Thursday, May 27, 2010

Too Much or Too Little

Os Hillman, a local here in Cumming GA, puts out a daily called TGIF-Today God Is First. As I was reading it today, I came across a portion that affects many of us, so I thought I'd share...

"I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity." - 1 Chronicles 29:17a

"God tests His children to know what is in their hearts. God's desire for each of His children is to walk in relationship with Him, to uphold His righteousness and integrity. It is a high calling that we will fail to achieve without complete dependence on Him.

The greatest tests come not in great adversities, but in great prosperity. For it is in prosperity that we begin to lose the sensitivity to sin in our lives. Adversity motivates us to righteousness out of a desire to see our adversity changed. Prosperity fails to provide this motivation for obedience. We fall into a satisfaction and confidence in life that is based on our prosperity rather than on God."

Proverbs 30 talks to this point as well...

Proverbs 30:8-9 (New Living Translation)

8 First, help me never to tell a lie.
Second, give me neither poverty nor riches!
Give me just enough to satisfy my needs.
9 For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?”
And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I think some of the toughest times in our lives are when we seem to be in a dark place. It is a place in which it seems as if all past experiences are of no value. It is a time of such stillness that it can disturb the most faithful if we do not understand that He is the one who has brought us to this place if only for a season. It is as if God has placed a wall around. No new opportunities - simply inactivity.

That's when I need to just rest in Him...

"During these times, God is calling us aside to fashion something new in us. It is a place of nothingness designed to call us to deeper roots of prayer and faith. It is not a comfortable place, especially for a task-driven believer. Our nature cries out, "You must do something" while God is saying, "Be still and know that I am God." You know the signs that you have been brought into this place when He has removed many things from your life and you can't seem to change anything. Many people live a very planned and orchestrated life where they know almost everything that will happen. But for people in whom God is performing a deeper work, He brings them into a time of quietness that seems almost eerie. They cannot see what God is doing. They just know that He is doing a work that cannot be explained to themselves or to others. " Os Hillman

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sign of the Times

When a woman is about to give birth, the birth pangs start shallow and get more intense the closer the time to giving birth.

The Bible talks about the birth pangs of when you'll know when a world economy will be established. Consider the following;

For the past 5 years, oil consumption has eclipsed production
10 years ago China wasn't even in the top 50 oil consumers; now number 2 behind the US
While the world has always had wars, there are more wars and rumor of war than anytime in history.
The world economies are collapsing; by 2020, 90% of the US GDP will go just for paying debt.
Most everyone already is identified by a number; social security, passport, drivers license, bank accts etc. The logical next step is a globalized number scanable permanently on a visible part of your either hand or forehead? The book of Revelation talks about that.
More and more diseases, famines, wild weather, earthquakes in places never before encountered, Global cooling in the 70's; Global warming in the 00's. Near miss by an asteroid last year.
CFR says economically, things will only continue to be on a downward spiral.

The world's appetite for oil will only increase if something doesn't change. China generally doesn't like to abide by the rules so to speak, and will continue to hunger for more oil. I find it interesting that the Middle East has much of the worlds oil resources, yet amazingly, Israel, has none? What if, for just a moment, we find out they are sitting on huge reserves..wouldn't be the first time they've kept secrets. More amazing is the fact that the Bible said that Israel's final generation will happen after being dispersed for 2000 years....They became a nation again after a 2000 year absence in 1948, and Jerusalem in 1967.

Ezekiel 38 talks about a 200,000,000- man army along with Persia (Iran) and other Mid-East Countries attacking Israel in a great battle, but 4/5th of that attacking army is destroyed. The only army today with those kinds of numbers is China. While it's no secret the Arab community would like nothing more than to drive Israel into the sea, The surprising kink may be the aligning of China to help for oil considerations? Just speculation.

Matt 24

Thursday, May 20, 2010

God's PR Firm pt 2

The recent "coming out" on Larry King of former Christian recording artist Jenifer Knapp on the surface looks like it's yet another hit to God's PR. But is it?

