Jesus is the reason for the season. He came to seek and save those who are lost, those who have troubles, those who seek peace. Here's a quote from my church's blog "The message of Jesus is only for certain people--those with addictions to alcohol, porn, materialism, or greed. The message of Jesus is only for people who have anxiety, worry, stress, anger, or bad marriages. The message of Jesus is only for those who don't know how they're going to pay their rent, or mortgage. The message of Jesus is only for those who are prideful, depressed, lonely, sad, or have unhealthy relationships. The message of Jesus is only for those who don't know what they're doing with their lives or who are worried about their children's college funds.
The point is that the message of Jesus is only for certain people--those who understand they need him. And we all need him.
So now when you hear someone say 'Christianity is too narrow minded and only for certain people,' I'll respond, 'Yes, it is. The message of Jesus is only for people who realize they are not perfect.' And I won't be afraid to admit that I struggle with a lot of insecurities and self-doubts and need Jesus to remind me that I am a dearly loved child of his. By admitting my own weakness, perhaps others will see that Jesus came for people like me who know they are in need.
Do you have friends who think Jesus is only for certain people? Help them to see that Jesus is for everyone--everyone who is willing to admit they are in certainly in need."
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Light at the End of the Tunnel
In this life you will have troubles...There's a light at the end of the tunnel.
One of my extended family members recently went through a nasty divorce with repercussions effecting them day in and day out. The kids are supposed to talk with the other parent on certain days, and even though they speak many times a week on other days, the court order specifies a certain time and day. A couple times over the past year were missed, so the absentee parent is suing the custodial parent on a Contempt of Court charge and jail time.
I can't even begin to imagine the anxiety, fear, and stress created by this situation. It seems as if the suing parent has one agenda- to make life miserable for the other parent, giving no thought as to what effect this will have on the kids. Even though the public records from the initial custody order shows that the other parent lived with a known convicted sex offender, or that almost too many instances to count, as evidence of extra marital affairs...with both sexes, were revealed over the course of a decade.
When things don't make sense, gifts of things like peace, hope and joy do. These are the gifts that God gave us when He sent His son Jesus into the world, giving us a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.
One of my extended family members recently went through a nasty divorce with repercussions effecting them day in and day out. The kids are supposed to talk with the other parent on certain days, and even though they speak many times a week on other days, the court order specifies a certain time and day. A couple times over the past year were missed, so the absentee parent is suing the custodial parent on a Contempt of Court charge and jail time.
I can't even begin to imagine the anxiety, fear, and stress created by this situation. It seems as if the suing parent has one agenda- to make life miserable for the other parent, giving no thought as to what effect this will have on the kids. Even though the public records from the initial custody order shows that the other parent lived with a known convicted sex offender, or that almost too many instances to count, as evidence of extra marital affairs...with both sexes, were revealed over the course of a decade.
When things don't make sense, gifts of things like peace, hope and joy do. These are the gifts that God gave us when He sent His son Jesus into the world, giving us a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Striving vs Obedience
When my businesses started folding one by one, my stress an anxiety level morphed into a time of striving. What I mean by that is I would look at any and every opportunity to make a buck. Everything was hard. Many times I was driving hundreds of miles away to do whatever it was for however long the job took.
When something unusual happens in our daily life experience, that's an indicator that it is a time to tune in our spiritual antennae. God is often at work.
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant" (Josh 24:13).
I'll be the first to tell you that a month ago, I didn't have a clue about the advertising business, yet here I am blessed with a book of business, I did not build.
The people of Israel conquered the Promised Land as a result of obedience, not sweat, toil, or natural talent. God desires to give us fruit from our calling when we fulfill the unique purpose for which He made us. We will not have to manipulate the outcome.
As I learn again, to abide completely in His presence and purpose for my life, I realize His nature is to do exceedingly, and abundantly beyond what I can think or imagine.
When something unusual happens in our daily life experience, that's an indicator that it is a time to tune in our spiritual antennae. God is often at work.
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant" (Josh 24:13).
I'll be the first to tell you that a month ago, I didn't have a clue about the advertising business, yet here I am blessed with a book of business, I did not build.
The people of Israel conquered the Promised Land as a result of obedience, not sweat, toil, or natural talent. God desires to give us fruit from our calling when we fulfill the unique purpose for which He made us. We will not have to manipulate the outcome.
As I learn again, to abide completely in His presence and purpose for my life, I realize His nature is to do exceedingly, and abundantly beyond what I can think or imagine.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Be Transformed
...So let mercy come, and wash away, what I've done...linkin park
...Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...Romans 1:1,2
...Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength...Mark 12:30
I remember as a child in Minnesota, gathering up caterpillars on milkweed plants that would morph into the majestic Monarch Butterfly. It's a complete change from an ugly green worm to a gold and black beauty. And then just to see them struggle to escape the cocoon, I was compelled to help. Little did I know at the time that my idea of being helpful, only proved to be harmful.
Sometimes the transformation can be painful; constantly being reminded of who we were requires us to renew our minds daily. Many times thoughts determine actions, and why it's so important our thoughts line up with God's...All the time.
...Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...Romans 1:1,2
...Love the Lord your God with all your Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength...Mark 12:30
I remember as a child in Minnesota, gathering up caterpillars on milkweed plants that would morph into the majestic Monarch Butterfly. It's a complete change from an ugly green worm to a gold and black beauty. And then just to see them struggle to escape the cocoon, I was compelled to help. Little did I know at the time that my idea of being helpful, only proved to be harmful.
Sometimes the transformation can be painful; constantly being reminded of who we were requires us to renew our minds daily. Many times thoughts determine actions, and why it's so important our thoughts line up with God's...All the time.
Seeking Balance
So I'm writing this from Starbucks this morning. I just happen to be sitting at one of those tables where one of the four legs are well, off a bit. Every time I shift my weight, the table wiggles; the coffee spills, luckily, not all over my suit.
Like a table or chair, four areas in each of our lives tend to be centered around the Physical, Social, Emotional and Spiritual activities--Walkers, Talkers, Criers, and Liars.
We all seek balance in our lives, and more likely than not, we all lean to one personality over another. I know guys who go overboard at the gym; I know some who are the life of the party, and those who who rather read Phychology Today...all day. And yes, even Spiritually, I know some who spiritualize everything....the devil made me do it!
Fact is none of us are the same, different combinations of life types make the world go round with difference. Cookie-cutter doesn't cut it.
Romans 12:6 (New International Version)
6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
Yes, I'm different than you and your different than your boss, spouse, sibling, or friend. We can't all be a hand or a foot. The Bible says ALL of us make up the church.
Darn...Just spilled on my shoe!
Like a table or chair, four areas in each of our lives tend to be centered around the Physical, Social, Emotional and Spiritual activities--Walkers, Talkers, Criers, and Liars.
We all seek balance in our lives, and more likely than not, we all lean to one personality over another. I know guys who go overboard at the gym; I know some who are the life of the party, and those who who rather read Phychology Today...all day. And yes, even Spiritually, I know some who spiritualize everything....the devil made me do it!
Fact is none of us are the same, different combinations of life types make the world go round with difference. Cookie-cutter doesn't cut it.
Romans 12:6 (New International Version)
6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
Yes, I'm different than you and your different than your boss, spouse, sibling, or friend. We can't all be a hand or a foot. The Bible says ALL of us make up the church.
Darn...Just spilled on my shoe!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I'm Sorry
Perception is often each person's reality whether that reality is true or not. Your perception of a situation is going to dictate your response more than the actual reality of it.
"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom" (James 3:13-14).
Had an issue yesterday where I unintentionally called on a customer who uses another sales rep from the company....I got called in and reprimanded by my manager, and offered up an apology along with a" it won't happen again."
We all see things through our own set of glasses at times. Men view things differently than women. Bosses see things differently than employees. One ethnic group will see a situation totally different than another. Our life experiences, our past treatment of circumstances and our personalities all contribute to how we view situations in daily life.
Whenever conflict arises from viewing things differently there is really only one way to resolve the difference. Usually the other person is offended by the tone of the other more than the position that is taken. If the other person is offended, we can only offer a few words: "I'm sorry.
"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom" (James 3:13-14).
Had an issue yesterday where I unintentionally called on a customer who uses another sales rep from the company....I got called in and reprimanded by my manager, and offered up an apology along with a" it won't happen again."
We all see things through our own set of glasses at times. Men view things differently than women. Bosses see things differently than employees. One ethnic group will see a situation totally different than another. Our life experiences, our past treatment of circumstances and our personalities all contribute to how we view situations in daily life.
Whenever conflict arises from viewing things differently there is really only one way to resolve the difference. Usually the other person is offended by the tone of the other more than the position that is taken. If the other person is offended, we can only offer a few words: "I'm sorry.
Come Along Side
Hebrews 12:12-13 (New Living Translation)
12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.
Isn't this verse what it's really all about in a nutshell while here on earth. Coming along side someone in need or having you and I go through things in our lives we don't fully enjoy at the present time, in order to help others going through something we are or have gone through already.
One of my strengths or gifts is that of hospitality and generosity. Of course, of the ladder, I'm still hoping and praying to be back in that type of position to be able to fully employ that aspect once again.
12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.
Isn't this verse what it's really all about in a nutshell while here on earth. Coming along side someone in need or having you and I go through things in our lives we don't fully enjoy at the present time, in order to help others going through something we are or have gone through already.
One of my strengths or gifts is that of hospitality and generosity. Of course, of the ladder, I'm still hoping and praying to be back in that type of position to be able to fully employ that aspect once again.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Consider this: Your greatest work may yet be ahead of you. Don't let age keep you from being used by God.
For a man may do his work with wisdom, knowledge and skill... (Eccl 2:21).
He didn't begin this job until he was sixty-nine years old. He had already had a successful Hollywood movie career and decided to try his hand at politics. He would be known by one job more than any other. He would also be known as one of the United State's greatest statesmen. He had a faith that was genuine but not intruding or very public, but you knew where he stood. He always treated people, even his detractors with grace. He was known for his extraordinary love he had for his wife.
Ronnie, as his wife always called him, will always be known as the President who brought down the Soviet Union's evil empire Communistic bend. Those short 8 years will always and forever define him far more then the 50 years of his former career.
For a man may do his work with wisdom, knowledge and skill... (Eccl 2:21).
He didn't begin this job until he was sixty-nine years old. He had already had a successful Hollywood movie career and decided to try his hand at politics. He would be known by one job more than any other. He would also be known as one of the United State's greatest statesmen. He had a faith that was genuine but not intruding or very public, but you knew where he stood. He always treated people, even his detractors with grace. He was known for his extraordinary love he had for his wife.
Ronnie, as his wife always called him, will always be known as the President who brought down the Soviet Union's evil empire Communistic bend. Those short 8 years will always and forever define him far more then the 50 years of his former career.
Commit Everything
Psalm 37:4-5 (New Living Translation)
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
Joshua 1:9 (New Living Translation)
9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
I have to say, the transition from running my own business for 20 years, to working under a chain of command can sometimes be annoying...from my perspective anyway. Expectations, systems, and SOP's so dated come into play as well. The cool thing is to apply the wisdom of the verses above. Once filtered through those lens, worry, stress, anxiety, performance envy etc, all take a back seat to the greater reason of our work to begin with!
Being salt, light, and doing our best with the tools God has given us, means we can leave results confidently with Him. Mostly, just knowing He knows, and knowing He knows tomorrow leaves me anyway, with a big "Whew!"
4 Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.
5 Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
Joshua 1:9 (New Living Translation)
9 This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
I have to say, the transition from running my own business for 20 years, to working under a chain of command can sometimes be annoying...from my perspective anyway. Expectations, systems, and SOP's so dated come into play as well. The cool thing is to apply the wisdom of the verses above. Once filtered through those lens, worry, stress, anxiety, performance envy etc, all take a back seat to the greater reason of our work to begin with!
Being salt, light, and doing our best with the tools God has given us, means we can leave results confidently with Him. Mostly, just knowing He knows, and knowing He knows tomorrow leaves me anyway, with a big "Whew!"
Friday, October 15, 2010
...A Zillion Years Ago
A funny thing happened the other day while I was shadowing another sales executive; we went into a business and the owner recognizes me from the good old days in real estate in the late 90's and early 2000's. He used to work as a lender at Wells Fargo. He's now running a Pizza House. He's content, however, he misses the days where he would make $50-60k a month...I suppose anyone would.
He went on to explain his story how his his niche market dried up and the 7 houses he had acquired, were lost to foreclosure. He said he is blessed to have a job and makes just enough to feed his family. I concurred, and explained a little of my story, and how through it all God has still blessed us with less but more importantly, that I don't have to worry about what was or is to come. I too, am blessed to have landed a B2B advertising sales position.
It is so comforting to know that God already knew that at almost age 50, I would be starting a completely different career, and He knew that a zillion years ago.
He went on to explain his story how his his niche market dried up and the 7 houses he had acquired, were lost to foreclosure. He said he is blessed to have a job and makes just enough to feed his family. I concurred, and explained a little of my story, and how through it all God has still blessed us with less but more importantly, that I don't have to worry about what was or is to come. I too, am blessed to have landed a B2B advertising sales position.
It is so comforting to know that God already knew that at almost age 50, I would be starting a completely different career, and He knew that a zillion years ago.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Planting and Watering
As Christians according to I Corinthians 3:6-8 we can plant, and we can water, but it is only God that does the rest.
"6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work."
So here's my rift; I've seen so often a condemning spirit so to speak, where rather than in a loving compassionate way, some will just blast the hell out of someone for doing or acting a certain way. Of course it doesn't help when Hollywood always seems to portray Christians in that light either. That is why especially in the New Testament, many times it is written to Love your neighbor (everyone), and Christians are called not to rip the tares or weeds out because many a good plant is thrown out too; Let God do the reaping and harvesting leaving me and you to water, pray, and encourage those around us. The reality is that ultimately God is responsible for His kids.
"6 I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. 7 It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work."
So here's my rift; I've seen so often a condemning spirit so to speak, where rather than in a loving compassionate way, some will just blast the hell out of someone for doing or acting a certain way. Of course it doesn't help when Hollywood always seems to portray Christians in that light either. That is why especially in the New Testament, many times it is written to Love your neighbor (everyone), and Christians are called not to rip the tares or weeds out because many a good plant is thrown out too; Let God do the reaping and harvesting leaving me and you to water, pray, and encourage those around us. The reality is that ultimately God is responsible for His kids.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Poopy Diapers
"Come as you are, but don't stay as you are." That's both the theme of Ephesians 4:11-12 and the motto of my church.
I think The Message version says it best-
14-16No prolonged infancies among us, please. We'll not tolerate babes in the woods, small children who are an easy mark for impostors. God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.
