Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dinner with Jesus

Have you ever sat down with someone and asked, "If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be?" Far and away the number one response is, "Jesus Christ," the most polarizing person ever to walk the earth--and a Superstar (I had the record and saw the show). His life, death, and resurrection has had such an effect on the world that today's date is even based on what happened 2015 years ago. 

Many of us know a lot about Jesus, but we all have a decision to make that must travel the farthest distance--from the head to the heart. I can learn and know about Jesus from what I read and hear, but until I experience him personally, I can't really know him. 

We live in a broken world. It can shake you and it can break you. It can cause you to stumble and fall. Years before I met my wife, I had a surgery to remove some cancer--the first of three bouts over the years. After many tests, the result came back that I was statistically unable to have kids. "If you ever get serious with someone, you may have to tell them that your chances of having children are slim and none." Those words can cause bitterness and despair or they can cause you to place your trust in God. I chose to place my faith in the ladder in spite of these circumstances. “Slim” is now 19 and “None” is 17. As I continue through my latest prognosis, my trust in God’s unfailing love continues to grow.

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