a beer drinking, poker playing Pastor that some would say should not be teaching the Word of God. He only teaches on Sunday what you can use on Monday. He's real and I respect him for that. Then, I've heard other church pastors preach the rules of right and wrong on Sunday, only to see him exiting the adult video store on Monday. I'll let God make that judgement call.

I like an occasional glass of red wine, actually, I only like good red wine. This can be a divisive topic amongst religious people today. I find it interesting that Jesus first miracle was turning water to wine. Yet, when he did, it was equivalent to 100 point collector, cellar quality. He could have made Two Buck Chuck, but what he made was good, and Jesus doesn't make junk, or mistakes, or sin. How I use what God created and if anything becomes unmoderated, an idol, or causes harm, is when it can cross over to the sin side.

Prominent 20th Century Christians Moody and Spurgeon, were always causing trouble in church circles; one was a cigar smoker and the other a drinker, yet God used them mightily, some the great Hymns were bar brawl tunes set to Christian music. Sometimes in the evening, I'll have friends over, we'll have a glass of wine or port, maybe smoke a good cigar, enjoy the stars in the sky, the music of crickets, frogs, ciccada etc, as we sit around the fire pit. Guess what, God shows up and is in the midst of us, and we some some good times of fellowship.

As a new Christian I witnessed a guy handing out little Christian tracts at a parade. People were just throwing them on the ground for the most part. I was upset that he was doing that, didn't he see all the trash he was creating? People have come for the parade, not to get a tract. I tapped him on the shoulder and let him have a piece of my mind....Only to realize he was deaf and couldn't speak. I flushed up! He was spreading the Word to the best of his ability. Never again would I judge how someone preahes. I know God used him to talk to me through that experience. I once heard Bono of U2, preach at one of his concerts while dropping F bombs. Powerful. In spite of that, a lot of people got saved that day.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Seratonin and Oxitocin

"Side effects include dizziness, nausea, itching, sleeplessness, bad breath, bad hair days, swelling, E.D. and in some instances MAY CAUSE DEATH. "

Every other TV commercial these days, seems to have a fix for some problem, "but ask your Doctor if this prescription might be right for you." I don't know about you, but I don't want those side effect, especially a bad hair day!

But check this out; the Bible tells of prescription that if taken consistently, can help with the following list. Additionally, medical studies done over a ten year period of time involving more than 1000 couples have confirmed the results . Here is a partial list of side effects:

Lowers stress levels
Lowers risk for heart attack by more than 50%
Lowers risk of stroke by more than 50%
Virtually eliminates the "raging hormones" emotional side effects of both PMDD and PMS
Speeds up metabolism for weight loss for an extended period of time
Helps you to live a longer healthier more fulfilling life
Builds up immune system
Builds confidence
Activates the "feel good" serotonin levels
Reduces many mild depressive symptoms
Releases Endorphins that help minimize headache, migraines, and general bodily pains
Reduces Osteoporosis
Helps with insomnia
Helps you to lose weight without having to change your diet or adding additional exercise.

Wow! What a partial list of benefits; must cost an arm and a leg! Actually, it's priceless, but does require a little time involvement typically around 1% of a 24 hour day. While it can be taken everyday, it's more important to be consistent every few days as the beneficial residuals decrease as days go by, much like a "runners high" but better.

Some, but not all of these benefits can be as a result of working out at a gym or jogging several days a week. Franky, many people don't have the time or energy for that type of commitment. That's why this Biblical prescription covers so much more with so much less of a time investment yet the results can last a lifetime. The caveat is that you have to be married to fully enjoy these benefits, or there can be serious consequences.

What is it and where do I sign, can it be filled at Walmart for less than $5?

This prescription is...unprotected sex!

Add in addition benefits of balanced ph levels and more balanced hormone absorption aand the newly discovered oxitocin (not oxycontin!) from skin to skin contact-the biggest reason why pajamas are "of the devil."

Even Men's Journal reports that the most important piece of exercise equipment one can have is... the bedroom.

The Rudder

What is it with me and frogs and always trying to save their lives. This morning like most morning's, I find critters in the pool. I know that if I don't rescue them, they get sucked up and drowned in the skimmer. There is much wildlife her at the base of the Appalachian Mountain Range, so everyday since I'm the first one up, a rescue is done. This morning just happened to be a couple frogs. We have a daily visitation from a couple quackers as well, and they sometimes leave a special present for me, that you don't want to step in. This time, those "Baby Ruth Bars" were in the pool too.

I rescued, cleaned and then chlorinated the pool and turned on the pump, when water started spouting out like a geyser, This morning is NOT starting out right. Not another expense! Can anything else go wrong. But that still small voice inside told me not to worry.

