Monday, September 10, 2012


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "Detox"?  Lindsay Lohan? Hollywood check in's at rehabs?

What is a toxin, is it a benefit or a detriment?  Don't be shy, when you have the answer you can say it.  They say Elvis died with 15lbs of a backed up colon!  If anyone needed a colon detox you see on those infomercials, it was him.

Our home is over 120 years old, and sometimes more than liquid plumber is needed to clear the pipes.  In our lives there are some things we can't do by ourselves, and need a professional.  I'm reminded of some of the latest "" commercials where questions are asked of the wrong people...Silly.  Yet many times that is exactly what we do; we fail to go to the Professional who made us in His image.

When our lives get disrupted, we can no longer depend on the things we did before, and we don't have control over our circumstances or timetable. Maybe God is doing some detox in our lives?
However, even in the midst of the re-construction, the glory of the Lord is revealed in that place. For some, it is the first time they've ever seen the hand of the Lord in their life to the degree that this process allows them to experience Him. It is a process they would never choose to go through voluntarily, but it is an experience they value for the rest of their lives because the glory of the Lord was revealed in the process. Once the process is complete, things begin to flow better, and for that to happen, we may have to wait patiently on The Lord.

Like St Augstine said- "You have made us for yourself O Lord, and our soul is restless until it finds rest in You."

Monday, September 3, 2012


Just kidding... I seem to get about 3000 hits if sex is mentioned in this blog.

Years ago in the 80's, Miles Mcpherson of San Diego's The Rock Church, used to meet one on one with me for a weekly mentoring and discipleship. Get this; we would meet at 5am on Tuesday mornings. One series, we went through the book of Philemon in the New Testament. I called him up one morning to say I couldn't make it in, I wasn't feeling well. "Just read verse 8 and 9 of Philemon" he said... "Therefore, although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I prefer to appeal to you on the basis of love." 

We live up on a knoll and sounds always travel up.  The other night In heard a very ugly fight going on somewhere in the valley.  Lots of unwholesome words coming from both parties and escalating louder and louder- heads butting like two mountain goats from a Dodge Ram commercial from the 90's.

So I turn on the TV to drown out the craziness below and surf the channels when I come across Richard Attenborough narrating a Nature sequence with two mountain goats on a steep impasse.  As the goats approached each other, each feinted a power move at the other in what looked like the beginning of a battle. In a surprise twist, however, one goat suddenly collapsed onto the narrow ledge so the other goat could walk over its back. Then each moved on.

I was impressed and wanted to share with the couple below in the valley. Here was strength defined by submission. It allowed two opponents to survive a crisis so both could get on with more important things.  Guess what, sometimes (mostly) putting others first is best.  My dad put it best-True JOY is Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last.