Poopy diapers are expected as younguns, but if I'm in my 40's and still pulling that crap, obviously, I haven't been applying this verse. Right?
As potential salt and light, I am supposed to bring flavor, preserve, be an example to model, coach and tons more. When you think of Salt and Light what they do in practical ways, applied spiritually. The takeaway is that together, we become an added benefit to a world that feels alone, hopeless, or is in some kind of difficulty or pain. As Christians, we know God sees our pain and offers hope and help no matter the source of our struggle
I think The Message version says it best-
14-16No prolonged infancies among us, please. We'll not tolerate babes in the woods, small children who are an easy mark for impostors. God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.
Poopy diapers are expected as younguns, but if I'm in my 40's and still pulling that crap, obviously, I haven't been applying this verse. Right?
As potential salt and light, I am supposed to bring flavor, preserve, be an example to model, coach and tons more. When you think of Salt and Light what they do in practical ways, applied spiritually. The takeaway is that together, we become an added benefit to a world that feels alone, hopeless, or is in some kind of difficulty or pain. As Christians, we know God sees our pain and offers hope and help no matter the source of our struggle
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
You are Special
In Max Lucado's book/film production "You are Special", he renders how each of us are a "dot" or a "star" and we can valued in other's eyes that way based on how many dots or stars we have..
Picture this; God took everyday mud, mixed in a bit of his own expression, and created the most valuable collector's item in the world--you! God thinks of you as a masterpiece, even if other "experts" are skeptical.
Throughout our lives, panels of "experts" judge us. Based on what is of value in the current culture, they check out our quality of expression and subjective beauty, frown over the wear around the edges, and ultimately declare our worth based on dots and stars. Rarely do they want anything to do with our restoration process. Yet from God's perspective, our worth transcends the here and now. His opinion of us does not change based on popularity, performance, position...Priceless!
I mention this because now I am in an office environment and can overhear many a conversation from other cubicles. It's amazing how self worth can both reflective and refractive in day to day interactions.
You are special. I am special, and God doesn't make mistakes!
Picture this; God took everyday mud, mixed in a bit of his own expression, and created the most valuable collector's item in the world--you! God thinks of you as a masterpiece, even if other "experts" are skeptical.
Throughout our lives, panels of "experts" judge us. Based on what is of value in the current culture, they check out our quality of expression and subjective beauty, frown over the wear around the edges, and ultimately declare our worth based on dots and stars. Rarely do they want anything to do with our restoration process. Yet from God's perspective, our worth transcends the here and now. His opinion of us does not change based on popularity, performance, position...Priceless!
I mention this because now I am in an office environment and can overhear many a conversation from other cubicles. It's amazing how self worth can both reflective and refractive in day to day interactions.
You are special. I am special, and God doesn't make mistakes!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday Morning Mojo
"The way in which we think of ourselves has everything to do with how our world sees us and how we see ourselves successfully acknowledged by the world."
--Arlene Rankin
"Your attitude determines your altitude"
--Zig Ziglar
"If God had a fridge, your picture would be on it"
"God so loved you that He gave His son, just believe and have the best life ever and ever after."
--Arlene Rankin
"Your attitude determines your altitude"
--Zig Ziglar
"If God had a fridge, your picture would be on it"
"God so loved you that He gave His son, just believe and have the best life ever and ever after."
Friday, October 1, 2010
Where to Put Your Trust
Luke 6:47-49 (New International Version)
47I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. 48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."
Eastlake church, our home church here in SoCal had a great example based on this verse below is a excerpt-
Author and apologist C.S. Lewis wrote, "Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what he is doing... you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is he up to? The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the one you thought of... You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but he is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself."
With the exception of towns and cities where GM and other maufacturing plants closed down, starting in 2008-10, the zip codes around EastLake Church were ground zero for the mortgage crisis, earning a place in the top ten for U.S. home foreclosures. Even people that didn't own homes were faced with downsizing their American dream. Others in related industries lost jobs they held for decades. Some blamed God, becoming angry with him over their losses. Others turned to him and have been restored in ways they never dreamed- even if their personal residence is long gone.
We are God's workmanship and he loves us. There are many circumstances that "hurt abominably" and don't make sense, but we can still trust him to use these tough times to build a better house. We just have to open the door and let Him in!
47I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. 48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."
Eastlake church, our home church here in SoCal had a great example based on this verse below is a excerpt-
Author and apologist C.S. Lewis wrote, "Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what he is doing... you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is he up to? The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the one you thought of... You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but he is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself."
With the exception of towns and cities where GM and other maufacturing plants closed down, starting in 2008-10, the zip codes around EastLake Church were ground zero for the mortgage crisis, earning a place in the top ten for U.S. home foreclosures. Even people that didn't own homes were faced with downsizing their American dream. Others in related industries lost jobs they held for decades. Some blamed God, becoming angry with him over their losses. Others turned to him and have been restored in ways they never dreamed- even if their personal residence is long gone.
We are God's workmanship and he loves us. There are many circumstances that "hurt abominably" and don't make sense, but we can still trust him to use these tough times to build a better house. We just have to open the door and let Him in!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
First Day Out in the Field
Psalm 37:24 (New International Version)
24 though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
Yesterday was my first day out in the field with my new sales manager tagging along and offering up critique along the way. I have to laugh because he wanted to personally introduce me to four longstanding accounts he thunk he had a great relationship with. All four terminated the relationship; one actually told him (us) to "get the ef" out of here and don't come back! Clunk!
That could have devestated my fragile persona ;). The first thing we know in sales, is that rejection comes with the game. They aren't rejecting me personally, but rather the product, idea, or a presumed lack of need for what is being presented. So, yesterday was a good day in terms of setting sale performance; if my numbers are low, they can initially be attributed to events he knows about firsthand.
In a much larger sense, we stumble and fall in most aspects of life at one time or another. We can choose to take it personally, or get back up and keep moving along. Isn't it good to know that God will not let us fall too hard or too far before he upholds with His hand. which coincidentally is the same one that also spans the universe.
24 though he stumble, he will not fall,
for the LORD upholds him with his hand.
Yesterday was my first day out in the field with my new sales manager tagging along and offering up critique along the way. I have to laugh because he wanted to personally introduce me to four longstanding accounts he thunk he had a great relationship with. All four terminated the relationship; one actually told him (us) to "get the ef" out of here and don't come back! Clunk!
That could have devestated my fragile persona ;). The first thing we know in sales, is that rejection comes with the game. They aren't rejecting me personally, but rather the product, idea, or a presumed lack of need for what is being presented. So, yesterday was a good day in terms of setting sale performance; if my numbers are low, they can initially be attributed to events he knows about firsthand.
In a much larger sense, we stumble and fall in most aspects of life at one time or another. We can choose to take it personally, or get back up and keep moving along. Isn't it good to know that God will not let us fall too hard or too far before he upholds with His hand. which coincidentally is the same one that also spans the universe.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Navy SEAL's
One of my favorite beaches in San Diego has a Navy SEAL training facility adjacent to it. Often, the SEAL's practice maneuvers which include running a route with 100lb packs on their backs.
Life's path rarely is straight and level, sometimes steep and slippery. I can't think of a time in the past decade that hasn't been a struggle. God tells us to cast our burdens on Him as our frames were not intended to carry 100lbs packs for any extended period oftime or distance. Some? Yes. All the time? No. So why do we continue carrying around all these packs of guilt, anxiety, worry, and stress. When we decide to hand over the pack, finnally, we can stand up sraight and tall, and this life can become much more enjoyable while enhancing our ability to help others by sharing in carrying their load until they realize the need to hand theirs over as well.
I heard a story somewhere, some time ago about a Roman punishment where a dead person was attached to your back. As it rotted, it would affect the tissue of the person carrying the carcass, and eventually kill the carrier as well. I know that's a morbid example, but the most explicit one I could think of when it comes to our worries and doubts.
Life's path rarely is straight and level, sometimes steep and slippery. I can't think of a time in the past decade that hasn't been a struggle. God tells us to cast our burdens on Him as our frames were not intended to carry 100lbs packs for any extended period oftime or distance. Some? Yes. All the time? No. So why do we continue carrying around all these packs of guilt, anxiety, worry, and stress. When we decide to hand over the pack, finnally, we can stand up sraight and tall, and this life can become much more enjoyable while enhancing our ability to help others by sharing in carrying their load until they realize the need to hand theirs over as well.
I heard a story somewhere, some time ago about a Roman punishment where a dead person was attached to your back. As it rotted, it would affect the tissue of the person carrying the carcass, and eventually kill the carrier as well. I know that's a morbid example, but the most explicit one I could think of when it comes to our worries and doubts.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
No Worries
I finished up the last of the chemo treatments, and I am starting to get my energy back. The area seems to be healing up nicely, so no worries right?
I think man is the only one of God's creations to anticipate future events. That's both a blessing and a curse. It is so easy to worry and have anxiety over what will happen tomorrow, yet true faith comes into play in a real way when life throws a curve ball at you. But we know God will never leave us or forsake us!
Hebrews 10:23 (The Message)
22-25So let's do it—full of belief, confident that we're presentable inside and out. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
So, today is a new day; I have my health, I start a new job today, and it's going to be a great day with God as my rudder guiding me through these rough seas.
I think man is the only one of God's creations to anticipate future events. That's both a blessing and a curse. It is so easy to worry and have anxiety over what will happen tomorrow, yet true faith comes into play in a real way when life throws a curve ball at you. But we know God will never leave us or forsake us!
Hebrews 10:23 (The Message)
22-25So let's do it—full of belief, confident that we're presentable inside and out. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.
So, today is a new day; I have my health, I start a new job today, and it's going to be a great day with God as my rudder guiding me through these rough seas.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Had a little scare this week when I started coughing up blood.
I've been learning some new vocabulary; systemic, membranes, drug interaction, side effects, chemical therapy (chemo). Melanoma Carcinoma. Just the sound of that one sounds scary doesn't it? What I thought was just going to be a routine mole check turned out to be a little something more, as an area not associated with moles was discovered; about the size of a Quarter on the surface, and a lopsided Silver Dollar beneath.
I was scared for a moment, but that passed when I again realized that God is in control, has our days numbered, and knew us while in the womb, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
The jury is still out as to whether it is sun related or just one more story to tell. I'm leaning toward the latter since my hands, arms, ears, etc are and always have been in the sun yet statistically, skin cancer starts in areas that either are generally covered or have had sunscreen applied. Historically, prior to the 60's, skin cancer was an aberration, but in the 60's, PABA as a sunscreen touted to protect skin from premature aging was introduced. Today chances of getting skin cancer are much higher, now whether there is a correlation between the two remains to be seen. One thing is clear however, that demographic areas that have extended periods where there is lack of sun exposure incur higher rates of skin cancer, diabetes, lack of energy, and depression. More and more research is being conducted on the interaction between the suns rays, calcium, vitamins A and D, and the importance of those for better overall health.
I've been learning some new vocabulary; systemic, membranes, drug interaction, side effects, chemical therapy (chemo). Melanoma Carcinoma. Just the sound of that one sounds scary doesn't it? What I thought was just going to be a routine mole check turned out to be a little something more, as an area not associated with moles was discovered; about the size of a Quarter on the surface, and a lopsided Silver Dollar beneath.
I was scared for a moment, but that passed when I again realized that God is in control, has our days numbered, and knew us while in the womb, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
The jury is still out as to whether it is sun related or just one more story to tell. I'm leaning toward the latter since my hands, arms, ears, etc are and always have been in the sun yet statistically, skin cancer starts in areas that either are generally covered or have had sunscreen applied. Historically, prior to the 60's, skin cancer was an aberration, but in the 60's, PABA as a sunscreen touted to protect skin from premature aging was introduced. Today chances of getting skin cancer are much higher, now whether there is a correlation between the two remains to be seen. One thing is clear however, that demographic areas that have extended periods where there is lack of sun exposure incur higher rates of skin cancer, diabetes, lack of energy, and depression. More and more research is being conducted on the interaction between the suns rays, calcium, vitamins A and D, and the importance of those for better overall health.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Christianity for Dummy's part 2
"Good people go to heaven, while bad people go to hell." "I'm basically a good person." "I donate millions and do volunteer work." You've heard it, or it's been insinuated, or the theme has been played out in theatre, TV, film, or print.
Here's the problem; no one can agree on what "good" is, especially religious leaders. For instance as an extreme example, Islam rewards the killing of infidels (non-Islams) as good. Good, bad, right, wrong are all "subject to's" whose opinion or what the popular religious flavor is.
Even if we could all agree on what good is, how good is good enough to get to heaven? Is it an average, percentage or graded on a curve? If 51% of your deeds are good, do you make the cut? Or worse yet, what if you found you "missed it by that much" as agent 86 would say. Heck, even the Bible makes no mention on what works you can do to earn your way through being good. All those rules and regs were culturally and physically shown to be impossible to keep.
Here's the classic head-scratcher; Jesus told the local religious leaders of the day who worked their whole life to be the best they could be, that they weren't good enough to go to heaven, yet He promised prostitutes and criminals they were gladly welcomed. Huh?
There has to be a common denominator all can agree to don't you agree? It's simple...
Forgiven people.
Here's the problem; no one can agree on what "good" is, especially religious leaders. For instance as an extreme example, Islam rewards the killing of infidels (non-Islams) as good. Good, bad, right, wrong are all "subject to's" whose opinion or what the popular religious flavor is.
Even if we could all agree on what good is, how good is good enough to get to heaven? Is it an average, percentage or graded on a curve? If 51% of your deeds are good, do you make the cut? Or worse yet, what if you found you "missed it by that much" as agent 86 would say. Heck, even the Bible makes no mention on what works you can do to earn your way through being good. All those rules and regs were culturally and physically shown to be impossible to keep.
Here's the classic head-scratcher; Jesus told the local religious leaders of the day who worked their whole life to be the best they could be, that they weren't good enough to go to heaven, yet He promised prostitutes and criminals they were gladly welcomed. Huh?
There has to be a common denominator all can agree to don't you agree? It's simple...
Forgiven people.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The kids were acting a little different after we picked them up from youth group last night...Ring. Ring. It's the mother of the other kid that went to group; "My son is acting different, something's going on."
I have to be honest, I absolutely dreaded Sunday school and youth group . It felt like prison to me. A volunteer teacher, who also happened to have my dad as a professor at the local Christian University, tried to get a group of boys to follow a page-by-page Bible study, asking each of us to take turns reading the passages. We spent most of our time throwing spit wads at each other and watching the clock, just waiting for our weekly torment to end.
I know which genes that idea came from...One time, four of us decided to ditch. (I know my sister did a couple times too.) We thought that as long as we made it back before we were being picked up, no one would know. We skipped out and went to Jack in the Box, a local fast food eatery. What a great time we had! It was the best "group" ever.