I used to have a tennis ball saver, that used pressure, to preserve an opened can of balls in. The instructions said to be sure to use Vaseline on the o-ring every few uses, or the pressure would escape and leak air.

This thought from years earlier entered my mind at this time. Could that geyser be a result of just adding a little petroleum jelly to the o-ring on the pump housing? Amazing but true, I cleaned the filters while I had the housing off and looked at the o-ring that was noticeably dry, gritty, and lacking the lubricant needed for an air tight seal. Wa la.

I love free fixes, but more importantly, I gave up the worry to the Lord. The end result was the free fix. Now if I could just give up worry on the foreclosures, the job search, the non paying renters, the mounting debt etc...I have a lot of things on my plate to worry about. Or not.

"When I find myself in times like these

I know I can to be close to Him

But it's a while before I can see

Why He's got me in the state I'm in

Learned to trust in God the first time well

Only to find I need to learn again

So he gives his Spirit and time to tell

When another lesson will begin..."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Rudder

An older couple are driving down the road and get passed up by a younger couple. The young gal is sitting so close, it almost looks like they are one. The older woman comments "I remember when we used to drive like that." He says "Well, I haven't moved."

In my car dropping off my oldest at high school, and listening to "The Fish" one of the local Christian contemporary music/talk stations in Atlanta. It's OK, I can type and drive at the same time, but only because we're at a standstill in the drop off line.

So they (on the radio) are talking about the first year or two of marriage; how you come home from work, you're all lovey dovey huggy butt kissy face, hummina, hummina! Then about year three and and forward; "Honey, what's for dinner? While your up can you get me a beer?"

I'm there, we're there, well, maybe not the beer part, but the passion, the flame, the process of drifting apart. The flame flickers now and again, but generally speaking, many like us are coexisting while we do our deals, our separate lives under the same roof. I know I'm guilty, but want to do something about it. I need to treat her like the trophy wife that she is, the SMB (sexy mom babe!) She needs to be number one in this earthly life. Romans 13 :8 The only debt you should have is to love. Another passage says that if you withhold good from others when in your power to do so- to you that's sin. Another says if you know what you ought to do but don't -that's sin. God set some pretty high love commands to follow, but if done, becomes a win, win.;&version=65;

I am no psychologist, but even I know for two people to thrive and survive the worldly assaults on our manhood/womanhood; love must become an action word. The same things I did to get her, to win her, need to be done now to keep her. So starting tomorrow...

The Rudder

The last moment on the video is shocking but true. That baggage, if not checked for good, can lead to some dire consequences. I struggle with bitterness and resentment when I feel I'm not getting what I deserve, I think to some extent we all do. It's when I choose to take it with me that the contamination takes over.

Years ago, I heard a story of a remote town in Africa where people were dying. They ruled out diet, and water from a spring fed, running stream seemed OK, but as they dove to the bottom of the spring source, they found some pigs had fallen in and drowned. Because of how deep they were, they couldn't be seen from the surface. The search required a deep dive to discover what was poisoning the people. Once the source of the poisoning was removed, the people were saved.

Psalms 139 verse 23 says; "Search me from the inside out, you see all my anxious thoughts and all the past that is harmful, put to rest all the mess and lead me to follow you." In other words God, I need you to get rid of the junk in the trunk!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Rudder

Last night I went to go spend some time with a buddy of mine. As I get to his house, I can't park because there is a toad in the road, and it won't move. Essentially, I have two choices; one is to continue on to my destination, after all, it's days are numbered anyway. or, I can take the time and effort to escort it to safety, and still get to where I was going.

WWJD- What Would Jesus Do. I know it's a silly catch phrase, but think about it for a moment. We started talking about saving the toad, then morphed to the story of Jesus miracle of healing not one, but two distinct women on one of Jesus journey's. Here is this outcast women with a never ending period. She is considered unclean by the customs of the day and avoided like the plague, no wait that's still a thousand years away, like someone with leprosy. She does a desperate act of touching Jesus robe, basically turning the Rabbi unclean as well...But Jesus, testing her faith asks"who touched me?" She boldly speaks out, and Jesus responds by saying "Your faith has healed you, made you clean and you are saved." Wow. talk about religious leaders getting their panties in a wad over that statement. His endgame destination is that he was invited to heal a father's daughter, a seemingly urgent matter. Yet it became all about the journey. You know the end of the story; the 12 year old daughter dies while Jesus is a ways off, But Jesus smiles and says "Nope, shes just sleeping." He gets there, heals her and heads out to his next affection.

It's all about the journey. What we do for work, where we live, what car we drive, what school you attend is not the important issue. Who we affect; our salt and light at each station of life is the real deal.

For a different perspective, check out this website on just how affluent you really are compared to the rest of the world...