Mr King poses the question "Are you going to hell?" 1 Cor 6:18-20 specifically addresses this issues to Christians..."Run from sexual sin. No other sin affects the body more than this one. Sexual immorality is against your own body. Don't you realize your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and given to you. You've been bought for price, so honor God with your bod." He's pretty direct; He gives a stern warning but doesn't condemn to hell. Religion does.

Yep, she has issues. So do you and I. None are perfect, no not one. We all stumble, we all fall. She is choosing to live in sin. Hers happens to be sexual sin, maybe yours is that your fat, or a porn addict, or a liar or cheat on your taxes. Maybe you consistently go 66 mph. Hmmm, I remember a story about splinters and logs.

The more I study the Bible, the more proof that it's only by His grace through faith that saves us. Not what you do, or don't do or you'd boast as being good or bad. Why else would the Bible be so full of stories where people sinned, even murdered yet are not going to hell! Jesus came from a line that included Rahab a prostitute, David and Moses, murderers. When the religious of the day brought a prostitute before Jesus to see what He would say, Jesus said "You who are without sin, throw the first stone!" Then I believe, he started writing all the guys sins in the sand. One by one they dropped their stones and walked away. Later Jesus forgave but told her "Go and sin no more." Easier said than done.

I'm a screw up, you're a screw up. We all screw up. Christianity went from about 100,000 Christians world wide in AD 100 to over 200,000,000 just 300 years later. Because it is based on Love, not condemnation as other religions are.

Religion took a hit, God? Not so much.

God's PR Firm

St Augustine's take on the Great Commission of Matt 28 was "Go into the world and preach the Gospel, but only use words when absolutely necessary." CS Lewis once said "If you think I'm a lousy Christian, you should see how I used to be!" Even though God probably isn't in need of a PR firm to represent Him, still, it is important how we live our lives, especially in the public eye.

The first words out of my mouth used to be "I don't do that, I'm a Christian." I just set myself up for intense criticism and failure. Whatever I do, in someone's eyes, I will have blown it. When I go to a party or evening out, I know that anything over two drinks is too much for me. When someone asks me why I don't have more, I don't need to say "no, I'm a Christian" rather, I can let them know that two is my personal limit without getting out of control. Even though our works don't save us or condemn us, they do define who we are, like it or not. It's a fine line to be in but not of this world. Granted, there will always be people like my mom, who recently went on a "church trip" to Branson. She commented to me "I can't believe they call themselves Christians- some were playing cards and drinking!" Oh well, she grew up in a church that escorted women out of the service if they wore pants...Or if guys had hair that touched the ears or collar. I guess Jesus would have been escorted out too!

WWJD-What Would Jesus Do, more than just a catch phrase, really should be how I try to live my life. Jesus did spend time eating and drinking with the world. He even turned water into wine as His first miracle. Sorry mom, it wasn't grape juice. I'm fairly sure He never drank so much as to lose any control, but rather, used that opportunity connected to the Vine to produce much fruit in His 33 years on earth. If I truly am connected, I should be producing an enticing fruit through my life with respect to both God and the people who cross my path. If I'm not both salt and light-How am I allowing others to see life is more "tasty" while shinning the light of the Lord to a dark and getting darker world?

Beyond being a witness to others, essentially, I have an even greater responsibility to help the people in my life find and follow Jesus. Ultimately, it is the way I live my life that will be one of the greatest influences on a decision to follow Christ and know that the claims of Christianity are true.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth" (Luke 3:5).

I've blogged in the past about GPS. Global Positioning Satellite, God's Protection Systems, God's Personal Safety-net, etc. I've gotten past the annoying voice from my car GPS, Sometimes, I get off course and the voice says: "Recalculating route." Basically telling me I've missed my turn and letting me know the most direct route back on course. Sometimes we can make wrong turns in our spiritual lives. We think we are going the right direction only to discover maybe it was never God's will to enter that relationship, make that business deal, hire that person, make that move - the examples are limitless. Thing is, we will eventually get to our destination, just took a little longer.