We lost track of the time and got back late. Sure enough, we were all in trouble. Worst of all, we were forced to continue to sit through the same old sessions of boredom week after week. Today I can't remember any of those painful lessons, but I do remember every detail of that one great group. I gained three good friends that day.
The point I'm pointing out is that free will is a huge part of our make up. Some of our decisions have consequences that can last a few days, or an eternity.
Extra chores, no TV or Dragon Ball's a choice made.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will comein." Rev 3:20
I have to be honest, I absolutely dreaded Sunday school and youth group . It felt like prison to me. A volunteer teacher, who also happened to have my dad as a professor at the local Christian University, tried to get a group of boys to follow a page-by-page Bible study, asking each of us to take turns reading the passages. We spent most of our time throwing spit wads at each other and watching the clock, just waiting for our weekly torment to end.
I know which genes that idea came from...One time, four of us decided to ditch. (I know my sister did a couple times too.) We thought that as long as we made it back before we were being picked up, no one would know. We skipped out and went to Jack in the Box, a local fast food eatery. What a great time we had! It was the best "group" ever.
We lost track of the time and got back late. Sure enough, we were all in trouble. Worst of all, we were forced to continue to sit through the same old sessions of boredom week after week. Today I can't remember any of those painful lessons, but I do remember every detail of that one great group. I gained three good friends that day.
The point I'm pointing out is that free will is a huge part of our make up. Some of our decisions have consequences that can last a few days, or an eternity.
Extra chores, no TV or Dragon Ball's a choice made.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will comein." Rev 3:20
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Christianity for Dummy's part 1
The Gospel of Grace says that God loves you, and you need to accept that..period. I'll borrow a line from the late Bill Bright-God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Now on the other hand, religion says you must walk this way, talk this way-I don't mean Aerosmith's version, but rather do ABC and act like XYZ or, you'll end up in HELL. If salvation was based on religion, on a points system of earning our way to heaven, I guess there would be no Christmas or Easter, and Jesus's death would have been in vain.
Jesus left us with two, just 2 commands, well, really 1A and 1B and 2; Love God with all your heart and mind, and love your neighbor as you do yourself. In doing those two things, all other prior and future CC&R's are fulfilled. Number 2, is for those who are a part of Gods family; we are called to preach that Gospel locally and all over the world. So next logical question is what is the Gospel? Is it a positive message, or a hellish judgemental one?
Jesus left us with two, just 2 commands, well, really 1A and 1B and 2; Love God with all your heart and mind, and love your neighbor as you do yourself. In doing those two things, all other prior and future CC&R's are fulfilled. Number 2, is for those who are a part of Gods family; we are called to preach that Gospel locally and all over the world. So next logical question is what is the Gospel? Is it a positive message, or a hellish judgemental one?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Nuclear Nipples, Atomic Tits, Bionic Boobs, Radioactive Rack, Massive Mammeries, Hydro-electric Hibeams, Power Pillows, Gigantic Jugs. The Twins.
Anyone living in SoCal knows exactly what I'm referring to- The San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. It's a mighty small percentage of the world who understand the terms, and if you go around talking like that anywhere else, people with look at you sideways and think of you as one sick puppy me thinks.
Sometimes due to the way we speak... Christianese, the world may look at us strangely as well.
Anyone living in SoCal knows exactly what I'm referring to- The San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. It's a mighty small percentage of the world who understand the terms, and if you go around talking like that anywhere else, people with look at you sideways and think of you as one sick puppy me thinks.
Sometimes due to the way we speak... Christianese, the world may look at us strangely as well.
Shake it like a Polaroid
"Shake it like a Polaroid" I just heard that song by Outkast on the local hits radio station. Those of you with kids know what that means, but ask your kids, and I'm sure they haven't a clue. When was the last time you used a Polaroid camera? Companies go bankrupt when they don't keep up with the latest technology. I still remember buying a Pioneer Supertuner 8 track player for my car, and using those dial up companies with "lighting fast speeds" of 28k/second. A couple years ago all the rage was 3G, now it's 4G. Yesterday, I heard an ad where you can click a pic of a check with a phone to deposit it in your account while your falling down the stairs.
We had a couple fallen trees and thick broken off branches that I have been cutting up for firewood. It's amazing the difference a sharp blade makes. Ecclesiastes 10:10 says "if the ax head is dull and it's edge unsharpened, more energy is needed to accomplish a task. Keep the blade sharp and you'll find success." Obviously this applies to our work, our mind, as well as business models.
I've been in real estate for two decades now, yet I still takes classes every week to keep up on the latest trends, lawsuits, and the latest tools, available for a sharper blade. We live in an information age where the level of knowledge is increasing at warp speed. The way you did things two years ago may not be the same way you do it today. The knowledge you have two years ago may not be adequate to compete. The Bible tells us to persue excellence in all we do.
I'm sure we all want to hear "Wow, what a sharp individual" vs what a dull dude.
We had a couple fallen trees and thick broken off branches that I have been cutting up for firewood. It's amazing the difference a sharp blade makes. Ecclesiastes 10:10 says "if the ax head is dull and it's edge unsharpened, more energy is needed to accomplish a task. Keep the blade sharp and you'll find success." Obviously this applies to our work, our mind, as well as business models.
I've been in real estate for two decades now, yet I still takes classes every week to keep up on the latest trends, lawsuits, and the latest tools, available for a sharper blade. We live in an information age where the level of knowledge is increasing at warp speed. The way you did things two years ago may not be the same way you do it today. The knowledge you have two years ago may not be adequate to compete. The Bible tells us to persue excellence in all we do.
I'm sure we all want to hear "Wow, what a sharp individual" vs what a dull dude.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Teach a child to choose the right path or Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6.
Upon further study on this I see the verse doesn't say train a child to choose the path that I, the parent chooses for him. God has imprinted each of us with passions, aptitudes and skills. His word encourages those of us who are parents to train our children to recognize and pursue them. While we all want what's best for our kids, we sometimes force on them our ideas of what they should be. When we do that, we foreclose God's intentions for their lives.
I heard a story of a young gal- 12 or 13 years old - who was one of six or seven kids in a very conservative Christian family, homeschooled, and on a pretty short leash. One day she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. Without hesitation she said she wanted to be a wife and mother - "just like my mom." It was a response she had clearly given many times before. After several minutes of silence she blurted out, "Actually, I want to be an FBI agent."
My take is that maybe it means that children should be encouraged to pursue their paths in life based on the way that God wired them. Seems pretty simple, right? Maybe not. We've all heard stories of frustrated adults who become doctors or lawyers or work in the family business because it was always expected of them. They were forced to fit a picture their parents had drawn for their future.
Upon further study on this I see the verse doesn't say train a child to choose the path that I, the parent chooses for him. God has imprinted each of us with passions, aptitudes and skills. His word encourages those of us who are parents to train our children to recognize and pursue them. While we all want what's best for our kids, we sometimes force on them our ideas of what they should be. When we do that, we foreclose God's intentions for their lives.
I heard a story of a young gal- 12 or 13 years old - who was one of six or seven kids in a very conservative Christian family, homeschooled, and on a pretty short leash. One day she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. Without hesitation she said she wanted to be a wife and mother - "just like my mom." It was a response she had clearly given many times before. After several minutes of silence she blurted out, "Actually, I want to be an FBI agent."
My take is that maybe it means that children should be encouraged to pursue their paths in life based on the way that God wired them. Seems pretty simple, right? Maybe not. We've all heard stories of frustrated adults who become doctors or lawyers or work in the family business because it was always expected of them. They were forced to fit a picture their parents had drawn for their future.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Lunch with Mom
I just took my mom to lunch today and ran into a couple people I know; a past real estate client, and my Pastor growing up, co-author of the "Left Behind" book series.
My son is struggling with his math homework. In particular, fractions, finding common denominators, through division and multiplication, and and solving what 1/2 of 1/3 of X is. I see him struggle and scribble numbers, and the dad in me wants to just give him the answers. But would that ultimately help or hinder him, if I didn't allow him to work through each problem? So it is with us; as we go through trials and tribulations, aka problems, the reality is as we work through them, they prepare us for life, and many times, put us in a position to help others.
The past client was noticeably upset as she told me the story of how she and her partner lost about $100,000 in the real estate market. When it was my turn to share and explain my loss of many, many times that, laughing at the circumstances as I spoke. She couldn't believe my attitude. When I told her how confident I am that God is in control, and how good God truly is and pointed to my belly expressing the fact that I haven't missed a meal yet, she broke down and started to cry.
"When I hear stories like yours, it really puts things in perspective. Thank you so much for sharing, I feel so much better." I think what she was trying to say, was that she hadn't missed any meals either, and having to drive a three year old Mercedes, isn't so bad after all.
So now my son can tell me that 1/100th of a whole lot, is still enough!
My son is struggling with his math homework. In particular, fractions, finding common denominators, through division and multiplication, and and solving what 1/2 of 1/3 of X is. I see him struggle and scribble numbers, and the dad in me wants to just give him the answers. But would that ultimately help or hinder him, if I didn't allow him to work through each problem? So it is with us; as we go through trials and tribulations, aka problems, the reality is as we work through them, they prepare us for life, and many times, put us in a position to help others.
The past client was noticeably upset as she told me the story of how she and her partner lost about $100,000 in the real estate market. When it was my turn to share and explain my loss of many, many times that, laughing at the circumstances as I spoke. She couldn't believe my attitude. When I told her how confident I am that God is in control, and how good God truly is and pointed to my belly expressing the fact that I haven't missed a meal yet, she broke down and started to cry.
"When I hear stories like yours, it really puts things in perspective. Thank you so much for sharing, I feel so much better." I think what she was trying to say, was that she hadn't missed any meals either, and having to drive a three year old Mercedes, isn't so bad after all.
So now my son can tell me that 1/100th of a whole lot, is still enough!
Car Pool
Today was my first day as the carpool driver for 5 of the local kids. The last kid to be picked up was done so nearly a half hour before school starts, and school is a mere five to ten minutes away, depending on traffic. I thought I was leaving too early getting the kids there with 15-20 minutes to spare. Evidently not. One mom lambasted me up one side and down the other for being late. Great start!
Every family is different, and each has issues. I for instance, tend to be too mellow for some, while in my eyes, this mom to me seemed too high strung. In church this past week we looked into Jesus's family tree as recorded in Matthew 1. While you may think your's and mine are messed up, His contains names of pagans, prostitutes, liars, adulteresses, and murderers - messed-up people that God used to do amazing things. This just goes to show us that in any situation, any family background, God can work through it. Heck, even what some would consider a perfect "stock" family might even have issues we don't see, but God does. It is no different for you and me and our families. Don't wait to be all fixed up before you turn to Him. We will never be perfect, but the desire of God's heart is to pick us up when we fall and help us be what He intended for us.
Every family is different, and each has issues. I for instance, tend to be too mellow for some, while in my eyes, this mom to me seemed too high strung. In church this past week we looked into Jesus's family tree as recorded in Matthew 1. While you may think your's and mine are messed up, His contains names of pagans, prostitutes, liars, adulteresses, and murderers - messed-up people that God used to do amazing things. This just goes to show us that in any situation, any family background, God can work through it. Heck, even what some would consider a perfect "stock" family might even have issues we don't see, but God does. It is no different for you and me and our families. Don't wait to be all fixed up before you turn to Him. We will never be perfect, but the desire of God's heart is to pick us up when we fall and help us be what He intended for us.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Free Motorhome?

Anyway, my wife and I wanted to get either a trailer or Motorhome as the boys were growing up. We looked for a couple years, but couldn't find the right one-too junky, and one might break down in the middle of nowhere. Too nice, and one might get upset about beach sand, dirt (and spilt milk.) So that Summer came and went, and again no Motorhome, so we donated the monies saved to the church we attended at the time. The very next day, I get a call from a guy who handles all the donations for Childrens Hospital. He says he has the perfect one for me for 3500! We would have bough it for much more.
A couple years later we sold it-for a profit, and bought a CalTrans Orange one like the picture. I had it a mere 6 hours when someone offered me three times what I paid for it... Six hours! That profit was used to buy the one pictured for free! See how God works things out!
So again, when I start to worry about sales or lack of, I'm reminded that our God is good and He's good all the time!
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:27).
For sale
So yesterday, I did an Open House at the house I grew up in. Signage was up on a fairly busy street pointing potentials to the home. When only a half a dozen people showed, and a couple were just the walking by looky-loo's kind, I started to get that sinking feeling one gets when things don't go your way...
When you fix your mind on problems, you stumble. When you keep your mind on God, the problems tumble. Somehow, His peace is the real deal. While fear is a natural response to obstacles, adversity and failure, the peace He gives, is the supernatural response given to us by His grace. Just as Jesus had authority over the wind and waves, He has authority over the storms, in our lives. He has authority over our doubts, fears and shame.
I know that in His time, the right buyer, seller, or investor will cross my path and I'll have another story to post. Until then, I just continue to put it out there "I'm an Ambassador of God, masquerading as a Realtor."
When you fix your mind on problems, you stumble. When you keep your mind on God, the problems tumble. Somehow, His peace is the real deal. While fear is a natural response to obstacles, adversity and failure, the peace He gives, is the supernatural response given to us by His grace. Just as Jesus had authority over the wind and waves, He has authority over the storms, in our lives. He has authority over our doubts, fears and shame.
I know that in His time, the right buyer, seller, or investor will cross my path and I'll have another story to post. Until then, I just continue to put it out there "I'm an Ambassador of God, masquerading as a Realtor."
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Rarely early, never late
In a prior blog, I talked about how God always comes through in His time; rarely early, never late. Another time, I lost my keys. These were the computer chip variety, not one you can duplicate at the local Home Depot. As a matter of fact, this key was about $250 to replace; not something you want to lose or misplace. But I left my keys somewhere; either in the church service, the kids Sunday school rooms, or the doughnut table. Again, this church was on a college campus so it's not like there was a lost in found one could go to.
I retraced all the places I'd visited on campus to no avail. I knew they were never to be found again. But my son said "let's pray dad." We prayed, and walked toward on of the staffers we knew to ask him to keep an eye out just in case. I start explaining to him what they look like, when he reaches into his pocket and says. "Are these yours?" Thousands of people, large campus, found keys. Wow. Thanks God. Isn't it great when our kids teach us to seek God first?
I retraced all the places I'd visited on campus to no avail. I knew they were never to be found again. But my son said "let's pray dad." We prayed, and walked toward on of the staffers we knew to ask him to keep an eye out just in case. I start explaining to him what they look like, when he reaches into his pocket and says. "Are these yours?" Thousands of people, large campus, found keys. Wow. Thanks God. Isn't it great when our kids teach us to seek God first?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sweat the small stuff?
I'm consistently reminded how God has a way of working things out ahead of time and usually out of view.
