Thursday, March 29, 2012

Family Mission Statement

  • We will seek to balance school/work with family life;
  • Our home will be a place where we, our extended family, our friends and guests find the love of the Lord...Joy, comfort, peace and happiness
  • We will seek wisdom in what we choose to eat and drink, see and do, and spend our time
  • We desire to love the Lord with all our heart, mind soul and strength.
  • We will love and laugh often, while developing our God-given gifts and unique talents
  • We will be self-starters who exercise initiative in accomplishing goals, with the ultimate goal in mind before setting in motion
  • Our money will be our servant, not our master; from making money to making a difference
  • We will keep from consumer debt, spend less than we make and invest the rest in something that will outlive us
  • Moreover, we will use what talents entrusted to us to make life more enjoyable to others through service and support of other as God provides.
  • Ultimately, we will live life of Faith, hope, and love

Friday, March 23, 2012


Okay, so the lottery is up around $300 million today! Be honest, how many of you bought one? Guilty as charged, I did.

Somewhere deep down, we might feel that God isn't the provider we really want to place our trust...Yet He promises in Hebrews 13 "Never will I leave you, or forget about you." Maybe it's not even that, maybe it's the whole concept of FOMO. The Fear Of Missing Out.

I have to admit, our cars are approaching 300k miles, and 200k miles. Not sure how much longer each will hold out, and would like replacements. College education for the boys? Had it; lost it. Those 17 rentals around five colleges were there for the boys to collect rent to pay for their education. 30 years ago I never dreamed I'd be back where I started working grocery, but it is what it is, and I'm blessed to have work. Housing? Back in a 900 sf home-big difference from the 5500 sf home we moved down from. We used to live on about 10% of our income, now we live on 90%.

Oh, the suffering we must endure..Really? Do you realize how blessed we are? Materially, probably in the 99th % of the world! Add in 2 healthy boys, 25 years of marriage, never a missed meal, unless by choice. Crazy, to even think about the need for more. But there it is, still I bought a ticket!

So here's my commitment to you; if I win, I pay off all debt and any current readers of this blog. (There are a little over 1000 followers as I write this, as well as 300 twitter followers) 97% will be given away to those in need-mostly in 3rd world nations who really have needs like water! I'll keep around 3% for my family.

...The next day...Oh darn, didn't win. Big surprise there.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I've talked about the importance of having "margin" in the past, having wiggle room in all aspects of your life. Why? You never know when something suddenly comes up; thank you Marcia Brady. For instance, a couple weeks ago when I mentioned that I hit a car jack on the freeway at 65ish mph. I hadn't really budgeted for buying 3 tires and wheels for another 25,000 miles or so.


I always plan for things I know are going to happen, but how often is that things out of my control happen? Without margin, and I don't use credit, I wouldn't have been able to fix the car. Over the past three years I've had to re-learn how to create margin in my finances. Many people near and dear to me are currently learning the hard way, how important margin is when it comes to budgeting.

I wanted to share what I feel is the best budget yet, for determining well, your budget. With times becoming more and more uncertain, with our own government printing up money like it grows on trees based on nothing. Like Proverbs says- Sew to the wind and you'll reap a whirlwind. So craziness will happen soon, when this all catches up, those with margin will be in a far better position then those who didn't plan.

They say if oil becomes scarce, a typical store has about three days of food and supplies in it. after that, the shelves are empty. If gas goes up another buck a gallon, because of the cost to truck to market goes up, expect to see basics double again like they did over the past 18 months.

So here's the budget: 50% of your NET income-(minus taxes, deductions, charity) to NEEDS. 30% to your WANTS, and 20% to DESIRES.

That's it.

A need is defined as survival mode. Housing, food, and basic transportation. A hundred years ago, a typical person had three changes of clothes and one pair of shoes, anything more and you were considered as being rich! Are clothes considered a need? Not really. A whole outfit with shoes, can be had at Goodwill for the cost of one or two foo foo drink at Starbucks, so they are not in the need column. Cell phone, cable, car payment, heat or air? Nope.

A WANT is anything that you typically think you need. I'm always telling my kids to put on a sweatshirt and/or blanket rather than turn on the heat.

A Desire as anything you want in the future, or to retire. Both short term and long term saving, paying off all debt, etc.

Triple A auto club used to have a cool schedule for the true cost of driving. Once gas hit $3 a gallon, based on a certain budget and 15,000 miles a year, your first dollar for a car payment or lease was after someone made $4000 a month. In other words you had no business having any kind of car payment at all unless you made over $4000/mo. because of gas, maintenance, registration and insurance costs.


One last thing on credit. Did you know that if you merely pay the minimum on your credit cards, that every purchase is really 300%! If you see a pair of shoes you just gotta have on sale for $29- they are really a $90 pair, so re-think if that is a good purchase. That $5 Starbucks drink swiped is really $15

...I'm just sayin.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stay Strong

Stay Strong

"Stay strong you are not lost, did you forget whose trip your on?
Stay strong, there's a new dawn to light your way..."

Phil 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!I keep
hearing of people who are losing heart.

Like I mentioned in another blog, it's easy to take our eyes off the prize and look at our surroundings and situations and start down the slippery slope; "Where is God in all of this?" I'm here to tell you He's still there, He's still refining us, testing us, seeing what mettle we are made of. Some of us are having wood, hay, and stubble, burned away to expose us as the real deal, or as poser's. Here's
another one of those songs you'll end up humming all day; only listen if you
want to stay strong!
Watch the video and turn up the volume

Stay strong, His grip is sure!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mike Seaver

I don't know if anyone was able to see the Piers Morgan interview on CNN with former Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron, if you didn't, he was there supposedly to tell about his upcoming movie being released next week. He has several movies about marriage; "Fireproof" "Courageous" and his new one "Monumental.". Well, talk of the new film lasted all of five seconds anyway, most of the guest appearance was more of an interrogation of his personal beliefs. One question point blank was "What do you tell your kids about gay marriage?"

Cameron responded, “I’d tell my children what I believe myself…I believe that marriage was defined by God a long time ago. Marriage is almost as old as dirt and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage, and I don’t think anyone else should, either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.”

Cameron’s former “Growing Pains” co-star Alan Thicke, who played Cameron’s former TV dad, tweeted Monday, “I’m getting him some new books. The Old Testament simply can’t be expected to explain everything…I love Kirk but I may have to spank him…’tho not in a gay way!”

I love how Mr Cameron responds “The only way to properly answer these kind of questions is to begin the discussion with another question: Is life and sexuality sacred or are they not? If they are, then God has something to say about these things. If not, then everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the matter. I believe that freedom of speech and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand in America. I should be able to express moral views on social issues – especially those that have been the underpinning of Western civilization for 2,000 years – without being slandered, accused of hate speech and told from those who preach ‘tolerance’ that I need to either bend my beliefs to their moral standards or be silent when I’m in the public square. In any society that is governed by the rule of law, some form of morality is always imposed. It’s inescapable. But it is also a complicated subject, and that is why I believe we need to learn how to debate these things with greater love and respect.”

Well said, Mike Seaver.