There is an amazing thing about God. He can make our crooked places straight. He has an ability to make whatever blunder we make, turn out right. That doesn't mean we have the freedom to blow it all the time as there may be consequences to those decisions. He will always allow actions to work together for good for those called according to His purposes if we repent ("please make U-turn") and seek Him fully to make things right. These lessons can even contribute to greater wisdom in our lives if we learn from our mistakes.

Here's a comment from an annonomous gal- "I can remember waking up night after night, searching for the comfort of my husband, only to find our bed half empty. Going back to sleep alone, I closed my eyes to the glow from the computer screen that crept under the door, painfully aware that my husband was deeply entangled in the darkest places of the Internet.

My response to his physical and emotional rejection of me as woman was to find validation elsewhere. I filed in court, and as soon as the legal ink was dry I was prowling --a predatory divorcée. For my new life, I invested money in a new wardrobe and a little elective surgery. Changed on the outside, but filled with hurt on the inside, I relegated men to 'rental status.' This begged the question, 'Who was I, in relation to my rentals?'

Just as my ex-husband had objectified women, in my hurt I objectified men. I denied my humanity and the humanity of others by the way I lived my life. I stopped looking in the mirror with an attitude of approval. I had a wound that could only be healed by a Savior; the remedy for my pain was never going to be found physically-only spiritually. In Jesus I have found love, acceptance and forgiveness, and He's turned my life around."

It's pretty cool to know God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Too Far Gone?

Our Bonita house was built before 1892, it seems like we’ve been remodeling for the entire ten years we’ve owned it. Initially, we stripped most of the house down to bare studs; we re-designed, we moved walls, added living space in the attic, we fixed problems from years of neglect. Sometimes something would look okay on the outside, but inside a support beam was broken or a pipe was slowly rotting away. At one point, we filled two 40 yard roll offs with materials.

When we looked at the mess, we saw possibilities. Several of the surrounding neighbors thought it was a tear down, too far gone to be saved! Yet, when friends would come to visit, we would excitedly tell them what the plan was, and how we were going to achieve it. It took patience and hard work to make our house into the home we knew it could be.

So often in our lives all we can see is the mess. But God looks at us and sees what He's building. He can walk through our mess and see amazing possibilities. He knows the damage we've covered up that really needs fixing, and He knows what needs to be re-designed. And He is the perfect one to bring all those changes about.

In the mean time-Please be patient, God is not finished with me yet.

Godlilness with Contentment is Great Gain

If I raised my kids today like I was raised, CPS would be at my door...daily!

I used to play hide and seek after dark, and jump off roofs to get safe. Most summer days, I was locked out of the house til dinner was ready. I never wore a seat belt or child seat for that matter. Furthermore, I would routinely jump from the back seat to the front, and back. Bike helmet? What's that? My skateboard had metal wheels; one little pebble in the road would send me flying, oh, and I don't have wings! Amazingly, I'm still alive today, well, barely.

Today, we are consumed by safety, even obsessed with it at times. Even in our spiritual lives. How many of us have prayed the following? "Dear Jesus, protect us as we travel today, keep the kids safe at school. Bring us home with such and such, in Jesus name..." Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, rather, that seems to be the priority. Sometimes we elevate it to the neglect of praying for what God thinks is best. Sometimes our comfort and safety may not be what's best?

Lately, I've been praying more for direction, discernment, right choices, right contacts, favor, and His blessings, and growing closer to Him along the way; whatever the outcome. "Godliness with contentment is great gain."


"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him" (James 1:12).

That is a great life verse don't you think? Fact is, sometimes I have this test over and over again. I wonder when is it going to let up? But that's when I start to get excited! I've told many people who are going through trials and struggles in life that to some this is the only hell we'll ever know. While others, unfortunately, this is the only heaven they'll ever know. This life here is so temporary, it's almost silly to worry and stress about it. The better question is what am I doing today, right now to bring glory to God both personally with our vertical relationship, and horizontally with everyone we come in contact with.