Several months ago, our house in Georgia was being shared with 3 families; each had gone through some of life's difficult turns and we opened it up as an ark so to speak. Thing is, when you have a ton of people living in you house, the utilities and everything else goes waaay up. I freaked out a little when my checking account dipped down to under what the utility bills were for the month. One of the families had gotten a job a few months earlier and had some unexpected other income come in. I had been selling off my personal belongings to make the payments, yet it wasn't enough to cover, so I actually got upset and asked the family to pitch in like the other family was doing. Guess what, I really didn't need to ask since God had worked it out already. Just a few weeks after that incidence, a commission check came in that covered the costs for a few months. I gave most of the money back in gift cards, but the damage was done, things were not the same.
I've had asthma since I was two. One day on my way to church, I neglected to take my inhaler with me. When church was over and I went out to the car, it wouldn't start. I knew I needed a battery soon, just didn't know I needed it that soon. I almost got asthma just thinking about the idea of pushing the car out into the lane to find someone with jumper cables. The first person I asked said she didn't have any cables. Then she turned around and said "I think I might, let me look." I started following her back, and guess where her car was parked? Nose to nose with mine.
Now you may ask what's the big deal about that? The church was so large, it was renting the auditorium of a local college. There were thousands of parking spaces, and the next service was about to start. So of all the parking spots and of all of people, the one that I asked, was the only one that wouldn't bring on an asthma attack.
Story after story, you think I'd know by now not to sweat the small stuff...and yes, it is all small stuff
Several months ago, our house in Georgia was being shared with 3 families; each had gone through some of life's difficult turns and we opened it up as an ark so to speak. Thing is, when you have a ton of people living in you house, the utilities and everything else goes waaay up. I freaked out a little when my checking account dipped down to under what the utility bills were for the month. One of the families had gotten a job a few months earlier and had some unexpected other income come in. I had been selling off my personal belongings to make the payments, yet it wasn't enough to cover, so I actually got upset and asked the family to pitch in like the other family was doing. Guess what, I really didn't need to ask since God had worked it out already. Just a few weeks after that incidence, a commission check came in that covered the costs for a few months. I gave most of the money back in gift cards, but the damage was done, things were not the same.
I've had asthma since I was two. One day on my way to church, I neglected to take my inhaler with me. When church was over and I went out to the car, it wouldn't start. I knew I needed a battery soon, just didn't know I needed it that soon. I almost got asthma just thinking about the idea of pushing the car out into the lane to find someone with jumper cables. The first person I asked said she didn't have any cables. Then she turned around and said "I think I might, let me look." I started following her back, and guess where her car was parked? Nose to nose with mine.
Now you may ask what's the big deal about that? The church was so large, it was renting the auditorium of a local college. There were thousands of parking spaces, and the next service was about to start. So of all the parking spots and of all of people, the one that I asked, was the only one that wouldn't bring on an asthma attack.
Story after story, you think I'd know by now not to sweat the small stuff...and yes, it is all small stuff
Friday, July 16, 2010
DUI of the HS
Psalm 139 tells us that God is always present. He searches our souls and knows everything about us. When he sees us heading in the wrong direction--toward disappointment and destruction--he invites us to come under the influence of his Holy Spirit so that he can guide us in a new direction. When times come on us that seem disappointing like Habakkuk talks about, rest assured, God is in control.
Habakkuk 3: 17-19
Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights.
A reason to ask God to test us is so we can discover what our next right step is. God sees the road ahead of us. When I ask him to search me and test me and lead me, I am asking that he guide me away from what offends him and toward a solid, lasting way of life. Then, rather than driving under the influence of my fearful, frustrated mind, I can choose to follow his guidance and rely on his strength. When I get wobbly I know he will hold me tightly. He sees past the next turn and wants to lead me to an amazing destination.
With God in command, it's easy to abandon the silly and destructive ways of our secular culture and refuse to live under its influence. Instead I can drive with strength and confidence, under the influence of God.
Habakkuk 3: 17-19
Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
19 The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights.
A reason to ask God to test us is so we can discover what our next right step is. God sees the road ahead of us. When I ask him to search me and test me and lead me, I am asking that he guide me away from what offends him and toward a solid, lasting way of life. Then, rather than driving under the influence of my fearful, frustrated mind, I can choose to follow his guidance and rely on his strength. When I get wobbly I know he will hold me tightly. He sees past the next turn and wants to lead me to an amazing destination.
With God in command, it's easy to abandon the silly and destructive ways of our secular culture and refuse to live under its influence. Instead I can drive with strength and confidence, under the influence of God.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
An App for That
"If you put away the dishwasher and the silverware, I'll take out the trash and the recyclables." That's the deal my boys worked out today since they didn't like how I assigned the chore list. So far, that transaction has worked out okay; few ever do however.
How often do we think God works on a system of give and take; that our relationship with God is a series of transactions? Living every day in a system of transactions means that we must do things to get God to do things. If we do bad things, then He does, causes, or allows bad things to happen to us. In the transaction system, God can be distant, cold, and disconnected. God is not relational but reactive. Many of us have been taught that this is how God works and daily strive to make good transactions with God. I've yet to find any instance in the Bible that presents a God of transactions but a ton on a God of transformation, who loves us and out of His great love, desires to transform our actions, our beliefs and our values in spite of ourselves. That's the whole Agape thing...I love you period. He's got an app for that.
How often do we think God works on a system of give and take; that our relationship with God is a series of transactions? Living every day in a system of transactions means that we must do things to get God to do things. If we do bad things, then He does, causes, or allows bad things to happen to us. In the transaction system, God can be distant, cold, and disconnected. God is not relational but reactive. Many of us have been taught that this is how God works and daily strive to make good transactions with God. I've yet to find any instance in the Bible that presents a God of transactions but a ton on a God of transformation, who loves us and out of His great love, desires to transform our actions, our beliefs and our values in spite of ourselves. That's the whole Agape thing...I love you period. He's got an app for that.
I've blogged before on the importance of the rudder to a ship, and how important it is to start your day with your personal rudder pointed the right direction.
F. B. Meyer stood on the deck of a ship approaching land, he wondered how the crew knew when and how to safely steer to the dock. It was a stormy night, and visibility was low. Meyer, standing on the bridge and peering through the window, asked "Captain, how do you know when to turn this ship into that narrow harbor?"
"That's an art," replied the captain. "Do you see those three red lights on the shore? When they're all in a straight line I go right in!"
Later Meyer said: "When we want to know God's will, there are three things which always occur: the inward impulse, the Word of God, and the trend of circumstances. Never act until these three things agree."
F. B. Meyer stood on the deck of a ship approaching land, he wondered how the crew knew when and how to safely steer to the dock. It was a stormy night, and visibility was low. Meyer, standing on the bridge and peering through the window, asked "Captain, how do you know when to turn this ship into that narrow harbor?"
"That's an art," replied the captain. "Do you see those three red lights on the shore? When they're all in a straight line I go right in!"
Later Meyer said: "When we want to know God's will, there are three things which always occur: the inward impulse, the Word of God, and the trend of circumstances. Never act until these three things agree."
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Attitude of Gratitude
Maybe it's just me, but I've noticed many people I come in contact with are not very happy; something is always bothering them and rarely thankful. An attitude of gratitude is imperative to living fully and God-centered. Our culture of comfort teaches us to be thankful for big homes and cool cars, nice clothes and a full pantry. While those are certainly things to be grateful for, we need to begin with thankfulness for our salvation and our relationship with God--regardless of our level of income, mode of transportation, or the brand name on our shoes. I've heard it said that gratitude and joy are the twin children of grace....gratitude follows grace and joy follows gratitude.
One blogger comments about meeting with a friend "Over lunch one day, he told me about a time when he was severely depressed and felt hopeless about his life stage and situation. As he sat at his kitchen table early one morning, he decided to make a list of the things he was thankful for. The list, he explained, kept growing and growing and growing, until he had hundreds of things written down. He fell to his knees in gratitude to God. It was that simple exercise that lifted him from his depression. His focus changed from all that was wrong with his life, to all that was right."
As we meet with God each morning, and walk with him each day, let's live with the perspective-altering attitude of thankfulness. Then watch how he changes us and works through us.
One blogger comments about meeting with a friend "Over lunch one day, he told me about a time when he was severely depressed and felt hopeless about his life stage and situation. As he sat at his kitchen table early one morning, he decided to make a list of the things he was thankful for. The list, he explained, kept growing and growing and growing, until he had hundreds of things written down. He fell to his knees in gratitude to God. It was that simple exercise that lifted him from his depression. His focus changed from all that was wrong with his life, to all that was right."
As we meet with God each morning, and walk with him each day, let's live with the perspective-altering attitude of thankfulness. Then watch how he changes us and works through us.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Radical school posters
Back in San Diego, settling in, getting the boys ready for year around school. Evidently some irresponsible kids and teachers tried to put up a few posters that were just too radical for the district. You be the judge
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Most of us have heard or read the story of the prodical son in Luke 15:11-32. You know; the example of The Father's love for his lost son. He squanders his fathers gift and comes back thinking his dad will serve up retribution. No-He's a loving dad who welcomes him back with open arms, even celebrates with a party...
The rest of the story... La la la la la I can't hear you...
The father has two sons we know of; the other, older is more than upset with the grace his dad shows the lost son. While on the outside the older brother appeared to be a success, we learn that his heart contained its own kind of darkness. Jesus described the older brother as "angry" when he learned of the celebration being held for his wayward sibling. He refused to participate in the party and he rejected the pleadings of his father to rejoice with him at his brother's return. He demonstrates his bitterness when he describes himself as "slaving" for his father. He resents his father for never being given his own celebration.
Neither son is credited with understanding the true nature or character of their father. They were both self-centered. They were both mistaken. They both wanted life on their own terms. For one, his sins were public. For the other, his sins were camouflaged, buried just beneath the surface.
And now you know the rest of the story...G'day.
The rest of the story... La la la la la I can't hear you...
The father has two sons we know of; the other, older is more than upset with the grace his dad shows the lost son. While on the outside the older brother appeared to be a success, we learn that his heart contained its own kind of darkness. Jesus described the older brother as "angry" when he learned of the celebration being held for his wayward sibling. He refused to participate in the party and he rejected the pleadings of his father to rejoice with him at his brother's return. He demonstrates his bitterness when he describes himself as "slaving" for his father. He resents his father for never being given his own celebration.
Neither son is credited with understanding the true nature or character of their father. They were both self-centered. They were both mistaken. They both wanted life on their own terms. For one, his sins were public. For the other, his sins were camouflaged, buried just beneath the surface.
And now you know the rest of the story...G'day.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Significance vs success
Echoing on yesterday's blog, Paul in Acts 20, talks to us about the whole giving vs receiving dynamic. Many times (over 600) in the Bible the theme about discovering the joy of giving of your time, talents, and treasures versus the trap of the love of money. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day drama, and to begin to measure success based on wealth, achievement, and status. Yet, true joy comes from looking at God's plan for our lives, and building a life of significance rather than success. I was reminded of this yesterday when I got three calls from three different people I've been involved in the lives of back in Atlanta these past three years.
Acts 20:30-50 (The Message)
29-31"I know that as soon as I'm gone, vicious wolves are going to show up and rip into this flock, men from your very own ranks twisting words so as to seduce disciples into following them instead of Jesus. So stay awake and keep up your guard. Remember those three years I kept at it with you, never letting up, pouring my heart out with you, one after another.
32"Now I'm turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends.
33-35"I've never, as you so well know, had any taste for wealth or fashion. With these bare hands I took care of my own basic needs and those who worked with me. In everything I've done, I have demonstrated to you how necessary it is to work on behalf of the weak and not exploit them. You'll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, 'You're far happier giving than getting.'"
Acts 20:30-50 (The Message)
29-31"I know that as soon as I'm gone, vicious wolves are going to show up and rip into this flock, men from your very own ranks twisting words so as to seduce disciples into following them instead of Jesus. So stay awake and keep up your guard. Remember those three years I kept at it with you, never letting up, pouring my heart out with you, one after another.
32"Now I'm turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends.
33-35"I've never, as you so well know, had any taste for wealth or fashion. With these bare hands I took care of my own basic needs and those who worked with me. In everything I've done, I have demonstrated to you how necessary it is to work on behalf of the weak and not exploit them. You'll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, 'You're far happier giving than getting.'"
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sea what defines you
A river runs through it; a river runs to it.
The Sea of Galilee in the middle east is a body of water that receives water from several sources, and passes it on through. The Dead Sea receives the same water from the Sea of Galilee, and just collects and hoards everything it gets, never passes any on through. The direct result of these two very different bodies of water that are fed by the same source is that the Sea of Galilee is vibrant with life, water sports, destination resorts. It attracts a lot of activity. The complete opposite is the Dead Sea. Even though it gets water from the same source, it never passes on the wealth so to speak. It's stagnant. It is 10 times saltier and than any other ocean or sea, and full of minerals. Drink it though, and you will die. It's toxic. Because it is so salty and full of minerals, one can easily float. Stay in too long though, and it will literally suck the life out of you by osmosis.
When we are blessed (and we truly are!) How do we respond with the resources given to us? Pause and take inventory of your blessings, then allow those same blessings to flow through you to others. Choose to be a sea of life rather than a one who takes and sucks the life out of others.
The Sea of Galilee in the middle east is a body of water that receives water from several sources, and passes it on through. The Dead Sea receives the same water from the Sea of Galilee, and just collects and hoards everything it gets, never passes any on through. The direct result of these two very different bodies of water that are fed by the same source is that the Sea of Galilee is vibrant with life, water sports, destination resorts. It attracts a lot of activity. The complete opposite is the Dead Sea. Even though it gets water from the same source, it never passes on the wealth so to speak. It's stagnant. It is 10 times saltier and than any other ocean or sea, and full of minerals. Drink it though, and you will die. It's toxic. Because it is so salty and full of minerals, one can easily float. Stay in too long though, and it will literally suck the life out of you by osmosis.
When we are blessed (and we truly are!) How do we respond with the resources given to us? Pause and take inventory of your blessings, then allow those same blessings to flow through you to others. Choose to be a sea of life rather than a one who takes and sucks the life out of others.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Coach Wooden's Creed
Coach Wooden dead at the age of 88.
He was one of the great coaches known for one liners that helped build character not only in his players lives, but also those of us who remember them. One such quote is his 7 point creed-
"Be true to yourself. Make each day a masterpiece. Help others. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible. Make friendship a fine art. Build a shelter against a rainy day. Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day."
One of the board game Trivial Pursuit questions is "What newspaper is famous for the quote "All the news that's fit to print?" That's right the answer is The New York Times...Obviously they thought any reference to spiritual things is not fit to print. Coach Wooden's famous creed was edited recently...Heaven forbid one reads the Bible or Prays for guidance, after all this world is perfect isn't it ? There's no reason to try to improve it! Why seek guidance from the Creator of all things? We are too intelligent and have all the answers to world peace, oil leaks and famine.
Here's another of his quotes- Talent is God given, be humble. Fame is man given, be grateful. Conceit is self given, be careful."
He was one of the great coaches known for one liners that helped build character not only in his players lives, but also those of us who remember them. One such quote is his 7 point creed-
"Be true to yourself. Make each day a masterpiece. Help others. Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible. Make friendship a fine art. Build a shelter against a rainy day. Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day."
One of the board game Trivial Pursuit questions is "What newspaper is famous for the quote "All the news that's fit to print?" That's right the answer is The New York Times...Obviously they thought any reference to spiritual things is not fit to print. Coach Wooden's famous creed was edited recently...Heaven forbid one reads the Bible or Prays for guidance, after all this world is perfect isn't it ? There's no reason to try to improve it! Why seek guidance from the Creator of all things? We are too intelligent and have all the answers to world peace, oil leaks and famine.
Here's another of his quotes- Talent is God given, be humble. Fame is man given, be grateful. Conceit is self given, be careful."
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
So I'm replacing DVD's in their plastic cases and I come across Finding Nemo. I can watch it over and over and not get tired of viewing. I love the part where the sea gulls are all saying "Mine, Mine, Mine..."
On our trip across country to San Diego last week, I overheard the boys on several occasions say "Stop, don't touch, that's Mine."
Mine. Mine. Mine..God's?
Psalms 24:1 says-The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to him.
It's all His! I'm not the owner-I'm just managing everything He happens to allow me to have or be involved with. Time, efforts, even money and physical things, I need to be a good steward with. The hard part is the trusting.
Trusting that He is good all the time, and that it's okay when we loosen the grasp on, well, everything. The thing is, if we get stripped of some things, it shouldn't stress us since they were His anyway.
My cat's had it going on in N GA. Their backyard was a golf course and lake. Food and fun was prevalent everywhere. So when it came to taking them from that lifestyle, and driving 2000 miles; they freaked! They didn't realize I can be trusted; that I have a good plan for them. They would be fine and safe in my arms. There was no need for the guttural meow of anxiety! Now they are here, and they are settling in nicely. However, as a good "Dad" I have to take away their freedom somewhat in order to protect them from unknown dangers unfamiliar to them-cars, coyotes, cats, and carnivores to name a few. I know what's best for them, and playing outside at night or in the street isn't best.
It's addition by subtraction; I'm adding to their life as I'm taking away potential life changing situations...
On our trip across country to San Diego last week, I overheard the boys on several occasions say "Stop, don't touch, that's Mine."
Mine. Mine. Mine..God's?
Psalms 24:1 says-The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to him.
It's all His! I'm not the owner-I'm just managing everything He happens to allow me to have or be involved with. Time, efforts, even money and physical things, I need to be a good steward with. The hard part is the trusting.
Trusting that He is good all the time, and that it's okay when we loosen the grasp on, well, everything. The thing is, if we get stripped of some things, it shouldn't stress us since they were His anyway.
My cat's had it going on in N GA. Their backyard was a golf course and lake. Food and fun was prevalent everywhere. So when it came to taking them from that lifestyle, and driving 2000 miles; they freaked! They didn't realize I can be trusted; that I have a good plan for them. They would be fine and safe in my arms. There was no need for the guttural meow of anxiety! Now they are here, and they are settling in nicely. However, as a good "Dad" I have to take away their freedom somewhat in order to protect them from unknown dangers unfamiliar to them-cars, coyotes, cats, and carnivores to name a few. I know what's best for them, and playing outside at night or in the street isn't best.
It's addition by subtraction; I'm adding to their life as I'm taking away potential life changing situations...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Too Much or Too Little
Os Hillman, a local here in Cumming GA, puts out a daily called TGIF-Today God Is First. As I was reading it today, I came across a portion that affects many of us, so I thought I'd share...
"I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity." - 1 Chronicles 29:17a
"God tests His children to know what is in their hearts. God's desire for each of His children is to walk in relationship with Him, to uphold His righteousness and integrity. It is a high calling that we will fail to achieve without complete dependence on Him.
The greatest tests come not in great adversities, but in great prosperity. For it is in prosperity that we begin to lose the sensitivity to sin in our lives. Adversity motivates us to righteousness out of a desire to see our adversity changed. Prosperity fails to provide this motivation for obedience. We fall into a satisfaction and confidence in life that is based on our prosperity rather than on God."
Proverbs 30 talks to this point as well...
Proverbs 30:8-9 (New Living Translation)
8 First, help me never to tell a lie.
Second, give me neither poverty nor riches!
Give me just enough to satisfy my needs.
9 For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?”
And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name.
"I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity." - 1 Chronicles 29:17a
"God tests His children to know what is in their hearts. God's desire for each of His children is to walk in relationship with Him, to uphold His righteousness and integrity. It is a high calling that we will fail to achieve without complete dependence on Him.
The greatest tests come not in great adversities, but in great prosperity. For it is in prosperity that we begin to lose the sensitivity to sin in our lives. Adversity motivates us to righteousness out of a desire to see our adversity changed. Prosperity fails to provide this motivation for obedience. We fall into a satisfaction and confidence in life that is based on our prosperity rather than on God."
Proverbs 30 talks to this point as well...
Proverbs 30:8-9 (New Living Translation)
8 First, help me never to tell a lie.
Second, give me neither poverty nor riches!
Give me just enough to satisfy my needs.
9 For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, “Who is the Lord?”
And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God’s holy name.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I think some of the toughest times in our lives are when we seem to be in a dark place. It is a place in which it seems as if all past experiences are of no value. It is a time of such stillness that it can disturb the most faithful if we do not understand that He is the one who has brought us to this place if only for a season. It is as if God has placed a wall around. No new opportunities - simply inactivity.
That's when I need to just rest in Him...
"During these times, God is calling us aside to fashion something new in us. It is a place of nothingness designed to call us to deeper roots of prayer and faith. It is not a comfortable place, especially for a task-driven believer. Our nature cries out, "You must do something" while God is saying, "Be still and know that I am God." You know the signs that you have been brought into this place when He has removed many things from your life and you can't seem to change anything. Many people live a very planned and orchestrated life where they know almost everything that will happen. But for people in whom God is performing a deeper work, He brings them into a time of quietness that seems almost eerie. They cannot see what God is doing. They just know that He is doing a work that cannot be explained to themselves or to others. " Os Hillman
That's when I need to just rest in Him...
"During these times, God is calling us aside to fashion something new in us. It is a place of nothingness designed to call us to deeper roots of prayer and faith. It is not a comfortable place, especially for a task-driven believer. Our nature cries out, "You must do something" while God is saying, "Be still and know that I am God." You know the signs that you have been brought into this place when He has removed many things from your life and you can't seem to change anything. Many people live a very planned and orchestrated life where they know almost everything that will happen. But for people in whom God is performing a deeper work, He brings them into a time of quietness that seems almost eerie. They cannot see what God is doing. They just know that He is doing a work that cannot be explained to themselves or to others. " Os Hillman
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Sign of the Times
When a woman is about to give birth, the birth pangs start shallow and get more intense the closer the time to giving birth.
The Bible talks about the birth pangs of when you'll know when a world economy will be established. Consider the following;
For the past 5 years, oil consumption has eclipsed production
10 years ago China wasn't even in the top 50 oil consumers; now number 2 behind the US
While the world has always had wars, there are more wars and rumor of war than anytime in history.
The world economies are collapsing; by 2020, 90% of the US GDP will go just for paying debt.
Most everyone already is identified by a number; social security, passport, drivers license, bank accts etc. The logical next step is a globalized number scanable permanently on a visible part of your either hand or forehead? The book of Revelation talks about that.
More and more diseases, famines, wild weather, earthquakes in places never before encountered, Global cooling in the 70's; Global warming in the 00's. Near miss by an asteroid last year.
CFR says economically, things will only continue to be on a downward spiral.
The world's appetite for oil will only increase if something doesn't change. China generally doesn't like to abide by the rules so to speak, and will continue to hunger for more oil. I find it interesting that the Middle East has much of the worlds oil resources, yet amazingly, Israel, has none? What if, for just a moment, we find out they are sitting on huge reserves..wouldn't be the first time they've kept secrets. More amazing is the fact that the Bible said that Israel's final generation will happen after being dispersed for 2000 years....They became a nation again after a 2000 year absence in 1948, and Jerusalem in 1967.
Ezekiel 38 talks about a 200,000,000- man army along with Persia (Iran) and other Mid-East Countries attacking Israel in a great battle, but 4/5th of that attacking army is destroyed. The only army today with those kinds of numbers is China. While it's no secret the Arab community would like nothing more than to drive Israel into the sea, The surprising kink may be the aligning of China to help for oil considerations? Just speculation.
Matt 24
The Bible talks about the birth pangs of when you'll know when a world economy will be established. Consider the following;
For the past 5 years, oil consumption has eclipsed production
10 years ago China wasn't even in the top 50 oil consumers; now number 2 behind the US
While the world has always had wars, there are more wars and rumor of war than anytime in history.
The world economies are collapsing; by 2020, 90% of the US GDP will go just for paying debt.
Most everyone already is identified by a number; social security, passport, drivers license, bank accts etc. The logical next step is a globalized number scanable permanently on a visible part of your either hand or forehead? The book of Revelation talks about that.
More and more diseases, famines, wild weather, earthquakes in places never before encountered, Global cooling in the 70's; Global warming in the 00's. Near miss by an asteroid last year.
CFR says economically, things will only continue to be on a downward spiral.
The world's appetite for oil will only increase if something doesn't change. China generally doesn't like to abide by the rules so to speak, and will continue to hunger for more oil. I find it interesting that the Middle East has much of the worlds oil resources, yet amazingly, Israel, has none? What if, for just a moment, we find out they are sitting on huge reserves..wouldn't be the first time they've kept secrets. More amazing is the fact that the Bible said that Israel's final generation will happen after being dispersed for 2000 years....They became a nation again after a 2000 year absence in 1948, and Jerusalem in 1967.
Ezekiel 38 talks about a 200,000,000- man army along with Persia (Iran) and other Mid-East Countries attacking Israel in a great battle, but 4/5th of that attacking army is destroyed. The only army today with those kinds of numbers is China. While it's no secret the Arab community would like nothing more than to drive Israel into the sea, The surprising kink may be the aligning of China to help for oil considerations? Just speculation.
Matt 24
Thursday, May 20, 2010
God's PR Firm pt 2
The recent "coming out" on Larry King of former Christian recording artist Jenifer Knapp on the surface looks like it's yet another hit to God's PR. But is it?
Mr King poses the question "Are you going to hell?" 1 Cor 6:18-20 specifically addresses this issues to Christians..."Run from sexual sin. No other sin affects the body more than this one. Sexual immorality is against your own body. Don't you realize your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and given to you. You've been bought for price, so honor God with your bod." He's pretty direct; He gives a stern warning but doesn't condemn to hell. Religion does.
Yep, she has issues. So do you and I. None are perfect, no not one. We all stumble, we all fall. She is choosing to live in sin. Hers happens to be sexual sin, maybe yours is that your fat, or a porn addict, or a liar or cheat on your taxes. Maybe you consistently go 66 mph. Hmmm, I remember a story about splinters and logs.
The more I study the Bible, the more proof that it's only by His grace through faith that saves us. Not what you do, or don't do or you'd boast as being good or bad. Why else would the Bible be so full of stories where people sinned, even murdered yet are not going to hell! Jesus came from a line that included Rahab a prostitute, David and Moses, murderers. When the religious of the day brought a prostitute before Jesus to see what He would say, Jesus said "You who are without sin, throw the first stone!" Then I believe, he started writing all the guys sins in the sand. One by one they dropped their stones and walked away. Later Jesus forgave but told her "Go and sin no more." Easier said than done.
I'm a screw up, you're a screw up. We all screw up. Christianity went from about 100,000 Christians world wide in AD 100 to over 200,000,000 just 300 years later. Because it is based on Love, not condemnation as other religions are.
Religion took a hit, God? Not so much.
Mr King poses the question "Are you going to hell?" 1 Cor 6:18-20 specifically addresses this issues to Christians..."Run from sexual sin. No other sin affects the body more than this one. Sexual immorality is against your own body. Don't you realize your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you and given to you. You've been bought for price, so honor God with your bod." He's pretty direct; He gives a stern warning but doesn't condemn to hell. Religion does.
Yep, she has issues. So do you and I. None are perfect, no not one. We all stumble, we all fall. She is choosing to live in sin. Hers happens to be sexual sin, maybe yours is that your fat, or a porn addict, or a liar or cheat on your taxes. Maybe you consistently go 66 mph. Hmmm, I remember a story about splinters and logs.
The more I study the Bible, the more proof that it's only by His grace through faith that saves us. Not what you do, or don't do or you'd boast as being good or bad. Why else would the Bible be so full of stories where people sinned, even murdered yet are not going to hell! Jesus came from a line that included Rahab a prostitute, David and Moses, murderers. When the religious of the day brought a prostitute before Jesus to see what He would say, Jesus said "You who are without sin, throw the first stone!" Then I believe, he started writing all the guys sins in the sand. One by one they dropped their stones and walked away. Later Jesus forgave but told her "Go and sin no more." Easier said than done.
I'm a screw up, you're a screw up. We all screw up. Christianity went from about 100,000 Christians world wide in AD 100 to over 200,000,000 just 300 years later. Because it is based on Love, not condemnation as other religions are.
Religion took a hit, God? Not so much.
God's PR Firm
St Augustine's take on the Great Commission of Matt 28 was "Go into the world and preach the Gospel, but only use words when absolutely necessary." CS Lewis once said "If you think I'm a lousy Christian, you should see how I used to be!" Even though God probably isn't in need of a PR firm to represent Him, still, it is important how we live our lives, especially in the public eye.
The first words out of my mouth used to be "I don't do that, I'm a Christian." I just set myself up for intense criticism and failure. Whatever I do, in someone's eyes, I will have blown it. When I go to a party or evening out, I know that anything over two drinks is too much for me. When someone asks me why I don't have more, I don't need to say "no, I'm a Christian" rather, I can let them know that two is my personal limit without getting out of control. Even though our works don't save us or condemn us, they do define who we are, like it or not. It's a fine line to be in but not of this world. Granted, there will always be people like my mom, who recently went on a "church trip" to Branson. She commented to me "I can't believe they call themselves Christians- some were playing cards and drinking!" Oh well, she grew up in a church that escorted women out of the service if they wore pants...Or if guys had hair that touched the ears or collar. I guess Jesus would have been escorted out too!