Even though I live on a golf course, I rarely follow the game. Maybe a little when Tiger is playing due to his notoriety. What I notice most is sometimes the shots are hit perfectly, but the outcomes aren't always as hoped. One shot just misses the cup, then rolls past, catches a slight slope and rolls away and into the trap. Cr-p!

You and I need to keep the big picture in mind when things don't always turn out as planned. As we persevere, we grow stronger, and when the occasion arrises when, even if we hit the ball of life correctly, one bump can send that ball off course. It's the next hit out of the trap that counts.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Ode to mom;s

Direct quotes from Proverbs 31:10-21...well, kinda. My paraphrase...

Seek to be a fantastic mom and wife; she's trustworthy, more precious than gemstones, builds up, never tears down, greatly enriches those around her, all her life.

She's an avid coupon mom, only buying the best deals out there. She's the first one up, preparing breakfast each morning for the whole house.

She's a ebay babe, selling for profit, then plants a garden and vineyard.

She's always helping those worse off than herself, while at the same time making sure her family is ready for the tough times to come.

She makes her own stuff. She's a Creative Memory and Cricket babe. Even has her own line of clothes.

She's not a blabbermouth; when she speaks, only wise words that are kind and full of instruction come out.

Her kids and husband say "your the best mom in the world!"

Beauty is only skin deep, and gravity eventually takes it's toll, but a mom who puts her trust in the Lord; kudo's to you.

Bring her gifts for all she has done.
Let the world see she's got her act together.

Thanks Moms...your the best!

The next best thing

Are we meant to endure an average mediocre life?

Here in GA, there is a village named Vickery, where each house is unique but a knock off of a famous house or theme. Cool place to live. Matter of fact, the village won an award four of the past 5 years as the best planned community in the U.S. In 2005, Better Homes and Garden Magazine was giving away a Frank Lloyd Wright knock off in Vickery Village. When Mr Wright was asked which of his famous homes he liked the best, he said “The next one.”

So it is or should be with us. Rather than gloating on the “what was” or “could have been,” maybe, just maybe, we should bank on the next best thing.

Maybe it’s time to stretch our faith once more? Get the fire back. Get the passion back. Even if you’ve been stuck for a while, or maybe struggled with depression or self worth, It’s time to break free. It’s time to rise above the morass to become the person God created you to be. Defeat failure and negative thinking all entangle us from time to time. Just remember whose we are. God is on your side; He loves you, and is in your corner 100%. I will trust in You, I will rest in you.

Pruning is an often overlooked but necessary function of gardening. Sometimes, even healthy looking limbs need to be cut back and even cut off altogether. Ouch. In our lives sometimes that hurts. Unbeknownst to us, we wonder why that limb was cut off. New growth burst forth with a passion when the sun hits the new growth and then fruit can flourish.

Many of us have had our branches pruned back from The Vine...Now the excitement of new growth begins...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Doing the same thing day in and day out and expecting something to change.

That is a classic definition of insanity.

I pondered that thought as I was perusing one of my journals this morning. I came across a question by Brian Tracy. “What two areas in your life if mastered, would produce the greatest reward or result?” For me personally, they would be consistency with my Heavenly Father, and consistency of being the spiritual leader of my family. I can settle for the status-quo, or seek to make some change for the betterment in these areas.

I know that I know that I know I'm supposed to do those things, and sometimes I do them very well. Other times, I don't. Inconsistency. However, if I was to master those two things, my vertical relationship with God, would be more "Abba" like in nature. Rather than a rote religious checklist; went to church..check. Did a "quiet time." Check. Thanked Him for food and bedtime prayer. Check. He created us with free will, not a checklist to turn into Him at the end of our lives. Additionally, my horizontal relationships with wife, family, friends, and associates, would also improve.

Therein is my struggle; do I do them because I'm supposed to, or because I want to? Where the vertical and horizontal intersect, "the Cross" is present. I'm convinced that more of Jesus in my life is the one thing needed to displace insanity.