WWJD-What Would Jesus Do, more than just a catch phrase, really should be how I try to live my life. Jesus did spend time eating and drinking with the world. He even turned water into wine as His first miracle. Sorry mom, it wasn't grape juice. I'm fairly sure He never drank so much as to lose any control, but rather, used that opportunity connected to the Vine to produce much fruit in His 33 years on earth. If I truly am connected, I should be producing an enticing fruit through my life with respect to both God and the people who cross my path. If I'm not both salt and light-How am I allowing others to see life is more "tasty" while shinning the light of the Lord to a dark and getting darker world?
Beyond being a witness to others, essentially, I have an even greater responsibility to help the people in my life find and follow Jesus. Ultimately, it is the way I live my life that will be one of the greatest influences on a decision to follow Christ and know that the claims of Christianity are true.
The first words out of my mouth used to be "I don't do that, I'm a Christian." I just set myself up for intense criticism and failure. Whatever I do, in someone's eyes, I will have blown it. When I go to a party or evening out, I know that anything over two drinks is too much for me. When someone asks me why I don't have more, I don't need to say "no, I'm a Christian" rather, I can let them know that two is my personal limit without getting out of control. Even though our works don't save us or condemn us, they do define who we are, like it or not. It's a fine line to be in but not of this world. Granted, there will always be people like my mom, who recently went on a "church trip" to Branson. She commented to me "I can't believe they call themselves Christians- some were playing cards and drinking!" Oh well, she grew up in a church that escorted women out of the service if they wore pants...Or if guys had hair that touched the ears or collar. I guess Jesus would have been escorted out too!
WWJD-What Would Jesus Do, more than just a catch phrase, really should be how I try to live my life. Jesus did spend time eating and drinking with the world. He even turned water into wine as His first miracle. Sorry mom, it wasn't grape juice. I'm fairly sure He never drank so much as to lose any control, but rather, used that opportunity connected to the Vine to produce much fruit in His 33 years on earth. If I truly am connected, I should be producing an enticing fruit through my life with respect to both God and the people who cross my path. If I'm not both salt and light-How am I allowing others to see life is more "tasty" while shinning the light of the Lord to a dark and getting darker world?
Beyond being a witness to others, essentially, I have an even greater responsibility to help the people in my life find and follow Jesus. Ultimately, it is the way I live my life that will be one of the greatest influences on a decision to follow Christ and know that the claims of Christianity are true.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
"The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth" (Luke 3:5).
I've blogged in the past about GPS. Global Positioning Satellite, God's Protection Systems, God's Personal Safety-net, etc. I've gotten past the annoying voice from my car GPS, Sometimes, I get off course and the voice says: "Recalculating route." Basically telling me I've missed my turn and letting me know the most direct route back on course. Sometimes we can make wrong turns in our spiritual lives. We think we are going the right direction only to discover maybe it was never God's will to enter that relationship, make that business deal, hire that person, make that move - the examples are limitless. Thing is, we will eventually get to our destination, just took a little longer.
There is an amazing thing about God. He can make our crooked places straight. He has an ability to make whatever blunder we make, turn out right. That doesn't mean we have the freedom to blow it all the time as there may be consequences to those decisions. He will always allow actions to work together for good for those called according to His purposes if we repent ("please make U-turn") and seek Him fully to make things right. These lessons can even contribute to greater wisdom in our lives if we learn from our mistakes.
Here's a comment from an annonomous gal- "I can remember waking up night after night, searching for the comfort of my husband, only to find our bed half empty. Going back to sleep alone, I closed my eyes to the glow from the computer screen that crept under the door, painfully aware that my husband was deeply entangled in the darkest places of the Internet.
My response to his physical and emotional rejection of me as woman was to find validation elsewhere. I filed in court, and as soon as the legal ink was dry I was prowling --a predatory divorcée. For my new life, I invested money in a new wardrobe and a little elective surgery. Changed on the outside, but filled with hurt on the inside, I relegated men to 'rental status.' This begged the question, 'Who was I, in relation to my rentals?'
Just as my ex-husband had objectified women, in my hurt I objectified men. I denied my humanity and the humanity of others by the way I lived my life. I stopped looking in the mirror with an attitude of approval. I had a wound that could only be healed by a Savior; the remedy for my pain was never going to be found physically-only spiritually. In Jesus I have found love, acceptance and forgiveness, and He's turned my life around."
It's pretty cool to know God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.
I've blogged in the past about GPS. Global Positioning Satellite, God's Protection Systems, God's Personal Safety-net, etc. I've gotten past the annoying voice from my car GPS, Sometimes, I get off course and the voice says: "Recalculating route." Basically telling me I've missed my turn and letting me know the most direct route back on course. Sometimes we can make wrong turns in our spiritual lives. We think we are going the right direction only to discover maybe it was never God's will to enter that relationship, make that business deal, hire that person, make that move - the examples are limitless. Thing is, we will eventually get to our destination, just took a little longer.
There is an amazing thing about God. He can make our crooked places straight. He has an ability to make whatever blunder we make, turn out right. That doesn't mean we have the freedom to blow it all the time as there may be consequences to those decisions. He will always allow actions to work together for good for those called according to His purposes if we repent ("please make U-turn") and seek Him fully to make things right. These lessons can even contribute to greater wisdom in our lives if we learn from our mistakes.
Here's a comment from an annonomous gal- "I can remember waking up night after night, searching for the comfort of my husband, only to find our bed half empty. Going back to sleep alone, I closed my eyes to the glow from the computer screen that crept under the door, painfully aware that my husband was deeply entangled in the darkest places of the Internet.
My response to his physical and emotional rejection of me as woman was to find validation elsewhere. I filed in court, and as soon as the legal ink was dry I was prowling --a predatory divorcée. For my new life, I invested money in a new wardrobe and a little elective surgery. Changed on the outside, but filled with hurt on the inside, I relegated men to 'rental status.' This begged the question, 'Who was I, in relation to my rentals?'
Just as my ex-husband had objectified women, in my hurt I objectified men. I denied my humanity and the humanity of others by the way I lived my life. I stopped looking in the mirror with an attitude of approval. I had a wound that could only be healed by a Savior; the remedy for my pain was never going to be found physically-only spiritually. In Jesus I have found love, acceptance and forgiveness, and He's turned my life around."
It's pretty cool to know God's omnipotence is always one step ahead of our incompetence.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Too Far Gone?
Our Bonita house was built before 1892, it seems like we’ve been remodeling for the entire ten years we’ve owned it. Initially, we stripped most of the house down to bare studs; we re-designed, we moved walls, added living space in the attic, we fixed problems from years of neglect. Sometimes something would look okay on the outside, but inside a support beam was broken or a pipe was slowly rotting away. At one point, we filled two 40 yard roll offs with materials.
When we looked at the mess, we saw possibilities. Several of the surrounding neighbors thought it was a tear down, too far gone to be saved! Yet, when friends would come to visit, we would excitedly tell them what the plan was, and how we were going to achieve it. It took patience and hard work to make our house into the home we knew it could be.
So often in our lives all we can see is the mess. But God looks at us and sees what He's building. He can walk through our mess and see amazing possibilities. He knows the damage we've covered up that really needs fixing, and He knows what needs to be re-designed. And He is the perfect one to bring all those changes about.
In the mean time-Please be patient, God is not finished with me yet.
When we looked at the mess, we saw possibilities. Several of the surrounding neighbors thought it was a tear down, too far gone to be saved! Yet, when friends would come to visit, we would excitedly tell them what the plan was, and how we were going to achieve it. It took patience and hard work to make our house into the home we knew it could be.
So often in our lives all we can see is the mess. But God looks at us and sees what He's building. He can walk through our mess and see amazing possibilities. He knows the damage we've covered up that really needs fixing, and He knows what needs to be re-designed. And He is the perfect one to bring all those changes about.
In the mean time-Please be patient, God is not finished with me yet.
Godlilness with Contentment is Great Gain
If I raised my kids today like I was raised, CPS would be at my door...daily!
I used to play hide and seek after dark, and jump off roofs to get safe. Most summer days, I was locked out of the house til dinner was ready. I never wore a seat belt or child seat for that matter. Furthermore, I would routinely jump from the back seat to the front, and back. Bike helmet? What's that? My skateboard had metal wheels; one little pebble in the road would send me flying, oh, and I don't have wings! Amazingly, I'm still alive today, well, barely.
Today, we are consumed by safety, even obsessed with it at times. Even in our spiritual lives. How many of us have prayed the following? "Dear Jesus, protect us as we travel today, keep the kids safe at school. Bring us home with such and such, in Jesus name..." Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, rather, that seems to be the priority. Sometimes we elevate it to the neglect of praying for what God thinks is best. Sometimes our comfort and safety may not be what's best?
Lately, I've been praying more for direction, discernment, right choices, right contacts, favor, and His blessings, and growing closer to Him along the way; whatever the outcome. "Godliness with contentment is great gain."
I used to play hide and seek after dark, and jump off roofs to get safe. Most summer days, I was locked out of the house til dinner was ready. I never wore a seat belt or child seat for that matter. Furthermore, I would routinely jump from the back seat to the front, and back. Bike helmet? What's that? My skateboard had metal wheels; one little pebble in the road would send me flying, oh, and I don't have wings! Amazingly, I'm still alive today, well, barely.
Today, we are consumed by safety, even obsessed with it at times. Even in our spiritual lives. How many of us have prayed the following? "Dear Jesus, protect us as we travel today, keep the kids safe at school. Bring us home with such and such, in Jesus name..." Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, rather, that seems to be the priority. Sometimes we elevate it to the neglect of praying for what God thinks is best. Sometimes our comfort and safety may not be what's best?
Lately, I've been praying more for direction, discernment, right choices, right contacts, favor, and His blessings, and growing closer to Him along the way; whatever the outcome. "Godliness with contentment is great gain."
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him" (James 1:12).
That is a great life verse don't you think? Fact is, sometimes I have this test over and over again. I wonder when is it going to let up? But that's when I start to get excited! I've told many people who are going through trials and struggles in life that to some this is the only hell we'll ever know. While others, unfortunately, this is the only heaven they'll ever know. This life here is so temporary, it's almost silly to worry and stress about it. The better question is what am I doing today, right now to bring glory to God both personally with our vertical relationship, and horizontally with everyone we come in contact with.
Even though I live on a golf course, I rarely follow the game. Maybe a little when Tiger is playing due to his notoriety. What I notice most is sometimes the shots are hit perfectly, but the outcomes aren't always as hoped. One shot just misses the cup, then rolls past, catches a slight slope and rolls away and into the trap. Cr-p!
You and I need to keep the big picture in mind when things don't always turn out as planned. As we persevere, we grow stronger, and when the occasion arrises when, even if we hit the ball of life correctly, one bump can send that ball off course. It's the next hit out of the trap that counts.
That is a great life verse don't you think? Fact is, sometimes I have this test over and over again. I wonder when is it going to let up? But that's when I start to get excited! I've told many people who are going through trials and struggles in life that to some this is the only hell we'll ever know. While others, unfortunately, this is the only heaven they'll ever know. This life here is so temporary, it's almost silly to worry and stress about it. The better question is what am I doing today, right now to bring glory to God both personally with our vertical relationship, and horizontally with everyone we come in contact with.
Even though I live on a golf course, I rarely follow the game. Maybe a little when Tiger is playing due to his notoriety. What I notice most is sometimes the shots are hit perfectly, but the outcomes aren't always as hoped. One shot just misses the cup, then rolls past, catches a slight slope and rolls away and into the trap. Cr-p!
You and I need to keep the big picture in mind when things don't always turn out as planned. As we persevere, we grow stronger, and when the occasion arrises when, even if we hit the ball of life correctly, one bump can send that ball off course. It's the next hit out of the trap that counts.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Mother's Day 2010
Ode to mom;s
Direct quotes from Proverbs 31:10-21...well, kinda. My paraphrase...
Seek to be a fantastic mom and wife; she's trustworthy, more precious than gemstones, builds up, never tears down, greatly enriches those around her, all her life.
She's an avid coupon mom, only buying the best deals out there. She's the first one up, preparing breakfast each morning for the whole house.
She's a ebay babe, selling for profit, then plants a garden and vineyard.
She's always helping those worse off than herself, while at the same time making sure her family is ready for the tough times to come.
She makes her own stuff. She's a Creative Memory and Cricket babe. Even has her own line of clothes.
She's not a blabbermouth; when she speaks, only wise words that are kind and full of instruction come out.
Her kids and husband say "your the best mom in the world!"
Beauty is only skin deep, and gravity eventually takes it's toll, but a mom who puts her trust in the Lord; kudo's to you.
Bring her gifts for all she has done.
Let the world see she's got her act together.
Thanks Moms...your the best!
Direct quotes from Proverbs 31:10-21...well, kinda. My paraphrase...
Seek to be a fantastic mom and wife; she's trustworthy, more precious than gemstones, builds up, never tears down, greatly enriches those around her, all her life.
She's an avid coupon mom, only buying the best deals out there. She's the first one up, preparing breakfast each morning for the whole house.
She's a ebay babe, selling for profit, then plants a garden and vineyard.
She's always helping those worse off than herself, while at the same time making sure her family is ready for the tough times to come.
She makes her own stuff. She's a Creative Memory and Cricket babe. Even has her own line of clothes.
She's not a blabbermouth; when she speaks, only wise words that are kind and full of instruction come out.
Her kids and husband say "your the best mom in the world!"
Beauty is only skin deep, and gravity eventually takes it's toll, but a mom who puts her trust in the Lord; kudo's to you.
Bring her gifts for all she has done.
Let the world see she's got her act together.
Thanks Moms...your the best!
The next best thing
Are we meant to endure an average mediocre life?
Here in GA, there is a village named Vickery, where each house is unique but a knock off of a famous house or theme. Cool place to live. Matter of fact, the village won an award four of the past 5 years as the best planned community in the U.S. In 2005, Better Homes and Garden Magazine was giving away a Frank Lloyd Wright knock off in Vickery Village. When Mr Wright was asked which of his famous homes he liked the best, he said “The next one.”
So it is or should be with us. Rather than gloating on the “what was” or “could have been,” maybe, just maybe, we should bank on the next best thing.
Maybe it’s time to stretch our faith once more? Get the fire back. Get the passion back. Even if you’ve been stuck for a while, or maybe struggled with depression or self worth, It’s time to break free. It’s time to rise above the morass to become the person God created you to be. Defeat failure and negative thinking all entangle us from time to time. Just remember whose we are. God is on your side; He loves you, and is in your corner 100%. I will trust in You, I will rest in you.
Pruning is an often overlooked but necessary function of gardening. Sometimes, even healthy looking limbs need to be cut back and even cut off altogether. Ouch. In our lives sometimes that hurts. Unbeknownst to us, we wonder why that limb was cut off. New growth burst forth with a passion when the sun hits the new growth and then fruit can flourish.
Many of us have had our branches pruned back from The Vine...Now the excitement of new growth begins...
Here in GA, there is a village named Vickery, where each house is unique but a knock off of a famous house or theme. Cool place to live. Matter of fact, the village won an award four of the past 5 years as the best planned community in the U.S. In 2005, Better Homes and Garden Magazine was giving away a Frank Lloyd Wright knock off in Vickery Village. When Mr Wright was asked which of his famous homes he liked the best, he said “The next one.”
So it is or should be with us. Rather than gloating on the “what was” or “could have been,” maybe, just maybe, we should bank on the next best thing.
Maybe it’s time to stretch our faith once more? Get the fire back. Get the passion back. Even if you’ve been stuck for a while, or maybe struggled with depression or self worth, It’s time to break free. It’s time to rise above the morass to become the person God created you to be. Defeat failure and negative thinking all entangle us from time to time. Just remember whose we are. God is on your side; He loves you, and is in your corner 100%. I will trust in You, I will rest in you.
Pruning is an often overlooked but necessary function of gardening. Sometimes, even healthy looking limbs need to be cut back and even cut off altogether. Ouch. In our lives sometimes that hurts. Unbeknownst to us, we wonder why that limb was cut off. New growth burst forth with a passion when the sun hits the new growth and then fruit can flourish.
Many of us have had our branches pruned back from The Vine...Now the excitement of new growth begins...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Doing the same thing day in and day out and expecting something to change.
That is a classic definition of insanity.
I pondered that thought as I was perusing one of my journals this morning. I came across a question by Brian Tracy. “What two areas in your life if mastered, would produce the greatest reward or result?” For me personally, they would be consistency with my Heavenly Father, and consistency of being the spiritual leader of my family. I can settle for the status-quo, or seek to make some change for the betterment in these areas.
I know that I know that I know I'm supposed to do those things, and sometimes I do them very well. Other times, I don't. Inconsistency. However, if I was to master those two things, my vertical relationship with God, would be more "Abba" like in nature. Rather than a rote religious checklist; went to church..check. Did a "quiet time." Check. Thanked Him for food and bedtime prayer. Check. He created us with free will, not a checklist to turn into Him at the end of our lives. Additionally, my horizontal relationships with wife, family, friends, and associates, would also improve.
Therein is my struggle; do I do them because I'm supposed to, or because I want to? Where the vertical and horizontal intersect, "the Cross" is present. I'm convinced that more of Jesus in my life is the one thing needed to displace insanity.
That is a classic definition of insanity.
I pondered that thought as I was perusing one of my journals this morning. I came across a question by Brian Tracy. “What two areas in your life if mastered, would produce the greatest reward or result?” For me personally, they would be consistency with my Heavenly Father, and consistency of being the spiritual leader of my family. I can settle for the status-quo, or seek to make some change for the betterment in these areas.
I know that I know that I know I'm supposed to do those things, and sometimes I do them very well. Other times, I don't. Inconsistency. However, if I was to master those two things, my vertical relationship with God, would be more "Abba" like in nature. Rather than a rote religious checklist; went to church..check. Did a "quiet time." Check. Thanked Him for food and bedtime prayer. Check. He created us with free will, not a checklist to turn into Him at the end of our lives. Additionally, my horizontal relationships with wife, family, friends, and associates, would also improve.
Therein is my struggle; do I do them because I'm supposed to, or because I want to? Where the vertical and horizontal intersect, "the Cross" is present. I'm convinced that more of Jesus in my life is the one thing needed to displace insanity.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Not impressed
Ever notice people who are affluent are not impressed by other people with money. God is the most affluent person in the world; He's not impressed by Mr. Gates, Mr. Warren, or Mr King or Queen. In context, when I do my best, bring my best to the table, doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Grace is a gift, can't be earned or bought.
Ephesians 2:8 (The Message)
7-10Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
As a Christ follower, only when I'm connected to the source, any branch sprouting off a vine doesn't have to struggle to grow, or work to produce fruit. It gains its strength from its life source: The Vine. In the same way, when we make God our life source, we don't have to measure up to a list of criteria in order to be a "good Christian." Our lives will bear good fruit when we are simply connected to Jesus.
Thankfully, there is nothing we can do to make God love us more. Our striving doesn't impress him, and merely leaves us worn out. But when we connect with Jesus daily in prayer, and feed on his Word, we receive the power to live the life we've always wanted. That ruffles the feathers of 99% of the religions out there.
Ephesians 2:8 (The Message)
7-10Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from start to finish! We don't play the major role. If we did, we'd probably go around bragging that we'd done the whole thing! No, we neither make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving. He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing.
As a Christ follower, only when I'm connected to the source, any branch sprouting off a vine doesn't have to struggle to grow, or work to produce fruit. It gains its strength from its life source: The Vine. In the same way, when we make God our life source, we don't have to measure up to a list of criteria in order to be a "good Christian." Our lives will bear good fruit when we are simply connected to Jesus.
Thankfully, there is nothing we can do to make God love us more. Our striving doesn't impress him, and merely leaves us worn out. But when we connect with Jesus daily in prayer, and feed on his Word, we receive the power to live the life we've always wanted. That ruffles the feathers of 99% of the religions out there.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Why are we here? Pt 2
Why do we go to preschool? To prepare us for school. Why do we go to school? To prepare us for a career. Why do we get a career? So we can survive life, get married, raise a family etc. Why do many of us have kids or pets? To bring us joy, fulfillment.
As a parent, I enjoy watching my kids play in the pool. The "safe" way in, is to step and glide in. The "fast" way, is to jump in. The "entertaining" way, is to go off the high dive! Is any way right or wrong? Not really, just different.
My friend James says-"Jumping off a high dive when you are 6 years old is pretty scary. But really it is just one little step. The rest is gravity. Before you know it, you are in the water laughing ready for another go.
So it is with God. Letting go and letting God is scary. But it is spiritual gravity in that when we do, He is there with us all the way—enabling, empowering, and sometimes even carrying us through. With God the 'I cant’s' turn into 'He can,' and 'I will.' God did not save us to put us on a shelf like a trophy. He made us to be part of His purpose. He made us in His image to be part of His family. He gave it all for us and He expects His kids to behave the same way. We have been given so much."
He goes on to say-"Jesus never promised His way was SAFE. He did, however, promise peace...
In C.S. Lewis’ Narnia stories, the children were worried about their first encounter with Aslan, the great lion who represents Jesus. Susan asks, 'Is he safe?' Mrs. Beaver replies, 'Who said anything about being safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe! But he’s good, and he is the King.' Aslan was far from being tamed and housebroken. But he was good, and just, and strong enough to defeat evil. And once the children met Aslan, they began the adventure of their lives."
Sometimes, there are several ways into the pool of life. Yes, some ways are safer than others, yet, God our father may get a chuckle every so often; we may belly flop, but He's there to comfort us when we get the wind knocked out of us.
As a parent, I enjoy watching my kids play in the pool. The "safe" way in, is to step and glide in. The "fast" way, is to jump in. The "entertaining" way, is to go off the high dive! Is any way right or wrong? Not really, just different.
My friend James says-"Jumping off a high dive when you are 6 years old is pretty scary. But really it is just one little step. The rest is gravity. Before you know it, you are in the water laughing ready for another go.
So it is with God. Letting go and letting God is scary. But it is spiritual gravity in that when we do, He is there with us all the way—enabling, empowering, and sometimes even carrying us through. With God the 'I cant’s' turn into 'He can,' and 'I will.' God did not save us to put us on a shelf like a trophy. He made us to be part of His purpose. He made us in His image to be part of His family. He gave it all for us and He expects His kids to behave the same way. We have been given so much."
He goes on to say-"Jesus never promised His way was SAFE. He did, however, promise peace...
In C.S. Lewis’ Narnia stories, the children were worried about their first encounter with Aslan, the great lion who represents Jesus. Susan asks, 'Is he safe?' Mrs. Beaver replies, 'Who said anything about being safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe! But he’s good, and he is the King.' Aslan was far from being tamed and housebroken. But he was good, and just, and strong enough to defeat evil. And once the children met Aslan, they began the adventure of their lives."
Sometimes, there are several ways into the pool of life. Yes, some ways are safer than others, yet, God our father may get a chuckle every so often; we may belly flop, but He's there to comfort us when we get the wind knocked out of us.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The God Factor
When faced with a difficult circumstance we often focus on the the emotional aspect of whatever that problem might be. That fear combined with anxiety, and uncertainty, many times can handicap keeping things in perspective. Nothing causes us to lose perspective like fear of what tomorrow might bring. We tend to forget or discount the God factor. Consequently, many times those decisions are made in fear. God’s desire is to do something great in our lives and give us a proper perspective.
That being said, our greatest fear is God’s greatest opportunity. Remember:
Moses and the parting of the Red Sea
Noah and the flood
David and Goliath
Elisha and the 500 prophets of Baal
Jericho and the walls fall down.
Gideon's 300
That being said, our greatest fear is God’s greatest opportunity. Remember:
Moses and the parting of the Red Sea
Noah and the flood
David and Goliath
Elisha and the 500 prophets of Baal
Jericho and the walls fall down.
Gideon's 300
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I am not skilled to understand
" I am not skilled to understand, what God has willed what God has planned.
I only know at his right hand, stands one who is my Savior.
I take Him at His word and deed, Christ died to save me this I read.
And in my heart I find the need, for Him to be my Saviour.
That He would leave his place on high, and come for sinful man to die.
You count it strange so once did I, before I knew my Saviour.
Yes, living, dying, let me bring, my strength my solace in this spring.
That He who lives to be my king, once died to be my Saviour..."
A Shust
I only know at his right hand, stands one who is my Savior.
I take Him at His word and deed, Christ died to save me this I read.
And in my heart I find the need, for Him to be my Saviour.
That He would leave his place on high, and come for sinful man to die.
You count it strange so once did I, before I knew my Saviour.
Yes, living, dying, let me bring, my strength my solace in this spring.
That He who lives to be my king, once died to be my Saviour..."
A Shust
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Why are we here? pt 1;&version=51;
Ultimately, our goal is to glorify God. His part is to use us in his plans and purposes; our part is to be FAT- Faithful, Available, and Teachable, or PHAT- Persistently Honoring All That. How do we do that? As you go through the day today specifically, think about what little things you can do to honor God, to be used by Him, to keep humble and seek His face as you go about your day.
Are we going to mess up and drop the ball at times? Yep, the last time someone didn't was like what, 2010 years ago?
Ultimately, our goal is to glorify God. His part is to use us in his plans and purposes; our part is to be FAT- Faithful, Available, and Teachable, or PHAT- Persistently Honoring All That. How do we do that? As you go through the day today specifically, think about what little things you can do to honor God, to be used by Him, to keep humble and seek His face as you go about your day.
Are we going to mess up and drop the ball at times? Yep, the last time someone didn't was like what, 2010 years ago?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
"Hey, how's it going?" "Great, how 'bout you?"
"How was school today?" "Fine."
Facades. Are you really okay? How was school, really?
I recently read a story about an elderly woman back in Massachusetts. Everyone loved to help her. When a neighbor noticed her lawn getting long, she paid a grandson to mow it each week. A local church, as an expression of charity, painted her house. During winter, her exterior pipes cracked and the utility company fixed them without comment or cost. And so she lived alone in her beautiful little home quietly and disturbing no one.
But here's the deal; she had died four years earlier of natural causes. The respectable, external appearance of her house had hidden the reality of what was true on the inside. The beautiful exterior had disguised the death inside.
Something similar can happen to us. We spend all of our energy fixing up and maintaining the exterior while we are dying inside spiritually. The Bible says that surrender is the better option. Giving up, or rather giving over, the control of our life to the One who can best guide our footsteps.
"How was school today?" "Fine."
Facades. Are you really okay? How was school, really?
I recently read a story about an elderly woman back in Massachusetts. Everyone loved to help her. When a neighbor noticed her lawn getting long, she paid a grandson to mow it each week. A local church, as an expression of charity, painted her house. During winter, her exterior pipes cracked and the utility company fixed them without comment or cost. And so she lived alone in her beautiful little home quietly and disturbing no one.
But here's the deal; she had died four years earlier of natural causes. The respectable, external appearance of her house had hidden the reality of what was true on the inside. The beautiful exterior had disguised the death inside.
Something similar can happen to us. We spend all of our energy fixing up and maintaining the exterior while we are dying inside spiritually. The Bible says that surrender is the better option. Giving up, or rather giving over, the control of our life to the One who can best guide our footsteps.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Skype 24/7
I recently joined into a new business venture in the travel industry. We Skype 24/7. We share values, marketing ideas, and yes, constructive criticisms. I firmly believe these people have my best interests at heart. I know that in order to grow and succeed in this business, I need to accept their coaching and criticism. Here's an unabashed promotion website to view for anyone interested in highly discounted and potentially free trips to exotic locations.
Same thing when it comes to our spiritual life, it's important to have friends that share common beliefs; an inner circle we respect enough to trust their judgment will keep us on the proper path. If we don't have people in our lives that truly care about our faith, it becomes easy to lose our way. There are times in our lives when we need the truthful judgment of others--even when their criticism is hard to swallow. My spiritual inner circle is my growth group, and mentors; these are the people who share my beliefs and whom I trust to judge me critically and honestly. I am truly thankful to have the judgment of these respected friends.
Hebrews 10:25 (New Living Translation)
25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.
Same thing when it comes to our spiritual life, it's important to have friends that share common beliefs; an inner circle we respect enough to trust their judgment will keep us on the proper path. If we don't have people in our lives that truly care about our faith, it becomes easy to lose our way. There are times in our lives when we need the truthful judgment of others--even when their criticism is hard to swallow. My spiritual inner circle is my growth group, and mentors; these are the people who share my beliefs and whom I trust to judge me critically and honestly. I am truly thankful to have the judgment of these respected friends.
Hebrews 10:25 (New Living Translation)
25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Adjustments in Life
I'm sitting on the couch very gingerly right now, I threw out my back getting boxes out of the attic. In a couple days if it's not better, I know it would be best to go get adjusted at a Chiro.
Os Hillman tells a story of how a grocery store had to adjust how it did business.
There's a story in the Bible where Jesus comes up to some fishermen who had been fishing all night, catching nothing, they has to adjust to catch the critters. When they did, the nets overflowed.
You and I are thrown curves balls in life, and we too, have to adjust.
So this Mid West grocery store noticed it's profit margin sunk during the winter months, couldn't figure out why. It seemed that whenever it was really cold outside, the manager raised the temperature in the store. When customers came into the store it was too warm for them, so they removed their coats and placed them in their shopping carts. This meant less room for food and resulted in reduced sales overall. They lowered the temperature of the store, and as a result, the sales climbed back to the levels they were accustomed to. Their adjustment resulted in restoring sales levels.
So, if you ever wonder why they keep stores cold...Another thing about stores; if you are trying to adjust your diet, just shop the four walls- Dairy, Breads, Produce, and Meats. Forget the middle and watch what that little adjustment does to your bottom (line.)
Ever sat in a chair where one or two of the legs are not adjusted right? Some instances, one whole leg may be missing or broken, causing a dangerous unbalanced situation. Mental, Physical, Social, Spiritual-Four of the chair legs of life.
Any of those legs need adjusting?
Os Hillman tells a story of how a grocery store had to adjust how it did business.
There's a story in the Bible where Jesus comes up to some fishermen who had been fishing all night, catching nothing, they has to adjust to catch the critters. When they did, the nets overflowed.
You and I are thrown curves balls in life, and we too, have to adjust.
So this Mid West grocery store noticed it's profit margin sunk during the winter months, couldn't figure out why. It seemed that whenever it was really cold outside, the manager raised the temperature in the store. When customers came into the store it was too warm for them, so they removed their coats and placed them in their shopping carts. This meant less room for food and resulted in reduced sales overall. They lowered the temperature of the store, and as a result, the sales climbed back to the levels they were accustomed to. Their adjustment resulted in restoring sales levels.
So, if you ever wonder why they keep stores cold...Another thing about stores; if you are trying to adjust your diet, just shop the four walls- Dairy, Breads, Produce, and Meats. Forget the middle and watch what that little adjustment does to your bottom (line.)
Ever sat in a chair where one or two of the legs are not adjusted right? Some instances, one whole leg may be missing or broken, causing a dangerous unbalanced situation. Mental, Physical, Social, Spiritual-Four of the chair legs of life.
Any of those legs need adjusting?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
God and...Playboy?
God and Playboy. Bet you never thought you'd see that in the same line?
I believe it was 1979. Playboy had a pictorial from the number one party school that year -San Diego State University. I was working at the nearby grocery store and recognized one of the bunny hopefuls. Of course, I only bought those periodicals for the articles...articles of clothing maybe, or lack of that is. Yes, I was a curious teen back then. I was in my season of unbelief. Anything that had to do with church or religion was not for me.
So every time she came in the store, I would joke around and ask her out. The response was always the same. I couldn't imagine why she wouldn't go out with me. Finally, one Friday night, I was working Produce, and she came in...again, I asked her out and she said "no thank you," again!
"No I 'm serious, why won't you go out with me?" She went on to say that she only went out with guys who were Christ followers and lived a life accordingly. Well, that stopped me in my tracks. I told her I wouldn't bug her again.
Several weeks passed, and she approached me while in the store, and she asked if I still wanted to take her out sometime. "She's come to her senses" I was thinking, but that was short lived. She had recently gotten involved in a group on campus called Campus Crusade for Christ, and had done a 180 on her prior life. They were having a week long event where national speaker's would come and give nightly talks. She had come to "invite" me to join her the following night, and since each of us have our own motivations, I said "sure."
That night, a speaker talked about a God sized void that's only filled, drugs, and rock and roll? No? Money, prestigue, degrees and titles? No? Fame and fortune, cars and chicks? Again, No? What else doesn't fill a God sized void?
She found it, then, I found it later on in life. Just goes to show you that God can use anything He wants to, including Playboy.
I believe it was 1979. Playboy had a pictorial from the number one party school that year -San Diego State University. I was working at the nearby grocery store and recognized one of the bunny hopefuls. Of course, I only bought those periodicals for the articles...articles of clothing maybe, or lack of that is. Yes, I was a curious teen back then. I was in my season of unbelief. Anything that had to do with church or religion was not for me.
So every time she came in the store, I would joke around and ask her out. The response was always the same. I couldn't imagine why she wouldn't go out with me. Finally, one Friday night, I was working Produce, and she came in...again, I asked her out and she said "no thank you," again!
"No I 'm serious, why won't you go out with me?" She went on to say that she only went out with guys who were Christ followers and lived a life accordingly. Well, that stopped me in my tracks. I told her I wouldn't bug her again.
Several weeks passed, and she approached me while in the store, and she asked if I still wanted to take her out sometime. "She's come to her senses" I was thinking, but that was short lived. She had recently gotten involved in a group on campus called Campus Crusade for Christ, and had done a 180 on her prior life. They were having a week long event where national speaker's would come and give nightly talks. She had come to "invite" me to join her the following night, and since each of us have our own motivations, I said "sure."
That night, a speaker talked about a God sized void that's only filled, drugs, and rock and roll? No? Money, prestigue, degrees and titles? No? Fame and fortune, cars and chicks? Again, No? What else doesn't fill a God sized void?
She found it, then, I found it later on in life. Just goes to show you that God can use anything He wants to, including Playboy.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Good Day!
Good day!
I'm sure at some point we've all heard Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story."
This is one of his classics's, that in light of all the thing's happening around each and every one of us, sometimes we wonder the "Why." A colleague of mine sent me this on Perspective, so I thought I'd share it with you...
“A long time ago there lived an old man who lived in a very small village. The only possession he had was a beautiful horse that was strong and fast. The horse was his only means for providing for himself and his family. One night a great storm arose. The winds blew tremendously. The horse was frightened and ran feverishly about the choral. As the storm continued the gate to the choral was blown open and the horse bolted and ran off into the desert. The next morning the people of the village gathered together to take inventory of the damage from the storm. Upon hearing that the old man had lost his horse the people of the village went to his humble home. All of the people went up to the man saying, "This is a sad day. You have lost your only possession and the only means that you had to take care of your family. This is bad, this is truly terrible." The old man looked at the people and softly replied, "You don't know this is bad, you don't know that this is terrible."
The days went by and the old man worked his land as best he could. He didn't bother to fix the broken down portion of the choral because he had nothing to keep in it anyway. The old man awoke one morning to the sound of prancing hoofs and the familiar neigh of his trusted horse. He darted out of bed and ran to the choral to find not only had his horse returned but it had led 50 wild stallions it had been running with in the desert right into the coral. As the dawn came the people of the village again gathered themselves at the cottage of the old man. The people exclaimed, "This is so wonderful and good. Now you have all of these horses and all this wealth you will never have another worry. What a great and wonderful thing! The old man faced the crowd and softly whispered, "You don't know that this is a wonderful thing, you do not know that this is good."
The old man had a son who was one of the great young warriors in the village. He spent hour after hour training to perfect his skills with the sword and the sling. One day as he was breaking in a strong black stallion he was thrown from the horse and his leg was crushed. Never again would he be able to use those skills he had worked so hard to acquire. When the people of the village heard the news they responded again by saying, "This is so terrible this is such a bad thing. Now this great young warrior is crippled, what an awful, what a terrible thing. The old man responded, "You do not know this is so terrible, you do not know that this is a bad thing."
Not long after the tragic incident the cry of war was heard in the land and the war lords came to the village and took all of the able young men off to battle and the majority of them were killed.”
I'm sure at some point we've all heard Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story."
This is one of his classics's, that in light of all the thing's happening around each and every one of us, sometimes we wonder the "Why." A colleague of mine sent me this on Perspective, so I thought I'd share it with you...
“A long time ago there lived an old man who lived in a very small village. The only possession he had was a beautiful horse that was strong and fast. The horse was his only means for providing for himself and his family. One night a great storm arose. The winds blew tremendously. The horse was frightened and ran feverishly about the choral. As the storm continued the gate to the choral was blown open and the horse bolted and ran off into the desert. The next morning the people of the village gathered together to take inventory of the damage from the storm. Upon hearing that the old man had lost his horse the people of the village went to his humble home. All of the people went up to the man saying, "This is a sad day. You have lost your only possession and the only means that you had to take care of your family. This is bad, this is truly terrible." The old man looked at the people and softly replied, "You don't know this is bad, you don't know that this is terrible."
The days went by and the old man worked his land as best he could. He didn't bother to fix the broken down portion of the choral because he had nothing to keep in it anyway. The old man awoke one morning to the sound of prancing hoofs and the familiar neigh of his trusted horse. He darted out of bed and ran to the choral to find not only had his horse returned but it had led 50 wild stallions it had been running with in the desert right into the coral. As the dawn came the people of the village again gathered themselves at the cottage of the old man. The people exclaimed, "This is so wonderful and good. Now you have all of these horses and all this wealth you will never have another worry. What a great and wonderful thing! The old man faced the crowd and softly whispered, "You don't know that this is a wonderful thing, you do not know that this is good."
The old man had a son who was one of the great young warriors in the village. He spent hour after hour training to perfect his skills with the sword and the sling. One day as he was breaking in a strong black stallion he was thrown from the horse and his leg was crushed. Never again would he be able to use those skills he had worked so hard to acquire. When the people of the village heard the news they responded again by saying, "This is so terrible this is such a bad thing. Now this great young warrior is crippled, what an awful, what a terrible thing. The old man responded, "You do not know this is so terrible, you do not know that this is a bad thing."
Not long after the tragic incident the cry of war was heard in the land and the war lords came to the village and took all of the able young men off to battle and the majority of them were killed.”
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Empty me
'I've tasted the sweet life, the wild ride, and found a little, is not quite enough."
This is a line from former American Idol semi-finalist Chris Sligh. The song goes on to say;
"I know how my heart can stray...Lord, empty me so I can be filled with you."
This is a line from former American Idol semi-finalist Chris Sligh. The song goes on to say;
"I know how my heart can stray...Lord, empty me so I can be filled with you."
Monday, March 15, 2010
Consider others better then yourselves
My surfing, two-man volleyball, and best man in my wedding buddy and I, once memorized Philippians 2. Both of us at the time were struggling in areas of our life and thought it a great idea to memorize this passage for accountability reasons, but also because these are some cool verses.
Here are the first 4:
1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others... a few verses later talks about living a life above reproach.
Here are the first 4:
1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, 2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others... a few verses later talks about living a life above reproach.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It's all good
There are times in life that God's purpose and plan for our lives seems distant and confusing. It's so easy to miss God's truth because of the circumstances that are right in front of us. However, if we can see beyond the now we just might get a glimpse of God and His BIG picture for our lives.
So, does anyone else ever go to the last chapter of a book to get an idea about the how the story ends? Picture a blimp above a parade; not only can things be seen immediately in front of, but also what floats are coming and those that have made it to the end. God is like that; not only does He see the here and now, but also the there and then. Ultimately, when you check the end of the book; It's all good.
All of us have had those days when life doesn't make much sense. It may be with relationships, finances, or work, or lack of, we all have wondered about the meaning and purpose of it all. Sometimes it just takes us changing our perspective to help us see things more clearly. But more importantly, exercising our faith in knowing God knows.
Many times I wonder what the heck? But guess what,
So, does anyone else ever go to the last chapter of a book to get an idea about the how the story ends? Picture a blimp above a parade; not only can things be seen immediately in front of, but also what floats are coming and those that have made it to the end. God is like that; not only does He see the here and now, but also the there and then. Ultimately, when you check the end of the book; It's all good.
All of us have had those days when life doesn't make much sense. It may be with relationships, finances, or work, or lack of, we all have wondered about the meaning and purpose of it all. Sometimes it just takes us changing our perspective to help us see things more clearly. But more importantly, exercising our faith in knowing God knows.
Many times I wonder what the heck? But guess what,
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Too Busy
Sixteen Candles, Home Alone.
These two movies have a common thread, know what it is? In both flicks, the families were so busy with other things going on that they forgot about the kids. Sixteen Candles, with the other daughter getting married, a foreign exchange student visiting, and extended family coming for the wedding; they forget it's her 16th birthday.
Home Alone again, is about the family getting so caught up in getting ready for a flight that they forget one of the kids.
Luke 2 has one of those stories too, except this was where Jesus is missing. Picture this, his mom and dad are going to a festival and after three days, realize Jesus is missing. Three days.
Then there's you and I. Sometimes, we'll get so busy with life that we too can leave without Jesus. It might be a few days and then "Oh no" I haven't talked with Him in awhile.
These two movies have a common thread, know what it is? In both flicks, the families were so busy with other things going on that they forgot about the kids. Sixteen Candles, with the other daughter getting married, a foreign exchange student visiting, and extended family coming for the wedding; they forget it's her 16th birthday.
Home Alone again, is about the family getting so caught up in getting ready for a flight that they forget one of the kids.
Luke 2 has one of those stories too, except this was where Jesus is missing. Picture this, his mom and dad are going to a festival and after three days, realize Jesus is missing. Three days.
Then there's you and I. Sometimes, we'll get so busy with life that we too can leave without Jesus. It might be a few days and then "Oh no" I haven't talked with Him in awhile.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Surf trips and sex talks
"What's better, a whole bunch of baby Christians or only a few mature ones?"
That was the philosophy we had in the early 80's when I worked with a para-church organization called Campus Life, part of Youth for Christ. The idea was to be on the high school campuses and attract kids that otherwise may never step a foot in church, but would be happy to attend "club" at 7:17pm. I have fond memories of those days, but always had lingering questions as to how effective our planting or watering was back in the day.
We had surf trips, sex talks, peer pressure talks, Break Away camps, trips to Mexico, always being certain we wrapped them in the idea of belonging to a group and becoming Christ like.
Last Sunday at Mt Lake Church , I thought for a moment I was back at club giving the sex talk...Three things stuck with me. First, Satan does everything in his power to make us want to have sex outside of marriage, and everything to keep us from having sex in marriage. Next, sex either solidifies our relationship or separates it. And lastly, what is fed grows, but what is starved dies.
Looking back and checking up on many of them on Facebook, I am so happy to see that on so many profile pages, Godly stuff is written! Many of those baby Christians have grown up both physically and spiritually...Must have been the sex talks.
That was the philosophy we had in the early 80's when I worked with a para-church organization called Campus Life, part of Youth for Christ. The idea was to be on the high school campuses and attract kids that otherwise may never step a foot in church, but would be happy to attend "club" at 7:17pm. I have fond memories of those days, but always had lingering questions as to how effective our planting or watering was back in the day.
We had surf trips, sex talks, peer pressure talks, Break Away camps, trips to Mexico, always being certain we wrapped them in the idea of belonging to a group and becoming Christ like.
Last Sunday at Mt Lake Church , I thought for a moment I was back at club giving the sex talk...Three things stuck with me. First, Satan does everything in his power to make us want to have sex outside of marriage, and everything to keep us from having sex in marriage. Next, sex either solidifies our relationship or separates it. And lastly, what is fed grows, but what is starved dies.
Looking back and checking up on many of them on Facebook, I am so happy to see that on so many profile pages, Godly stuff is written! Many of those baby Christians have grown up both physically and spiritually...Must have been the sex talks.
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